
Dreamweaver Dream Interpretation Spread for Tarot and/or Oracle cards x

Dreamweaver Dream Interpretation Spread for Tarot and/or Oracle Spread x

K, hands up who's been having some super funky dreams lately? Me! I have!

So has Seinfeld! Also, when the actual eff is Seinfeld coming to Netflix already??

Seinfeld strange dreams

I had a real corker of a dream the other night, you know those ones where you wake up and you kind of feel like it really happened?

And then you kinda know that there were some big messages and important insights in that dream but you pretty much have no idea WTF they are?

Yep. Totally right?

So I made this spread for when that happens.

So grab a deck and hit play on the video below for your soundtrack. :D

1. Dreamseed: what seeded this dream?

So this is like the foundation of the dream, what seeded it, what's been going on for you that may have been the the starting point for this kind of dream to turn up in your life.

2. Who or what sent this dream?

If you're into the idea of angels or guides or galactic forces of some kind delivering dreams to you in the night, this card may help you to work out exactly who or what energy has sent this to you. It may just be that your subconscious or fears or someone or something in your waking life sent it too.

3. What is the subconscious up to?

The subconscious can be doing all sorts of things we aren't usually all that aware of. Uh, obvs. This card can help you to understand what your subconscious is really up to

4. What is this dream trying to communicate to me?

Here you'll find some clarity around the message of the dream for you.

5. What do I do with this experience and knowledge?

It can be tricky sometimes to understand what we're meant to do with this kind of full on experience. This card will help you figure it out.

6. What am I supposed to learn/know from this?

Here you should find a clear(ish) message about what you are supposed to have learned or understood from this dream

7. How can I bring this understanding into my waking life?

And here you'll find some info about how to integrate what you've learned about this dream into your regular waking life.

Strange dreams x

So how was that for you? I hope this spread helps you to find some clarity around your dreams. You may want to pull more cards for each position, use more than one deck and/or also include some journalling in your process for extra clarity.


If you're looking for more spreads to play with head to the Start Here page!

And be sure to share your spreads with me on Instagram! Tag me in your posts so I can find you and maybe even help you out if you're stuck, and feel free to share this spread with your friends who are also having freaky dreams too! :)

If you're really stuck and can't shake your freaky AF dreams you can grab a session with me here.


With love, light and sweet dreams,



Five of Wands Spread for Times of Conflict

times of conflict tarot spread by New Age Hipster

This blog post is brought to you as part of the International Tarot Day 2017 blog hop! :D Brought to you by the gorgeous Bree at Nym's Divination.

To hop through all 78 cards check the links at the bottom of this post. x

Here on New Age Hipster we're hanging out with the Five of Wands, the good ole' conflict card.

Feeling like this? This spread is for you! :D x

Feeling like this? This spread is for you! :D x

I dunno how you read Tarot, but I like my readings to be empowering, and sometimes when this card comes up in a reading I feel a little dis-empowered. A card that shows you that things are totally not aligned right now. Cool guides, but I'm more interested in knowing how I can align myself and move through conflict than just seeing that it's there

This spread can help you when you have some conflict popping up in your life, but it can also be used to help you open up your readings when the Five of Wands comes up.

If you're a newbie and you're not sure what I mean by "open up your readings" it's basically when you focus on one of the cards a spread by pulling more cards about that card. It's a great way to really dive deep into your stuff, and great for when a card kind of throws you or you just want more guidance.

You can use this spread for both conflicts in the outer world and conflicts within yourself.

So go grab yourself a deck of cards, your Tarot journal and a cuppa and let's get stuck in! :D

Here's one I made earlier with the Hanson Roberts Tarot x

Here's one I made earlier with the Hanson Roberts Tarot x


I like to start this spread by placing the Five of Wands at the bottom, whether I'm opening up from the card or not, just as a bit of a signifier but you can do whatever floats your boat.


Card one: what is the foundation of this conflict?

This card will give you an idea of where the conflict came from and what the roots of this conflict really are. Oftentimes what you're fighting about is really not "the thing" right?


Card two: what part have you played in this conflict?

Oh, we all like to think we are blameless in these situations, but even if we're mostly blameless there are always things we perhaps could've done differently. Taking some responsibility for your part is powerful and will help you move through conflict with grace.


Card three: what is the lesson to be learned?

Conflict can be one of our greatest teachers. When we allow ourselves to learn through challenges we can actually move through them much quicker!


Card four: how can this conflict be resolved?

What do you need to do to resolve this conflict? Maybe you need to take some action to smooth things over, maybe the action you need to take is walk away. This card will let you know!


Card five: how can you avoid this kind of conflict in the future?

This card will give you some advice on how you can avoid seeing the Five of Wands again for a while! :D


You can find a list of all my other spreads over here and if you'd like to hook up a session with me you can hit the shop here.


Check the links for the previous + next blog in the hop!


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Happy International Tarot Day! :D

With love, light and conflict resolution,



Wonder Woman Tarot and/or Oracle Spread

Wonder Woman Tarot Spread

If you haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, get thee to a cinema ASAP and enjoy the girl power delights for your eyes!

If you're ready for the divine feminine to rise, you're going to freaking love this film.

I took my mum to see it the other day and my inner Goddess was like "yeaaaaaaaaaah giiirrrrrrrrrl" through the whole thing.

Also, did anyone else have major Atlantean flashbacks during the scenes on Themyscira? :O

Anyway, let's get down to bizniz!

This spread, inspired by Wonder Woman is perfect for trying times, times of battle or difficulty, times when you're starting to feel exhausted from fighting the patriarchy or generally when you feel you could use some Wonder Woman energy.

You can use Tarot or Oracle cards, or a combo of both. Whatever deck you have to hand is perfect. :)


Card one: Headband: What is your intuition telling you?

Sometimes when we're fighting something or someone, we can get so caught up in the situation that we forget to check in with what our intuition and guidance is telling us about the way through.

This card will help you reconnect to your own intuition and guidance about the issue at hand.


Card two: Shield: What do you need to protect?

When moving through challenges, protection is vital. This card can help you to see what it is that needs to be protected at this time.


Card three: Lasso: What do you need to sacrifice?

In all battles there are always things we need to sacrifice in order to win the war. This card will help you see what it is that you need to gracefully sacrifice in order to move forward.


Card four: Sword: What are you fighting for?

When we've been fighting for a while we can start to forget how we even got there, and what we're even fighting for. This card can help you to see what the big picture of the situation is.


Card five: Armbands: How can you deflect negativity?

You can't win a battle if you're getting hit by energy bullets. This card can help you to see how you can deflect negativity around you so you can stand in your power and light.


Please tag me if you share your reading on Instagram so I can find you! :D

If you liked this spread and want more, head to the Start Here page for a list of all spreads on this blog.

And if you fancy a reading with me check out the New Age Hipster Shop.

With so much love, light and divine feminine power,



Full Moon Magic Spread for Tarot + Oracle x

Full Moon Magic Tarot Spread

I made a full moon releasing spread aaaages ago and I thought it could be time to make a new one! :D

The spread is ideally used in conjunction with the powerful energy of the full moon! But, you know, you can really do it anytime, especially if you're wanting to clear, release and set intentions.

You can use any deck of your choosing - Tarot, Oracle, Angel or NewAgeHipster InstaOracle :P

Pour yourself a magical tea brew and let's get started...

Here's one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot x

Here's one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot x

CARD ONE: Where are you at this full moon?

This card will show you where you're at, what you most need to know about your present energy and/or situation.

I got Page of Swords reversed. This feels like it's about a resistance to clearing and moving through some gunky energy that's been holding me in place.


CARD TWO: What needs to be seen and known tonight?

This card is all about what you need to see and know, what are you ignoring? What are you unaware of that you need to bring to the surface? Sometimes this is intentionally an ignoring or pushing down of things we don't want to look at, other times it could be something we are not aware of, but need to be.

I got Ten of Cups, a kick in the pants to stay in gratitude!


CARD THREE: What needs to be released?

What are you being called on to clear and release this full moon? It could be something recent, or something from your past or even past lives!

I got Six of Cups reversed. Time to take off those rose coloured glasses of the past and send them into the light!


CARD FOUR: What energy do you need to call in?

This could be about calling in a particular energy to work with such as a deity or guide, or it may be about calling in a particular trait or mindset.

I got the Six of Pentacles. Abundance mindset coming in!


CARD FIVE: What intentions need to be set?

This card can help you to set a clear and aligned intention for this moon cycle. Feel free to pull more cards here to get extra clear too!

I got the Hermit reversed and for me this is about finding balance within and in my life.


CARD SIX: What magic will be made?

Oooh, so this is where we can check in with potential outcomes of the magic we will make this full moon. You can also choose this card face up from your deck if you'd like to add a touch of extra magic to this reading!

I got the Knight of Wands reversed. The magic I will make is all about getting back on the horse and moving forward again with my goals and dreams!


Let me know how this spread works for you! :D And please do tag me in your pics if you share them on Instagram!

With so much love, light and magic,



If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)

The Circle spiritual development group

13 Reasons Why Spread for Tarot + Oracle x

13 Reasons Why Tarot Spread

13 Reasons Why is my current Netflix crush.

If you need a heads up, the story is basically about Hannah, a girl in High School who commits suicide and leaves behind a bunch of tapes that share her story, the people and events that contributed to her decision.

There has been some controversy around the fact that the show doesn't really explore the issue of depression and mental illness and instead just focuses on the bullying she experienced. I do agree with this personally, but I also think it's a great show in that it challenges us to think about how we interact with others, and how this may affect them more than we realise.

This spread gives us an opportunity to check ourselves when it comes to our own relationships.

I made this one with the Enchanted Tarot x

I made this one with the Enchanted Tarot x

1. PLAY: what energy is at play in your current relationships?

This card will let you know what the main theme that's weaving through your relationships at present.


2. REWIND: how can you forgive yourself and others for past stuff?

People can be real jerks to each other, we can be real jerks too. How can you begin to put this behind you?


3. STOP: what do you need to stop doing in relationships?

We often like to play the victim, but sometimes we do stuff we need to stop doing too.


4. FAST FORWARD: how can you make your current relationships move forward?

This card will show you what action you can take to make your relationships awesome sauce.


5. TURN OVER: what new leaf can you turn over in your relationships?

This card can basically show you how to be a better friend and lover.


6. CHANGE TAPE: what new energy do you need to bring into your relationships?

This card will let you know what new energy, thoughts and beliefs about your relationships would be good to bring in, whether it's calling in new friends, going out to that speed dating event or rekindling the spark, new energy can really boost our relationships!


For all my other spreads head here, and you can get a reading with me here.

With love, light and awesome relationships,



Breaking Free with the Devil

Breaking Free with the Devil New Age Hipster

We're back with another episode of Scary Tarot Cards and today we're going to hang out with the Devil.

This is one of the cards in the tarot that people kind of freak over.

While many of us are aware that the Devil is really just an olde worlde Christian construct to make the Pagan God Pan out to be evil, we have still been so programmed to see the Devil as "evil" or "bad" that turning this guy over in a reading can give some of us a bit of a fright.

Instead of losing your shiz when you see this guy in your reading, here's some really simple and higher vibe ways to think about the Devil Tarot card...

The Devil from the Robin Wood Tarot x

The Devil from the Robin Wood Tarot x


Controlling relationships

The Devil often comes up in readings for clients when there's an element of control present. While this card sometimes tells us that there is abuse present, more often than not I find this card comes up when there is an energy of one person having the upper hand in other ways.

So if you ask about your new guy/girl and pull this card, be discerning and keep yourself safe, but also have a think about the power balance. Are you always waiting for him/her to text you back? Playing the "don't text until Wednesday" game? Or how about always letting them choose what you watch on TV? Or maybe you just generally feel like you're more into them than they are with you.

This can also come up in friendships where there is an imbalance of power and also for stuff going on in family relationships.

We can also be the Devil in relationships. Are you trying too hard to control the person you're with? 

It's always useful when big cards like the Devil come up to pull more cards around the issue to really work out what's going on, instead of just having a freak out and thinking the worst.



I speak to a lot of people in my work who feel very stuck in their present situation. Whether it's where they live, the job they are in, or life in general.

We tend to blame things - money, or lack thereof, other people, our family, our partner, our lack of confidence and self-esteem when we're feeling this way.

Sometimes this is useful in identifying what's keeping you stuck, but it's also worth remembering that most of the time, the Devil is your own stuff, your own limiting beliefs about yourself. 

When we feel stuck, the Devil represents whatever it is that is keeping us where we are. You can always pull another card or even do a whole spread to help you pin point what is holding you down and how to release yourself from it.



The Devil can also represent addictions. While there are the big ones - drugs, alcohol, gambling, food, there are also other addictions that can keep us trapped.

Being addicted to checking Instagram, addictions to coffee, procrastination or certain types of behaviours.

Pull more cards around this if you need to and ask how you or the person you are reading for can begin to heal and recover from THEIR addictions.



I've seen the Devil come up often to represent general fear energy.

Fear can be a powerful messenger for us at times. It can show us where we're stuck, where we are feeling scared and anxious, and what we are really afraid of. Looking our fears in the face can be powerful and freeing, so if you have some fear to feel and work through, the Devil may let you know.


Breaking Free

Although the Devil card can absolutely show us our addictions, who or what is controlling us or what we're trying to control, our fear stuff and where we are stuck in life, what I love the most about the Devil card is the opportunity to break free.

When the Devil card comes up you have two choices. You can read it as "you are trapped" or "you can break free".

Breaking Free with the Devil Tarot Card x

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this card! Let me know in the comments what comes up for you when you see the Devil card in your readings.

You can find the other Scary Tarot Cards posts here.

If you'd like to get a personal reading with me you can do that by heading to the shop.


With so much love, light and breaking free,



Venus Retrograde Spread for Tarot or Oracle x

Venus Retrograde Tarot Spread

Happy Venus Retrograde lovers! :D

So wtf actually is Venus Retrograde? Well, it's when Venus appears to be going backwards in the sky. You know how when Mercury goes Retrograde it throws a whole bunch of light on what's going on in the communication areas of our lives? Well, Venus is kind of like that but it throws light on the stuff we love.

Stuff concerning Love and Money are the main things that come to the surface during a Venus Retrograde, and I always find that usually it's stuff that is ready to be cleared.

It's an awesome time to let go of exes and past crushes, to do some work on your own money/abundance stuff and the thing I love best about Venus Retro, is it always highlights to me what I really value and care about.

So I created this really simple spread to help you to work out what you value, and how to reconnect to the things you appreciate and love the most.

Grab yourself a tea in a unicorn mug and a deck of cards (tarot, oracle, newagehipster instaoracle or whatever!) and let's do this!

The Shadowscapes Tarot, one of my all time faves. x

The Shadowscapes Tarot, one of my all time faves. x

CARD ONE: where's your heart at?

Venus retrograde will show you what's going on in your heart in a big, big way. This card will  help you to work out where you are, what's on your heart and if you have any blocks or challenges in this area.

I got the Ace of Swords (current stalker card!) and to me this is all about feeling into the new power energy coming in, but also blending my heart and mind stuff.


CARD TWO: what are your subconscious values?

Sometimes we really aren't aware of what we value. We might be saying we value one thing, but actually, when we dig a little deeper we find out there's a lot more going on!

I got the Queen of Pentacles. This was pretty big! I always like to pride myself on not really being focused on cash money, but this reminds me that actually, I do really value financial abundance and security, perhaps more than I realise at times!


CARD THREE: what do you no longer value?

Values change. What you value now will probably be very different to what you most valued a few years ago and that's usually a good thing! 

I got the Page of Wands and to me this feels like a hello from some of my old values around being seen, dancing on the podium in the club and getting the lead in the school play. While I still value being seen, I feel like I now value being heard and being understood a lot more than just being "seen".


CARD FOUR: what do you *think* you value?

Ooooh, this can bring up some stuff! Sometimes what we think we value is not what we value at all!

I got the Five of Wands. A little bit of a weird one in this position, but what I get from this is that I *think* I value competition, hustle, having things to do, things to deal with and rushing around being cray busy. I don't really value that stuff, what I do value is a chill life.  *Jaw drop. Totes.


CARD FIVE: how can you best reconnect with what you value and love most?

This card will help you to connect to what is really important to you in the here and now.

I got the Hierophant here. This feels a bit like teaching what you know. I can reconnect to what I love by helping others to reconnect to what they love. Naaw!


Pop by the Tarot Nerds or Spiritual Journey Pitstop  group if you wanna chat about your own reading, or tag me in your Instagram pics so I can find you!

And if you want me to read for you, check out the New Age Hipster Shop.

With love, light and loved up Venus vibes,



PS - all my other spreads can be found here.

Dealing with the haters spread for tarot or oracle cards

Dealing with the haters tarot spread

Urgh, who here has ever had to deal with a hater? *Puts hand up.

The more you put yourself and your light out there the more haters seem to pop up to try to pull you off your magical unicorn.

So not cool.

Here's a spread you can use when you're feeling totally bummed by the haters.

Grab your Tarot, Oracle, Unicorn or Snap cards and let's do it!

Here's my own spread with the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

Here's my own spread with the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

Card one: why has this hater affected you?

Some days haters will not bother us at all, we can barely even notice them. Other days it's like we're being thrown daggers and whatever we do, we can't dodge them.

This card will help you to work out why this particular hater has gotten under your skin.

I got Veggie Burger. This feels like my hater is affecting me because it makes me feel like I'm not free or safe to make my own choices without judgement.


card two: what truth do you need to see?

When we look deeper we can usually see there's so much more to situations than "that person hates me". Sometimes we need to see a truth about ourselves, sometimes we need to see a truth about the other person involved.

I got Path. The truth I need to see relates to me staying on the path and not running off to chase haters and get mega distracted, so much so I might even get lost! Yikes!


card three: how can you reconnect to your own heart space?

Dealing with haters can bring up all the emotions, especially stuff happening in your chest and heart space. This card will show you what you need to know in order to reconnect with with your heart.

I got Light. 'Nuff said really. White light heart chakra clear out stat!


card four: how can you call back your power now and in the future?

Haters can make us feel really dis-empowered. Ick. This card will help you to begin to move back to your own power in the now, and also give you some advice on what you can do next time you encounter a hater.

I got Donuts. For me this is all about choices. It is my choice how I deal with the haters in my life. I can get mad and sad and eat all the donuts, or I can maybe just sit with one donut and a decaf coffee, have a bit of a moan and then let it go and move on.


card five: how to overcome, let go and move on

Ah  yes, if it only it were really that easy... well maybe it is! This card will give you some high level guidance on how you can overcome this situation and move on with your day, and your life.

I got Home. This feels to me like literally - "go home"! This feels like both a literal going home, getting safe on my couch and watching a John Hughes movie, or calling my folks, but also it's a message to connect with my inner home and my spirit family.


If you wanna share your spreads head on over to the Tarot Nerds Facebook group or tag me in your pics on Instagram so I can find you!

With love, light and dealing with the haters,



The Breakfast Club Spread for Tarot + Oracle Cards

Breakfast Club Tarot Spread by Vix from New Age Hipster

The Breakfast Club is one of the most awesome movies ever made.

I got to thinking lately about the archetypes featured in the movie. We each have all of the archetypes of the tarot within us, and I think we all have all the archetypes featured in the Breakfast Club within us too.

I thought it would be cool to make a spread to help us get some messages from our own inner BASKET-CASE, inner criminal, inner brain, inner athlete and inner princess.

So grab a decaf earl gray and your tarot, oracle, uno or playing cards and let's have a play! :D

Here's one I made earlier with the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

Here's one I made earlier with the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

CARD ONE: What blocks you from being seen and loved by others?

This card will shed a little light on why sometimes you might struggle to fully connect with others and feel seen and loved when you do.


CARD TWO: Where should you play by the rules?

Sometimes rules are there for a reason. This card will show you how to play the game. (This card may also show you where not to play by the rules!)


How can you stand in your confidence and power?

There is nothing wrong with being a brain or a geek. Freaking own it! This card will show you how. 


How can you better focus your intent and take action?

Taking action is so important, but you have to make sure you have a clear intention and focus otherwise it's just wasted energy. This card will point you in the right direction.


How can you let go of ego and be of service to others?

How can you drop the "what will I get out of it?" and just be of service?


If you wanna share your readings with me you can do that over on the Tarot Nerds Facebook Group or tag me on Instagram!

And if you want to have me sling some cards for you, check out the New Age Hipster Shop.

With love, light and 80's archetypes,



He-Man Spread for Tarot or Oracle Cards x

He-Man Spread.png

Last week I posted a She-Ra Spread to help us with standing in our power.

I talked about how I reckoned that She-Ra was an embodiment (uh, cartooniment?) of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine.

And because I'm all about equality of the sexes I decided that it wouldn't be right not to follow up with a He-Man spread for connecting with our own inner divine masculine!

If you've got a bit of time you might want to check out all my spreads here, and if you wanna know how you can connect with He-Man in spirit guide form check out my post about Pop Culture Spirit Guides! :D

Okies, now go grab a cuppa and a deck of cards (oracle or Tarot, anything will do!) and I'll meet you back here!

Here's one I did earlier with the Revelations Tarot. x

Here's one I did earlier with the Revelations Tarot. x

What beliefs do you hold about your own masculine energy?

There's a lot of issues with the Patriarchy right now and it's easy at times to like, not want to connect with our own masculine energy because of it. But the divine masculine is cool. It's like all the good aspects of masculine energy.

This card will show you what beliefs (positive or negative) you have around connecting with your own masculine energy


What are your power tools?

This is not about literal power tools, like chainsaws. This is about using the tools you already have (material or within you) to connect to your power.


What is your heart strength?

The Divine Masculine is so total heart strength. What is yours?


What's up with your willpower?

Willpower is pretty useful when it's working. This card will show you what you need to know about your own strength of will.


How to connect with your courage and strength

And lastly, a card to show you how to connect with your inner courage and strength as you move forward on your path of power!


I'd love to check out your readings using this spread, so please tag me on Instagram or come share in the Tarot Nerds group on Facebook! :D

With love, light and powers of Greyskull,

