Solstice Tarot Spread for Transformation

Solstice spread for transformation (2).png

Wherever you are, whether you are moving into light or dark, the solstice is a powerful time for transformation.

The solstice marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. It’s a time when the earth shifts, and when the planet you live on is in shift, it’s going to have an affect on you too!

I love the solstice as a time of reflection, of looking back at the cycle that was and honouring my journey from there to here. I think about what I want to let go of, what I want to release and what I want to call in as we move into the new cycle.

The solstice is the in-between, we are no longer in the energy of the old cycle and we have not yet started the new, and that’s a powerful time to consider your own transformation, to honour who you’ve been and who you are becoming!

You can use this spread at the winter or summer solstice and you can use any cards you have, tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, whatever! :)

Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram if you share your reading so I can come say hey and if you want to share your readings come join us in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on Facebook!

Oh, and if you dig this spread, check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without! :D

Here’s one I made earlier with the Moonchild Tarot x

Here’s one I made earlier with the Moonchild Tarot x

Card one: You are here

This card is a check-in point for where you are as you move into the energy of the solstice.

Card two: Challenges overcome

Here you’ll see what challenges you’ve overcome in this last cycle. Honour how far you’ve come and the work you’ve done!

Card three: What is now complete

This is a message about what is finished, what is done, what is fully laid to rest and won’t be coming with you into the next cycle.

Card four: The key to your transformation

What is the thing that will help you unlock this transformation and move into the new?

Card five: Inner transformation

What within you is transforming? This could be anything from mindset, beliefs, old ways of being and seeing yourself, or it could be something else shifting in your energy.

Card six: Outer transformation

What outer transformation is taking place? How will others see you differently? What is changing in your outside world?

Card seven: How to embody this transformation

Going through a big transformation is not easy, and you may need to take some time to adjust to the new energies. This card will give you some insight on how you can begin to anchor this transformation and all it brings with it into your being.

With so much love, light and solstice blessings for transformation!

