Living your Purpose, Being a Starseed & Healing Waters with Rebecca Campbell | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 038

This week on the New Age Hipster Radio podcast we’re chatting with a woman who needs no introduction: Rebecca Campbell!

I’ve been a fan of Rebecca’s work ever since Light is the New Black, and you can actually find my name on one of the pages in that book! I believe her work is just so important, potent and needed in the world right now. A modern mystic after my own heart, Rebecca has such a high vibe but down to earth way of moving through the world and she is such an incredible teacher, writer and inspiration to so many of us on the magical path.

In this episode of New Age Hipster Radio I fan girl for a few moments and then we chat with Rebecca Campbell about finding and living your purpose, trusting and following the nudges, living a spiritual life, running a spiritual business and being an author, being a starseed, healing with water and so, so much more!

We of course also talk about her brand new oracle deck The Healing Waters Oracle.

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Rebecca’s origin story, from advertising guru to spiritual teacher

  • Finding and living your purpose

  • Living a soul-led life

  • Starting and running a spiritual business

  • The magic and success of Light is the New Black

  • Being a starseed - what it means, how to know if you are one and why it’s (not so) important

  • The energy of water and why it’s so important for us to reconnect with

  • The new Healing Waters Oracle

ABOUT Rebecca:

Rebecca Campbell is a writer, poet, mystic, artist, ritualist, and mother. Her creations are dedicated to weaving the soul back into everyday life. She is the international best-selling author of: Rise Sister Rise, Letters to a Starseed, The Work Your Light Oracle, The Rose Oracle, The Starseed Oracle, The Healing Waters Oracle and Light Is The New Black.

Connect witH Rebecca here:


Instagram: @rebeccacampbell_author

With lots of love and following the nudges,




Astrology & Mystical Thinking with Emma Howarth | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 037

This week on the New Age Hipster Radio podcast we’re chatting with author, glamour horoscopes writer and the O.C fan Emma Howarth!

In this episode we chat all about Emma’s new book The Astrology Almanac 2024 and dive into some astrology basics for all you astrology noobs out there who are wanted to use astrology in a more impactful way in your spellwork and in your life. Emma also dissects my “big three” (sun, moon and rising sign)! 😅

We also talk about Emma’s first book which I absolutely loved (and I’m even quoted on the book cover!) A Year of Mystical Thinking: Make Life Feel Magical Again published by Hay House. This book is an “Eat, Pray, Love” for the rest of us! We chat inclusive and accessible spirituality and finding the magic in every day.

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Astrology!

  • The Big Three (sun, moon and rising signs and what they mean!)

  • Ken and Barbie’s astrology

  • The O.C’s Seth and Ryan’s astrology (and find out if we’re team Seth or team Ryan!)

  • Retrogrades (and why you don’t need to fear them!)

  • Finding the magic in every day

  • Accessible spirituality

ABOUT Emma Howarth:

Emma Howarth is a lifestyle and travel writer, horoscope columnist for Glamour UK and the author of two magical books. Her memoir A Year of Mystical Thinking: Make Life Feel Magical Again was published by Hay House in 2021 and her latest book The Astrology Almanac 2024 (with Leaping Hare Pressis available to pre order now. She loves a good cup of tea and has a cat called Moonbeam.

Connect witH emma here:



With lots of love and mystical thinking,




8/8 Lion's Gate Portal, Heliacal Rising of Sirius & Sirian Star Beings | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 036

Everyone’s talking about the 8/8 Lion’s Gate.

But what actually is it? Does it have anything to do with astrology? Ancient Egypt? How can the stars be aligning on 8/8? Isn’t that a bit specific? And what’s all this about Sirian Star Beings?

Gorgeous souls, I went on a deep dive, trawling the internet for hours going deep into the history and astrology of the Lion’s Gate so you don’t have to!

Now you can just sit back and relax and enjoy the magick of the portal!

In this podcast episode I talk about:

  • Lion’s Gate! (Obviously!)

  • Leo Season

  • The numerology of 8/8

  • The heliacal rising of Sirius

  • Why Sirius was so important to the Ancient Egyptians

  • Working with the Neteru (the gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt)

  • Ancient Aliens (yes I go there)

  • A practice I do every year to journey through the portal

  • Other practices you can do to use and amplify this energy!

If you would like to have a deeper experience with the Lion’s Gate this year, join me for:



Fully inclusive and open to all!

Tuesday 8th August 2023

6pm Melbourne time / 9am UK time

Monday 7th August 1am LA / 4am NYC


Join us for a magickal evening (or watch via replay anytime!) as we journey through the 8/8 stargate together.


  • Work with yogic breathwork to shift and clear what is no longer needed

  • Learn and practice a powerful ancient healing mantra said to have origins in Ancient Egypt and Atlantis

  • Meditate and journey to the Sirius Star to meet with the Sirian Star Beings and receive their guidance and blessings

  • Set magickal intentions for this new chapter


With love and Sirian starlight,




Love is the Way with Maria Saraphina | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 035

This week on the New Age Hipster Radio podcast I have the absolute honour of speaking with Maria Saraphina.

I’ve known Maria Saraphina for what feels like (and probably is!) lifetimes! I have followed her work for many years, taking part in her programs and memberships and listening to (and being a guest!) on her various podcasts including the Magdalene Voices and the Spiritual Business podcast.

Maria Saraphina is a spiritual business coach and spiritual teacher who leads with love.

In this podcast episode Maria Saraphina shares how she lives her life and teachers and works with others using the core principal: “love is the way”.

Maria Saraphina is one of the most heart-centred people I know and I feel so honoured and blessed to be able to call her a friend. I hope this episode helps you to awaken to deeper love within yourself and in your life!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Love is the way: a core principal for life

  • Manifestation through flow and alignment

  • Compassion!

  • The missing peace to many spiritual teachings (hint: it’s love, compassion and kindness!)

  • Moving from fear to love

  • The evolution of our beliefs and our businesses

  • Veganism as a spiritual practice

ABOUT Maria Saraphina:

Maria Seraphina is a Truth sayer, Nay Slayer, Preacher, Priestess, Writer, Facilitator, Teacher, Mother of Divine Love Notes, Weaver of Worlds, Keeper of Secrets, Healer, Connector, Creator, God lover, Jesus Freak, Student, Teller of Stories, Star Seed, Vessel for Ancient Wisdom, Host of The Magdalene Voices.

A spiritual business coach, Energy Alignment Method Mentor, Catalyst and Facilitator, Maria Saraphina works with clients and students to help you align your energy, business and life with your truth, values and true purpose.

Connect with Maria Saraphina here:



With big big love,




Kundalini Yoga FAQs

So, what’s this Kundalini yoga thing all about, then?

Taking your first class, or thinking about it? Maybe you’ve been going to classes for a while but have questions. Hopefully they will be answered here!

🐍What actually is Kundalini yoga?

Kundalini yoga focuses on - you guessed it! Raising the Kundalini!

“Kundalini” has many different definitions and translations, but in a nutshell, it’s the divine creative energy that we are all born with. The Kundalini energy is the Shakti, the divine feminine creative power within each of us. This energy lies dormant in the spine until it is activated. It can be activated in many ways, but Kundalini yoga does an amazingly good job of safely and quickly raising the Kundalini energy.

When the Kundalini is activated in your root chakra it can then move through your chakras and creates a powerful connection between you (the finite) and universal consciousness (AKA God, the divine, the infinite).

Kundalini yoga uses mantra, chanting, breathwork, physical movement and meditation to make this happen.

And once you get it moving, Kundalini yoga can help it keep moving!

⚡I’ve heard that Kundalini Yoga is “intense”, how do I know if I’m ready for it?

Great question! Kundalini yoga can be intense, but not always, and you are always in complete control in class as to how far you want to go. If any of the practices feel like too much in the moment, you can always pull back and take a break.

Kundalini yoga moves energy and that can be an uncomfortable experience, especially if you’re not used to it. Kundalini yoga is called the “yoga of awareness” and so it may bring things to light. It’s not unusual to cry during a class or to feel other emotions coming up. You might feel angry (especially if you’re holding a posture for a long time!), or you may feel completely blissed out and in love with yourself and the universe! Every class hits different. Sometimes Kundalini yoga just makes you feel better, and then you go on with your day with a lighter step!

People are usually ready for Kundalini yoga when those nudges start coming. If you’re suddenly seeing Kundalini content popping up on your social media, noticing Kundalini books in bookshops, seeing flyers on noticeboards, or if you’re just curious about Kundalini yoga in any way that can be a nudge that it’s time to check it out!

Kundalini yoga is not for everyone. It requires a willingness to sit with yourself. Sometimes in some unusual positions.😅

However, if you have done some personal and/or spiritual development work already and you’re keen to go deeper within yourself to heal, clear and release some old junk as well as activate your soul, heart, mind and personal power, these practices can be very powerful.

🥨Do I have to be flexible or fit to do Kundalini yoga?


There are no levels in Kundalini yoga and you are always welcome to come and modify as needed. Most teachers (including me!) will give you modifications.

Not everyone is a pretzel. I’m not a pretzel either but I still get so much out of the practices even when I modify them to work with my body.

It’s said that 80% of the work in Kundalini yoga is just showing up. So even if you just sit in easy pose the whole time, you’re still getting a lot of benefit! 😅

🎶What’s with all the chanting at the start?

Most Kundalini yoga classes start with two mantras:

Ong namo guru dev namo

This roughly translates as “I bow to the divine wisdom within” or “I bow to the invisible guru.” Guru meaning the one who removes the darkness.

This mantra sets the intention for class, connects you to your higher self, inner and divine wisdom.

Then we chant:

Aad Guray Nameh
Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru Devay Nameh

This roughly translates as:

I bow to the Primal Wisdom, I bow to the Wisdom through the Ages, I bow to the True Wisdom, I bow to the great, unseen Wisdom.

This is a protection mantra which creates safe space and a shield of light around you as you practice. You can find out more about this in my Shield of Light workshop!

🧘‍♀️What actually happens in a class?

Usually we chant, then do some physical warm ups and a physical kriya. Kriyas are movement sets that are done to achieve a certain specific outcome. You can think of them like HIIT workouts for the physical and energy bodies, or like spells using the movements of the body instead of magickal tools.

Then you get a nice lie down for a bit and before you sit up for a final meditation. This varies, but it can involve chanting, mudra and/or some simple physical movements.

Then we finish with the Long Time Sun song. This is a blessing we sing to ourselves, for ourselves, for each other and the world. Cool fact about this song is it was written by The Incredible String Band in the 1960s.

😲What? I thought these were ancient practices?!

Ok, let’s back up a bit here. Kundalini yoga is an ancient technology that has been practiced for thousands of years. A lot happens in that amount of time and so there are many versions of these practices out there. In the west many of us practice a style of Kundalini yoga that came through the Sikh tradition (this is what I practice and teach). It was brought to the west in the 60s by Yogi Bhajan. And during that time, he found out about the Incredible String Band’s Long Time Sun song and started adding it to the end of class.

🙄Isn’t Yogi Bhajan a bit problematic?

Yes. A lot of people choose not to practice Kundalini yoga because of this, but unfortunately most spiritual and magickal paths have had problematic teachers. If we were to stop practicing anything that had connections to problematic teachers, most of us would be without practices pretty quickly.

On any path we must be able to separate the teachings from the teacher.

To throw out thousands of years of ancient wisdom because of one man’s challenges and choices doesn’t work for me. Yes, there have been problematic teachers on this path, but there have (and are!) thousands and thousands of teachers who are doing the work on themselves and holding beautiful safe space for the teachings to be shared and experienced. I like to think I am one of them!

The days of guru worship are over. As you embark on any spiritual journey (including Kundalini) always trust yourself, use discernment and listen to your own intuition.

🤍What’s with everyone wearing white all the time?

It’s said in the teachings that wearing white expands the aura. It becomes a kind of practice in itself to wear white. Because white is harder to keep clean, when wearing it you become more aware of how you eat and where you sit, making you move through the world in a different way.

Wearing white is totally optional. Try it and see how you feel. Or just wear whatever is comfortable for you!

I love the feeling of wearing white when I practice yoga, but I also love colour and so you’ll find me sometimes teaching all in white, other times I’ll be wearing leopard print! 😜

The most important thing is just to be comfortable. Wear leggings, dress like you’re going to the gym, or wear something baggy, flowy and comfy, or a bit of both! There are no rules.

👳‍♀️Ok, and what about the head coverings?

There are various reasons people like to cover their head during Kundalini yoga. It’s said to protect the crown, raising the Kundalini safely through the chakras rather than blasting the crown and connection to source wide open (which isn’t a great idea).

Some teachers say that wearing a turban activates pressure points and/or holds the bones of the skull in correct place for deeper meditation. Others choose to wear a head covering as a way to pay respect to the Sikh tradition and some wear a head covering as a practice in itself or a way to a prepare and set intention to practice.

There is no right or wrong, it’s all about finding what works for you personally as a practice.

🌟How does Kundalini Magick differ from other forms of Kundalini yoga?

My spiritual practice is vast and varied. I love the Kundalini teachings and Kundalini yoga is something I practice daily. But I am also a witch, a magician, a tarot reader, a lightworker, and so many other things!

One thing I have found fascinating is how similar all these paths are when you start diving deep.

In my humble opinion, Kundalini yoga is magick.

I never alter the teachings and will always share them with you exactly as written, but in my classes I will talk about them from not only a yogic perspective but also from a magickal one as well.

I teach both physical yoga and non-physical workshops.

You can find out about new courses and workshops here and check out previous classes here.

Got more questions for the FAQs? Contact me here.

With love and Kundalini rising,



Energy Healing & Magick with Dorothy Winter | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 034

This week on the New Age Hipster Radio podcast I’m chatting with the incredible Dorothy Winter!

I first met Dot when I booked in to see her for a Reiki session. I saw that she was doing some weird kind of Reiki called Tera-Mai, and as I’m drawn to little known spiritual practices like a moth to a flame, I was like - yes! I want some of that reiki I’ve never heard of!

I loved my first session with Dot and soon I became a regular. Before the pandemic I was visiting Dot once a month for energy work and it was glorious! When I was in Dot’s living room having her work on me I felt like I was in an ancient Egyptian temple receiving healing downloads, cosmic lightcodes and ancient wisdom activations!

I then trained with Dot in the energy healing modalities she practices: Tera-Mai, Seichem and the Egyptian Cartouche which was such a wonderful experience.

Now that I live on the other side of the world from Dot, I still see her for distance healing and her Heal and Draw sessions are particularly magickal!

Dot is not only one of the very few people I personally trust with my own energy, but I am so grateful to say she’s also become a good friend and I’m so so thrilled to introduce you to her and her magickal take on energy healing this week!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Energy Healing: Reiki, Tera-Mai, Seichem and Egyptian Cartouche

  • Initiations and attunements

  • Magick!

  • The importance of continued learning on the path

  • Trauma & trauma informed energy healing practice

  • Redefining “negative” energy

  • Dodgy knees and bad backs

  • Challenging, changing and evolving your beliefs


Dorothy winter is a spiritual healer who is based in East Sussex, England. Her practice is anchored in the concept of abstraction and energy clearing. Her style of work benefits people who have experienced trauma, those seeking spiritual reconnection, and on all levels.  She has worked with energy modalities including Tera-mai Reiki, Seichem, Angelic Reiki, TRE (trauma release exercises) and recently completed Gua Sha, cupping and facial acupressure course. She works in person, online, in circle and trains in Tera-mai and Seichem Reiki and the Egyptian Cartouche. She brings a grounded and intuitive perspective to all her work.

Connect with Dot here:



With so much love,




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 033 | What is Kundalini Yoga?

Are you Kundalini curious?

Heard about Kundalini yoga but don’t really know what it is?

Been doing classes for a while but want to know more?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this week’s episode of New Age Hipster Radio I take a solo ramble down the Kundalini yoga rabbit hole. Or at least, the very tip of the rabbit hole. Iceberg, whatever!

Kundalini yoga is an ancient practice and there is so much to learn and discover on this path. This episode covers hardly anything, but hopefully enough to help you decide if this practice may be for you!

In this episode I break down some of the myths and magick of Kundalini yoga:

  • Is it dangerous?

  • What’s the point of it?

  • What does it do?

  • Whyyyyy Kundalini?

  • What happens at a class?

  • What if I can’t do the physical movements?

  • How can I find out more about it?

  • And most importantly - how can it support, change and elevate your life?

Ready to dive into a class and see if it’s for you?

You can check out my Kundalini Magick workshops by clicking here. You’ll find physical classes and non-physical workshops that are fully inclusive focusing on mediation, mantra and mudra.

If you’re more the go for the deep dive and fully embrace the teachings, join me for:


Kundalini Awakening

8 weeks of raising the Kundalini through the chakras

With love, light and awakening,




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 032 | Interview with a Healer: Nicole Lee

This week’s guest on the New Age Hipster Radio podcast is Nicole Lee! Nicole is a gifted energy healer, soul coach, guide and teacher for those on the spiritual path.

In this episode we talked all things intuition, insight, following your nudges and we went deep into the topics of limiting beliefs and facing your fears.

I met Nicole a couple of years ago when I first moved back to Australia and we became friends in about five minutes! She is such an authentic and high vibe person and I really hope you enjoy listening to us ramble together and connecting with her awesomesauceness!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Developing and trusting your intuition

  • Ch ch ch changes!

  • Healing and clearing limiting beliefs

  • Facing your fears

  • Being a lightworker in a corporate environment

  • Finding your path

  • Living your best and highest life!

ABOUT Nicole:

Nicole is a clairvoyant, energy healer and coach. She has worked in the energy healing, coaching and change space for over 25 years, creating personal development programs across Asia. She supports people on their journeys - guiding them through the many dimensions of change – endings, transitions and beginnings.   She works holistically balancing Intuition and Guidance with modern practical Coaching support.  One of her gifts is helping you understand the hidden energies at play, providing clarity on where you feel stuck or challenged in your life.  She acts as a catalyst to help you transform your world, by guiding you in finding the answers you seek for the best way forward. Her sessions help awaken your soul and breathe hope back into your world. She holds many qualifications having studied various disciplines and practices with different teachers and schools from the traditional (Executive Coaching, Neuropsychotherapy, NLP, Conflict & Resilience Coaching) to the esoteric (Energy Healing, Shamanic, Angel, Goddess & Oracle training).

Connect with Nicole here:



With big big love!




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 031 | Manifest Your Dreams

This week on New Age Hipster Radio I I went on a solo ramble sharing with you some of the magick in Manifest Your Dreams, my brand new book out now (most places, some places and coming soon to other places!).

I read out some of the good bits and I also share some personal manifesting stories, like the time I was *this close* to getting a book deal with another publisher a year or so before I got a deal with HarperCollins to write Witch, Please!

I also broke down some of my thoughts on manifesting including the total BS idea that you have to think positive 100% of the time in order to manifest or that everything you think *will* manifest. Spoiler - nope. I have some pretty bizarre thoughts sometimes which have never manifested! It’s all good!

I don’t know about you, but I’m super over some of these old school ideas about manifesting!

Let’s start to break them down together in this episode!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • My new book Manifest Your Dreams!

  • Why I wrote it, and how I hope it helps you (if you choose to read it!)

  • Some major manifesting myths and BS

  • Some of my personal manifesting successes and failures

  • Tips to help you manifest your own dream life!

  • My totally free Manifesting Masterclass!

May all your dreams come true!




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 030 | Interview with a Witch: Jen Sankey!

This week on New Age Hipster Radio I got to talk to the amazing Jen Sankey - professional witch and tarot reader, deck creator, author and major magick maker!

Jen is a super big deal in the tarot community and is often found speaking at conferences and sharing her magickal take on tarot and witchery!

I’ve been a fan of Jen’s since I went tarot pro myself and I’ve always loved and resonated with her empowered take on the tarot. So it was no surprise we dived into some real tarot talk including how to get a good reading, what to do when you don’t, and what’s going on in some toxic tarot communities online.

This episode was an absolute joy and I really hope you enjoy listening to us getting real and spilling some spiritual tea!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Claiming your magick and calling yourself a witch (if you want to)

  • Coming out of the broom closet (or staying in if you want)

  • Tarot! 😀

  • Witching, bitching and toxic tarot communities

  • Jen’s new tarot deck the Stardust Wanderer Tarot and some of the other books and decks she’s working on and has coming out soon too!

  • And so much more!


Jen Sankey is a tarot reader, author, professional witch, and teacher. She has been featured in many publications and regularly speaks at events. She is creating two tarot decks and writing a book currently. Magickal Manifesting with the Moon, and Enchanted Forest Felines Tarot for Llewellyn Worldwide. Stardust Wanderer Tarot Kickstarter is Live now.

Connect with Jen here:

Really hope you enjoy this one gorgeous souls!

