Join us for a free Group Prayer and Candle Spell!

The Candle Magic has started! Please check back again soon for updates about how to join the next Group Prayer and Candle Spell!

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How are you doing gorgeous soul?

Life is tricky right now, and I wanted to do something to support you that wasn’t just giving you more stuff to do.

Over the next little while I’m going to be doing a series of group prayer and candle spells to hold some magical space for you.

How does it work?

All you need to do is to pop your name and email in the box below.

On the day I will tune into the energy of the group and set the intentions for the prayer and spell I feel will most be of benefit to the collective of the group.

I will work with prayer, magic, energy healing, light and lots of love.

You will get an email when the spell has started on the 27th of April with an image of the candle and some info about the magic being sent to you. I will also email you again when the magic is complete. I use quite big candles, so the spell will be working for a few days.

What do you need to do?

Just sign up below and set the intention to receive.

This is a totally free service, however, if you feel called to make a donation you can do so by clicking below.

I only ever work on behalf of your best and highest good, so whatever comes through for you from this spell will always be from love and light.

If you have any questions at all you can contact me here.