Welcome to Libra Season!
Virgo season was very work focused, but now we find ourselves in libra season with a chance to reconnect to the heart and focus on our relationships.
Libra season is all about balance and harmony. It’s a time to look at how balanced things are feeling for you right now and do what you need to do to help shift yourself back into, or more into alignment.
So go grab a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, pour yourself a nice hot tea, grab your journal and let’s pull some cards! :)
The Iconic Libra John Lennon
1. What needs balancing?
A quick look here at what most needs balancing in your life or perhaps even within yourself.
2. How to align your energy
Here you’ll get some guidance on how to align and balance your own energy. So many of us are feeling a little wonky right now, but if we can align our energy, everything in the outside world can start to feel a little easier to navigate.
3. How to create a better work/life balance
Ah, I think we all need this one! Are you hustling too hard or not enough? This card will help you see how you can make your work and play balance a little better in your life.
4. How to find balance and harmony in relationships
Libra is a sign that is all about relationships and so it is a powerful time to look at where things are working and where they aren’t, who’s giving, who’s taking and where things just don’t feel good. This card will show you what action you can take to find more balance in your relationships.
5. How to find peace and balance in your own heart
And of course, the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. Here you’ll receive some guidance on how to find balance within yourself and some peace in your own heart.
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and balancing the scales,