Event program:

*Event times are approximate and subject to change.*

All times and dates listed are in Pacific Daylight Time. Click here to see times in your time zone.

All workshops run for 75 minutes including one hour of teaching and fifteen minutes for Q&A.

Wednesday October 16th

5:30pm - Opening Circle with Tess Whitehurst

5:45pm - The Practical Work of Writing: Showing Up and Getting it Done with Tess Whitehurst

In this inspiring class, prolific spiritual author Tess Whitehurst will reveal the tips and tricks that will help you be one of the folks who don’t just *say* they want to write a book, but who write one. This class will help you travel from your dream to your finished product.

thursday October 17th

5:30pm - Creative Blocks, Wounds, and Healing with Tanya Carroll Richardson

Creative blocks and wounds are not only manageable—they can inspire some of our best work and deepest personal healing. When we work with our creative blocks and wounds instead of against them, we realize they are often the gatekeepers to a new level of freedom and fulfillment.

FRIDAY October 18th

5:30pm - Let’s Get Visible! Social Media for Spiritual Authors with Victoria “Vix” Maxwell

Learn how to use social media to promote your book, attract publishers, and connect with readers. Overcome fears, choose the right platforms, create engaging content, and stay authentic. Led by Vix Maxwell who turned her online presence into a book deal.

Saturday October 19th

4:00pm - How to Write Tarot and Oracle Decks with Tess Whitehurst

Writing guidebooks for tarot and oracle decks is a unique challenge, as you must convey messages that are both specific and universal. Tess Whitehurst, author of six existing oracle decks (there are many more in the works) and a forthcoming tarot deck, will show you the ropes.

5:30pm - You Can Go Your Own Way: Self-Publishing for Spiritual Authors with Victoria “Vix” Maxwell

Learn to edit, design, and market your self-published work. Join Vix Maxwell, who’s succeeded in both self-publishing and traditional routes, and find your own path to success!

Sunday October 20th

3:30pm - Demystifying Traditional Publishing with Tanya Carroll Richardson

In this workshop, Tanya Carroll Richardson (author of nine nonfiction books, an annual calendar, and two oracle decks—all traditionally published) demystifies how to get a traditional publishing deal and what will happen afterward. Tanya is excited to offer her hard-won wisdom.

5:30pm to 7:30pm - Group Panel Discussion

Tess, Tanya and Vix will answer your questions live!

Your journey to becoming a successful spiritual author starts here