New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 5 | Empowering Tarot Reading + Energy + Biz Tips with Carrie Mallon

New Age Hipster Radio Ep5 with Carrie Mallon

Carrie is one of my fave tarot readers, and her blog is literally my favourite tarot blog out there! She is also a personal and biz mentor, a vlogger, magic maker and all round amazing soul!

On the podcast this week we chatted a lot about tarot, to predict or not to predict and how to make your readings for clients super empowering. We chatted about running a spiritual biz and a whole bunch of other good things!

So go make yourself a tea, or have a listen while you're tidying your tarot deck collection and hang with us! 


Hang out with the beautiful Carrie Mallon here:

Carrie Mallon