I have a funny relationship with the word witch.
I honestly have a funny relationship with all the words that we use to describe who we are.
I mean, how can one word, or label, actually really explain to the whole world what we're about?
I went through a phase of not wanting to use any labels at all. "Don't put me in a box!" I'd scream. But sometimes finding a word, or words to describe who you are and what you're about can be really helpful. When someone asks "what's your spiritual path?" um-ing and ah-ing and responding with something about not doing labels doesn't really help anyone know what you're about, and when you run your own spiritual business it's kind of useful for people to know what you're about pretty quickly.
Having said all that, if you think labels are stupid and don't want one, that's cool too.
Mother Mary be my Matron Goddess! x (Pic from Google, if it's yours let me know so I can link you!) x
I resonate with a lot of different labels. Lightworker is one I use a lot because it's super vague, but kind of sums up what I do. I try to be a good person and help other people, to me that's what a Lightworker is. I call on Angels and work with lots of "light" energies, so it makes sense to call myself that.
I also really like the term #LightWitch because the magic I make is all totally from the light baby! No hexing or negative magic here!
Lots of people dislike the term because they think Lightworkers ignore their shadow side, urgh, so not true though. You can't do Lightwork without doing shadow work my friends. When you really work with the Light OMG it lights up EVERYTHING!
Another hashtag I use around the place is #ChristianWitch
So what's all that about huh?
First off, a Christian Witch is something totally different to everyone who calls themselves one. So what I'm about to say, is just about my path. What you do as a Christian Witch might be totally different and that's awesome.
In my teens I discovered new age spirituality, Wicca and Witchcraft. It was AWESOME! Honestly, it kind of freaked me out, but I was totally into it.
I used to sit in my bedroom with my glitter nail polish covered kitchen knife athame and cast circles.
A few years later I found myself running with a Christian crowd. They were an awesome bunch of people, some of them definitely soul family. We went to Bible study, put Cheezles out at youth group and I eventually ended up in the music ministry team singing my heart out for Jesus on the stage every Sunday.
I loved it. I even started looking into theology colleges and had some mad ideas about being a pastor of my own church.
I loved the community, I honestly loved how I felt when I was in the presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I mean, woah, talk about stuff coming up to the surface to be cleared!
There was a lot of stuff that didn't totally resonate with me though. Clearly, that's why I'm here talking about Christian Witches.
I didn't love the dogma, the patriarchal structure of the church, the stuff about everyone else being wrong.
That just didn't vibe.
I kept talking to Jesus for a while, and then I just started talking to God.
My spiritual path lay dormant for a good few years until I moved to London and had a ghost in my flat. A proper full on, OMG there is stuff moving around my room at night, someone knocking on my door when no one is there, why do I always feel like I'm being watched, books falling of the shelves kind of ghost.
I went to Shepherd's Bush market and bought a whole bunch of Hoodoo candles, a rosary, a cross that I didn't take off for a good solid six months, a picture of Jesus for the wall and I went wild. I called on angels, I talked to the ghost, I contacted mediums, I was baaaaack!
I can only imagine what my new housemates thought of me with Jesus and rosaries hanging on the wall and white sage smoke bellowing out from under the door.
It just made sense for me to do it all.
I do witchy things. But I do them with Jesus and Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene by my side.
I read the bible sometimes, but I think mostly it's a really old book that's been translated too many times to be that accurate.
I call on the Christ Consciousness to help me be a better person, more Christ-like, nicer to people, less of a dick.
I do candle magic and spells with herbs, oils and petitions, but I call it "making prayer candles".
I make potions and call them "magic mists".
I call on the Holy Spirit to clear my energy.
I call on Gaia to ground me.
I bow down to ancient standing stones.
I call on the Saints and Angels for different purposes, but I also call on Lakshmi and Ganesha and Saint Brigid and the Ancestors and Star Ancestors.
I draw a pentagram on my door each night before I go to sleep for protection.
I call on Saint Christopher whenever I travel.
I walk through the woods and make offerings to trees and the Fae.
I read Tarot.
I work with the cycles of the moon for manifestation.
I wear a Saint Michael pendant for protection with a black onyx heart.
The power of Saints and Gemstones! x
I'm basically a spiritual hot mess.
But aren't we all?
Being a Christian Witch is about calling it all in from wherever it comes from and feeling the connection to both sides of the fence.
It's a tough one to navigate. Christians and Witches haven't always had a great relationship. I feel like I'm clearing the karma on that one prayer candle/spell at a time.
I know there's gonna be people out there who aren't gonna vibe with what I'm doing, to you I say go forth and find your own strange and wonderful spiritual path!
In times passed I would have been in a lot of trouble for saying "Christian Witch" like it's a thing.
And you know, it's still only a small part of who I am and what I'm about.
I'm a Christian Witch.
I'm a Witch.
I'm an Eclectic Witch
I'm a Lightworker.
I'm a Light Witch.
I'm Spiritual.
I'm a Starseed.
I'm an Earth Angel.
I'm a Hufflepuff.
How do you describe your spiritual path? What elements of spirituality and which belief systems make up your personal spiritual path?
With so much love and witch light,
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