How to forget FOMO! 5 affirmations for your bathroom mirror x

Zorro always gets FOMO when he can't go outside. x

Zorro always gets FOMO when he can't go outside. x

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) has always been a thing. I remember living in Edinburgh way before we were all addicted to our iPhones and I was always having serious FOMO every time my friends who didn't work during the day went off and did something without me while I was at work. URgh! 

But now we have iPhones (YAY!) so when your friends go off and do cool stuff while you're at work, or school, or stuck at home or whatever, instead of just being a bit grumpy, you are literally faced with their good time. They might even tag you in it. OMG how annoying!! 

But there's another type of FOMO too - the one where you look at what other folks are doing with their lives and feel really lame about your own life. How did she get a book deal? How did she get such a hot boyfriend? You know the drill. 

Affirmations are bloody brilliant and totally underrated in my opinion. Yes they are dorky, but they work. Seriously. Especially for stuff like FOMO! Here's five that work wonders for me, I hope they help you too! (You can totally rework these into your own voice if my #newagehipster lingo doesn't float your boat!)


This moment is seriously freaking awesome!

The thing about FOMO is that we start to think that somewhere else and some other moment is better than the one we are having right now. But hang on for a second. You are alive, you are breathing, you actually exist here on this crazy planet, I mean seriously, who cares if you're on the couch or out at Glastonbury Festival? It's freaking amazing that you're even here! So whoooooooop! Celebrate your life man. 


I totally respect, trust and honour my own rad journey

When we get down on where we're at it's because we don't trust what's going on for us. Look back at your life journey thus far. Has it not been incredible? Have wonderful things happened? Are you in a better place now than ever before? Can you see that more awesome things are heading your way?! Of course you can, and if you can't, come get a reading and we'll find them


I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be

If you were supposed to be at that bar hanging out with Kit Harington you would be. Maybe you're just meant to meet him later, when he's ready for you you know? Like when he's finished working through all his "stuff". 


Everyone is on their own journey

Remember that an IG pic doesn't really tell you much about someone's life. One pic of a fancy salad doesn't mean that person lives like that all the time. You don't know that they didn't have a dirty burger and a pint for their main course! And you don't know what other people are going through in their offline lives. Other folks are probably looking at your social media and having FOMO over you! 


I give and receive, I love and I am loved in equal measure

What other people have that you're all jelly of is just a clue to what you want! Instead of throwing neg vibes at the folks who have what you have, how about working for it to happen in your own life? Click like and comment nice things on the stuff that gives you FOMO and start focusing more on creating your dream life and less on someone else's dinner.

Love, light and lipstick affirmations!



If you're digging these affirmations you're going to go crazy over

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