
New Moon Manifesting Spread

Nothing is more fun than manifesting, especially when it works! Wheeee!

This spread is designed to help y'all with your manifesting on the New Moon, or you know, whenever you want really, but the new moon is super powerful for creating cool stuff! 

You can use this spread with whatever cards you have - Tarot, Angels, Oracles, whatevs! Or even double up and pull a couple of cards for each position! Crazy!

Here's  one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot! x

Here's  one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot! x


This is where you're at right now, what's going on for you in this present moment. Recognise this energy and decide if it's useful for your manifesting stuff. Do you need to shift or change something?

I pulled the Emperor Reversed for this one this morning - I need to get organised in my physical space and get confident about my manifesting before I start!



This card will give you an idea of what mental shifts you could be making to help your manifestations come about, or new mental shifts you want to manifest!

I got Seven of Pents, time for me to shift up some of my thoughts about how hard I have to work in order to bring in enough money, and also to put out some intentions related to working hard enough to create abundance but not burning out. 



This is like a reminder of your gifts and abilities, your spiritual connection. It can also represent some new spiritual stuff to call into your life

I got Page of Cups which is like - use your creative powers to connect with your spirituality and to create more cool stuff (like this!) for New Age Hipster! 



Here's something you can totally manifest this new moon with a bit of help from the universe. This can come about in the next few weeks! YAY!

I got Ace of Pentacles - double yay. I'm taking this to mean stress less about cash flow and manifest the shiz out of it!



Basically you need help with this one. Ask people around you for a hand, or get connected with your spiritual team to really make this one happen. You can't do it alone, and you don't have to!

This could also be about a block you have with receiving this thing, so get that looked at. 

I got Ace of Cups - um triple yay! I probably need some help filling my cup up over the next few weeks, allow myself to take time off and just chill and fill (I suck at that so bad!). 



This is like the long term potential of what you're manifesting this new moon. What's possible over the next few moons, or even further ahead!

I pulled 9 of Pents and like OMG quadruple yay on that. A message that yes, I can be totally sorted with my money stuff and I can have some rose bushes and pet bird if I really want one. Which I probably don't, because the cat might not like it. Also, birds beaks freak me out.


I'd love to know how you find this spread so come find me on Facebook or hashtag #NewAgeHipster on Instagram so I can find you!


With love, light and killer new moon manifesting vibes!



Mercury Retrograde Reading and Spread! x

Mercury Retro Spread by New Age Hipster x

Y'all know how I feel about Mercury Retrograde, and if you don't you can check out the post I wrote about it last time it hit here. Basically, I love it. I've hated on M.R for way too long and it's kind of only made it worse, so my vibe nowadays is to embrace the planets and work with them. Isn't it time we all got along?!

One of the best ways to get through any tricky planetary things is to take a look at what's going on for you around these times and pulling cards is awesome for that!

To help y'all out I'm doing SUPER CHEAP Mercury Retro readings over on my Etsy Store which you can grab at any time during the retro! These are a total bargain and as of November my readings are going to be increasing in price so seriously, get in now while I'm cheap! x

I thought I'd share a spread with you here too, so you can take this Mercury Retrograde as an opportunity to play around with your own decks, practice your craft and do some readings for yo'self. It might be a great time to get out one of those decks you hardly ever use, or a new deck that's been sitting on your shelf waiting for just this moment!

You can pull these in any order, use any kind of Tarot or Oracle deck and do whatever you want with it to suit yourself. But here's the basics to get you crackin'!

Here's one I made earlier, with the Russian Tarot of St Petersburg. x

Here's one I made earlier, with the Russian Tarot of St Petersburg. x


Your M.R Theme

This is your personal Mercury Retrograde theme for the next few weeks. What does this M.R want you focus on? It could be a project, some personal or spiritual dev stuff, or any other message relating to the big picture of this M.R for you. 


Subconscious blocks

What blocks and stuff needs releasing that you aren't even aware of? It could be something you thought was gone long ago, something new you'd never even thought about, or something you've been trying to ignore. It's time to take a look at those suckers!


What has been released

This is when you get to celebrate what you have released over the last few weeks, months or even years! This is the universe saying YAY you, look how far you've come, you've released this you can totally keep going!


Mental blocks

What's going on in your thinking that's holding you back? What old thoughts, old thought patterns and old crushes do you need to sweep out? Negative beliefs about yourself, others and your life, or whatever else is clanging around in there that you don't need, say bai bai now!


Your lessons

What can you learn from this Merc-Ret? We always seem to learn sooooo much when we allow ourselves to be open to lessons at this time instead of just posting memes about how much Mercury sucks. Mercury Retrograde is like that teacher you had that was always hassling you and giving you extra homework, but afterwards you're like - wow, I learned so much from her. 


Share your spreads on Instagram if you wanna with the #newagehipster hashtag! 

Come check out the video I did for our combined conscious energies too!

And if you really wanna make the most of your Mercury Retrograde you may wanna come join us for Woo Woo School! Whoo!

Love, light and happy Retrograding!



Past Life Power Spread

Past Life Power Spread - get a glimpse at your past life issues! - Vix www.newagehipster.co
Past Life Power Spread - get a glimpse at your past life issues! - Vix www.newagehipster.co

I've spent a whole heap of time developing my clairvoyance and it's sooooo cool to get glimpses into my past lives, and the past lives of others! But my clairvoyance has an eye of it's own (lol!) and it always works better when I have some pretty pictures to kick it into gear, and Tarot cards are so perf for this purpose! OMG I just wrote perf. :/

But you don't have to be clairvoyant to get a glimpse of your past lives and be able to use this information to help you in the here and now, because it's super cute to know you were a shoemaker in some little Eastern European town in the middle ages, but how can that help you right now? So here's a Past Life Power Spread I created so that we can all get some messages about our past lives no matter how psychically developed we are!

<3 Get started

You can focus on a question for this, such as "what past life issues relate to the shit I'm going through at work", or just go ahead and ask "what past life stuff do I most need to know about right now?"

<3 Card One: Soul or Soul Lesson

This card represents your soul, or soul lesson. It can show you where you are at and what your life lesson is right now, for example what this shitty job is teaching you. Or it can focus on a bigger life lesson like learning to speak your truth. This card can show you something about your soul! If you get the Star card you have a super shiny soul! If you get the Devil, don't freak out, this is probably just a message for you for you to get out of the bondage that is your shitty job!

<3 Card Two: How this past life affects you now

This is what you have brought with you from your past life into this life. Usually this card is going to show you something that you need to let go of. Whatever is in this card is about your past life, not this life! Let it gooo, let it goooo!

<3 Card Three: Past life power to embrace!

Sometimes we forget the power that we held in past lives, the personality traits we had that were really cool! This card calls you to embrace this power in this life. What's the point of having past lives if we don't get smarter and stronger over the centuries?! Am I right grrls and guys?!

<3 Card Four: A message or memory

So this one is a little vague on purpose. This is a message or memory that your past life has for you. We've seen what we need to let go of and we now know our power, but there might be something else this life wants to show you. A little reminder of who you were, and who you are!

<3 Words of wisdom

Looking into your past lives can be pretty full on. If you aren't ready to, don't go there. You can use this spread without the past life influence like this:

1. where you are right now

2. what you need to let go of in this life/situation

3. your power to call on

4. something to remember about yourself

If you wanna see this spread in action check out the video below! I was just doing an example spread but it ended up being an awesome message for me about a past life!

Let me know how it goes for you, I'd love to know who you were in a past life! Maybe we made shoes together, or hung out under palm trees in Egypt!

<3 Love, light and powerful past lives! <3



Tarot with Friends (Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Joey, Ross and Phoebe)!

Friends Cast playing cards Some people practice their Tarot skills while hunched over a table with a couple of candles, a huge stack of books, some crystals and a deck of Tarot cards. While I do like this method on occasion there's a style of Tarot practice that is just way more me. You know I'm all about Pop Culture Tarot and Tarot making sense in the real world and so that's how I practice!

I gave myself some Tarot homework this week because every time I turn on TV these days, Friends is on. It never ends, and if you are still watching at the start of the next episode you can't get away!  As I found myself falling down the Friends rabbit hole earlier this week I thought I should make the most of it and play Tarot with Friends!

This is a crazy fun Tarot game and you can play alone or with Friends (Ha! LOL!). All you do is sit on your couch, turn on the TV and grab your Tarot cards. Look for cards that represent characters, storylines or locations. Make it harder by using only Court Cards, or Majors or Minors. Experts can use only one suit! Oh! You smarty pants!

I've been watching a lot of Friends lately so I thought I'd double up and so I give you a Major Arcana card and Court Card for each of our favourite TV Friends! 


Let's start with Ross... He's a total dork, a serious loser and a lot of people who've watched this show kind of can't stand him. I don't mind him, he's just a total Dinosaur geek right? So who better in the Major Arcana to represent a Dino Geek than the Hermit? Sure, the Hermit is usually a hell of a lot wiser than a guy like Ross. He mostly relies on book smarts to get by and rarely shows any 'wisdom'. But perhaps he's like a young Hermit. In like, 40 years or something, maybe he'll be wise. Ross is totally the King of Swords. He's all intellect and not so great with his heart, passion or earthly stuff, although Dinosaurs come from the Earth, hrmmmm. But books and History facts are his thing, which makes him a Swords guy. A very different version of the King of Swords than Eric Northman, he's probably more Page of Swords because he's kind of clueless and immature, but maybe he's just still growing into his King of Swords boots.

Ross Friends


Phoebe is a real mystery and a mixed bag. She doesn't totally fit into any of the archetypes of the Tarot that easily, but she's definitely got a whole heap of Moon qualities. Mystery alone makes her a Moon chic. She's a total space cadet with a deep hidden past - she mugged people as a kid and has even alluded to being secretly married in the Las Vegas episode. The Queen of Wands is Phoebe's court card. She's fiery, passionate, super confident (but not very musical!) and always sticks up for herself and her friends. Remember that episode where she was catering a wake with Monica? Monica was too soft to ask the widow for her money and Phoebe just walked right in there in a middle of the widow singing a show tune and demanded that they get paid! Woah, that's what a little Wands energy can do!

Phoebe Friends


And Joey is the Fool. Obviously. He's a kind hearted guy with not a lot going on upstairs, bless his cotton socks. Just like the Fool in the Tarot who is so in awe of life and a believer in all things good in the world, Joey steps off the cliff into the unknown every time he leaves the apartment because he always forgets what he went out for. In the Court Cards Joey is the Knight of Wands, mostly because he always acts first and thinks later, a pretty common Wands thing. He follows his passion, rocks up to audition after audition looking for his big break, but retaining his cool the whole time. His quick mouth often gets him into trouble, but because most of what comes out is completely Fool-like and innocent everyone just loves him even more. Nawww.

Joey Friends Pineapple


Moving onto Rachel and I cast her as the Empress. She's creative, easy going, looks after everyone and is a bit of a mother hen, especially to the boys. Monica thinks she is, but Rachel really tucks everyone under her wing whenever they need it. She's sweet and lovely and is pretty obsessed with the idea of creating an awesome life for herself. Empresses don't always have to be 'mothers' in the literal sense, but they do have a gorgeous nurturing vibe and if they're not giving birth to babies, they need to be giving birth to something else! Rachel is also the Queen of Cups. She's kind and intuitive and one of the things that her Empress is always trying to 'create' is the perfect love affair. Because the truth is, love makes this friend's world go round. Like a lot of Cups people who desire romance with all their heart, being single is even harder for them than for us Swords, Pents or Wands peeps.

Rachel Friends


Chandler, what a joker! His witty one liners give us a giggle, but in terms of plot, they don't get him very far. This makes Chandler the Hanged Man. If you think about it, Chandler is pretty much everyone else's side kick, and he has no real character development until he hooks up with Monica, which is like, ages later! He basically hangs around shooting out sarcastic remarks for years without anything really happening to him. He's having a great time in that tree, living in NYC, hanging out with friends, but is his career, relationship or life really going anywhere?! I've also made Chandler the Knight of Pentacles. He seems like an earthy kind of dude, much more than most of the characters in this show. Chandler may be a joker, but there's a real sense from him even at the start of the first series that all he really desires in life is a a good job with a decent salary, a pretty wife and a couple of kids. He's not into saving the world, he just wants to enjoy his world.

Chandler Friends


And Monica is the High Priestess. Not, in this case, because she's particularly intuitive, but because she's a little on her high horse at times. She thinks she's the High Priestess, the Queen of the apartment block, a little high and mighty. She doesn't do it on purpose, that's just how she is. She likes things a certain way and expects everyone else to just be OK with that. She's not big on compromise, and sees the world in black and white, she doesn't really do grey. Monica is the Queen of Pentacles too. She's the Queen who thinks her apartment and her space is her palace. She likes having nice things around her, good food (oh! Hello catering business!) and she likes to look nice too. She looks after her money and spends carefully, but is more likely to spend money on something nice for the apartment than a new pair of boots.

Monica Geller Friends


I hope you enjoyed reading my Tarot homework. Now your homework is to grab your cards and watch your favourite TV show (or any TV show!) and start pulling out some cards for your characters!

I'd love to know how you go with it so please comment below or find me on Facebook where I'm always around for a chat about Tarot, TV or whatever else you fancy!

<3 Love, light and Tarot with friends <3



Weekly Reading - Hanson Roberts Tarot - 29th December 2014 to 4th January 2014

  Hanson Roberts Tarot

OK guys, here's the weekly reading for the week of the new year! *Clapping!* When I do these readings what I'm doing is like tapping into the energy that surrounds anyone who see this post, or the cards on Facebook or Instagram in the hopes that it will resonate with many of you and bring guidance and help uplift and empower you to make your week rock! I'm using the Hanson Roberts deck, which is the very first deck I ever bought! I love it dearly...


Monday - Six of Pentacles

I've seen this card a lot lately! Yay! Share the wealth today! OK, you might not think you have much, especially if you've over-spent at Christmas... but everyone has something to share. Maybe just share your time, knowledge or skills today. Or at least start thinking about how you are going to do this in the New Year!


Tuesday - Justice Reversed

"But it's not faaaaaaaaiiirrr!" you might find yourself screaming this today, or at least in your head. Yes, life is not fair. I don't know why bad things happen either. Some people think that everything is meant to be and try to find peace in the most horrible circumstances. Not me. I shake my head and scream at the news on TV and then I stamp my foot and send love, light and Angels to the situation. Sometimes that's all we can do, but that doesn't mean we can't at least do that.


Wednesday NEW YEARS EVE!! - Five of Swords Reversed

This is not a night for drama, manipulation, lies, deceit or any of that crap. Tonight is about being your best self. If you have any intentions other than that you might as well stay home. Tonight is for celebrating and uplifting others not dragging anyone into your drama OK? No checking out someone else's date, no complaining about the service or cost of drinks, no getting all negative because someone is wearing your outfit and you think they look better. No being mopey! Start the year as your best self!


Thursday NEW YEARS DAY!!! - Queen of Cups Reversed

This could simply be your hangover. Or this lady is appearing because you may just feel out of sorts. You've been planning, manifesting, you've been working through your Leonie Dawson 2015 Yearbook. Oh, but you thought you'd wake up on the first day of 2015 a new shiny version of yourself and you didn't. Uh, don't freak out. You have 364 days left to be shiny. Recover, relax, rejuvenate. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.


Friday - Seven of Cups

OK time to sit down and work out what the hell you are actually doing. What do you really want out of 2015? Do you want to start your own business? Do you just want a better paying job? Do you want to go back to Uni? Do you want to just work in a bar for a couple of months and then travel overseas? Do you just want to hibernate and worry about it until Summer? Forget what everyone else has on their 2015 wish list, what's really on yours?!


Saturday - Nine of Cups

Boo yah! Saturday is all about being content. This is a day to go shopping with mates in the sales, have a nice dinner out with your love, just bloody sit and read a book all day. Do whatever is going to make you feel 'content'. That's basically abundance right? I think I might go see the new Hunger Games...


Sunday - Five of Rods

Ah yes, the battle between good and evil, AKA the Sunday night blues. If you are going back to work on Monday the world may seem like it's crashing down around you tonight. There's a push/pull inside of you - the I love my life on the weekends, but I hate my job thing. Or even if you like your job it's not like getting out of bed on Monday is ever that fun. Try to remember why you need to go to work and get into some gratitude if you can. It's the start of the year and could be a perfect time to start that gratitude journal you are always going on about. What are you grateful for today?


There's still time to grab your own personal 2015 email reading from my Etsy store. A full reading comes with a 12 month spread, an Angel and Goddess to work with and a Fairy message to get you through the whole year. I'm also offering shorter readings from as little as £10!! OMG!! I've had some wonderful feedback from these and I'm loving being able to give you some insights on your year ahead; the joys and the difficulties that may come up so that you are able to navigate towards or around them!  

<3 Sending you soooo much love and light and sparkly shiny new year good vibes! <3



Weekly Card Reading - 17th to 23rd November (Angel Tarot)

Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

This week our reading comes via the Angel Tarotby Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. There's a lot of debate going on about Tarot versus Angel Tarot or Angel Cards and I'm going to put it out there right now - I don't think there is any difference. Of course there are differences - e.g. Angel cards are 'softer', the art work is different, etc., but I really think the energy and messages all come from the same place. A lot of people have this idea that Angels are some fluffy bunny Christmas decoration type beings, that people who like Angels are 'airy fairy' or too sensitive or whatever. But did you guys know that actually Angels aren't even Angels? OK, that sounds random. What I mean is that Angels are simply light beings that can help us on our path - just like our guides and passed over loved ones. Hundreds of years ago people saw these light beings and mistook their auras and light for wings. So actually, Angels don't even have wings! OMG craziness! It's totally OK if you imagine them with wings though, I mean wings are seriously cool, and an awesome symbol of power and freedom! Enough of the Angel history lecture, let's look at what's happening this week!

Monday - The Magician (Archangel Raziel)

OK, not the first time we've seen this card. You have the wand in your hand today, what are you going to use it for, good or evil? Of course you're going to use it for good. You have the power today, so be careful how you use it. Watch out for your thoughts and your words - catch yourself when you speak negatively about someone or something and try to change it around so you manifest good vibes instead of more negativity.

Tuesday - Four of Earth

This is the Four of Pentacles Angel card version and it's about the need for controlling finances, or even controlling others! Ouch. What are you trying to control right now that you need to let go of? It could be not delegating tasks to others, trying to control a situation or outcome that is totally out of your hands. You don't have to do everything on your own. In fact, you can't do everything on your own. 

Wednesday - Three of Air

Often we spend so much time working on forgiving others we forget to forgive ourselves. Maybe you have had really negative thoughts about others who've done something horrible to you. Forgive yourself for having these thoughts and make an intention to be kinder to yourself. We are human and we have egos and that means occasionally looking at someone on the street and thinking they look terrible. Notice that thought, notice the judgement, make an intention to try not to be so judgemental and then forgive yourself and move forward.

Thursday - Knight of Air

You've been seriously pushing yourself this week, which is awesome, but this might be a good day to take a break. Take a hot bath with some Lush bubbles, send yourself to bed half an hour early, eat carbs and watch some mindless TV. Stop and breathe.

Friday - Queen of Air

This is the Queen of Swords from the traditional tarot. A brilliant woman, but is often seen as cold and not very in-tune with her emotions. Today might be a good day to warm up a little. Give someone a hug. Tell someone how you really feel, look at some cat videos on YouTube. Seek out some warm fuzzies today.

Saturday - Four of Air

Another day of rest! Yay! You are allowed to take the day off. I recently had a conversation with the wonderful Jo Westwood about taking time out. She helped me notice the difference between being 'on' and 'off'. When you are reading self-help books, working on your novel, typing up a blog post, practicing guitar, etc., you are 'on'. Even if you are doing something you love! Take time off today. That means time off from self-help books and creative projects too - this stuff takes a lot of your energy, even though it makes you feel great! Some days you just need to curl up with a novel or have a Greek marathon. Today you are allowed to do that, at least for half the day OK?

Sunday - Five of Air

Wow, we have so much air this week! This card today suggests someone around us might not have totally honest intentions. Listen to your gut today when you meet or speak with others. Stay in your bubble of golden light and don't give more than you can to others. 

Bonus card! 

This card flipped out at the end and I think this is kind of the over-all card for the week. We have The Dreamer (Archangel Metatron). This is the card numbered 0 and I think that's important. This week is the start of something new for all of us. A new leaf is being turned this week, a new way of thinking and being, and it's the beginning of a new amazing journey. I'm so glad that we are all on it together!

Follow me on Instagram, I'm newagehipster333, for the daily version of this reading, and keep in touch over on Facebook, where I'm also newagehipster333. There are lots of great people over there to chat with and we just reached 333 followers so I gave away a bunch of readings and I'll be giving away loads more too! Also you can find out more about how to get a personalised reading at www.newagehipster.co/readings x

<3 Sending so much love and light for a powerful week ahead! <3

