Welcome to Cancer Season!
Cancer is a deep, watery, emotional, heart-centred sign.
When we move into Cancer Season it’s the perfect time to tune into our emotions, express ourselves, cry, let it all move out and through. It’s also a powerful time for all kinds of healing!
Oh, and spending time curling up with books and Netflix on the couch too, right?
So go grab a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, pour yourself a nice cup of healing herbal tea, grab your journal and let’s pull some cards!
The beautiful Cancerian Liv Tyler x
1. A check-in with your emotions - how are you really feeling right now?
It’s good to start off Cancer Season by actually knowing what you are feeling right now. This card will help you sort through the emotional BS and get to the root of how you are really feeling right now. Feel free to pull extra cards here if you need extra clarity!
2. What emotions need to be expressed and released?
This card will give you some insight into what needs to be brought to the surface and moved through at this time. We all know what happens when you keep those emotions locked down and bottled up, right?
3. How can you best express and release your emotions right now?
Sometimes we don’t express our emotions in the best possible way - we may take something out on others, explode or cry at an inappropriate time. This card will show you how to best release and express so you can take back your emotional power!
4. What needs healing?
We all need a little emotional healing, this card will show you where healing is most needed at this time.
5. How can you move forward with your own healing journey?
This card will show you how you can heal yourself and continue your own healing journey in powerful ways! You may also get some guidance here on how you can help to heal others too!
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and hugs,