
Virgo Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Virgo Season Tarot Spread New Age Hipster

Welcome to Virgo Season!

Virgo Season

After the intense fiery energy of leo, Virgo brings us back down to earth and offers us a chance to check back in with our goals and dreams.

Virgo season is a time to get organised and get back to work. It’s a time to work out what’s working and what’s not working, make a few changes and make things happen.

So go grab yourself a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you like, pour yourself a nice herbal tea, grab your journal and let’s pull some cards! :)

The gorgeous Virgo Zendaya x

The gorgeous Virgo Zendaya x

1. How to bring yourself back down to earth

After fiery Leo we may need to take a moment to arrive back in the earthy vibes of Virgo. This card will help you to see how you can ground your own energy now and during Virgo season.

2. What needs organising

OK, so this may be about literal organising, like the sock drawer or your time, or it may be about something else that needs re-arranging in your life - perhaps something in your mindset, your relationships, etc.

3. Details to focus on

Virgo season is a powerful time to get focused on the details. Here you’ll see what details need your attention.

4. How to reach your goals and get things done

During Virgo season there is a potential for us to tap into a little perfectionism. This card will help you see how you can get to grips with the details but still actually get things done and achieve your goals!

5. How to surrender and trust

And while we are busy organising things and getting back to making our dreams come true, we also need to remember to surrender and trust. This card will give you some insight into how you can best do that right now.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and hair flicks,



Lion's Gate Tarot or Oracle Spread

Lion's Gate 88 Tarot Spread

The Lion’s Gate portal presents a powerful opportunity to transform, release, activate, manifest and create.

It is a time of great spiritual power and if we choose to, we can use this time to create some powerful changes within ourselves and in the world around us.

So, what exactly is this mysterious Lion’s Gate?

Great question!

This great cosmic portal opens on the 26th of July and closes on the 12th of August.

It is the time when the Sirius star rises in the sky and aligns with the earth, so it is a powerful time to connect with the energy of Sirius, the Sirius Star System and your Sirian guides!

The Lion’s Gate is also related to the alignment of Orion’s belt over the pyramids in Egypt, making it an alignment that humans have considered magic since ancient times.

If you work with Egyptian Deities, you may find them especially chatty at this time!

Since this alignment happens during the season of Leo, it has become known as the Lion’s Gate.

And fair dos, it can absolutely help us to move into our spiritual power, into more courage and strength and into a higher vibrational aspect and energy of ourselves.

Sounds good, huh?! :D

For some, it feels like an expansive, magical time where things start to align and finally go your way, where you start to feel more connected with your own heart and soul and galactic guides!

For others, it can be a challenging time when difficult things come to the surface to be seen and acknowledged, healed and worked through before you move through this portal.

For most of us, it’s probably going to bring a little bit of both.

But whatever occurs for you this Lion’s Gate, know that it is all moving you into greater alignment with the truth of who you really are. Aligning you to your best and highest path and to your own greatness.

So, if you’d like a little support in using this time in the most powerful way possible, grab a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, whatever you have, and let’s pull some cards! :D

Reading with the Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel

Reading with the Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel

1. What this portal can support you with

Here you’ll get an insight into the main theme of this Lion’s Gate for you and what it can most support you with right now.

2. What to leave behind

Before you step through any magical portals, you are going to need to need to pack your bags, and nope, you can’t take everything with you. Here you’ll be shown what to leave behind before you step through.

3. What to take with you

Here you’ll see what you need to take with you - what supplies and magical tools and wisdom to keep with you as you make this journey.

4. How this portal will change you

This card will give you some insight into how this magical portal may create shifts and changes within you.

5. What this portal will activate for you

This card will show you what could be activated within you and in your life at this time.

6. Message of Higher Wisdom from the Sirians

This card offers you a message from the Sirians, or from the energy of the Sirius star. If that doesn’t resonate, feel feel to simply ask for a message here from your guides, angels or whoever you feel called to work with at this time.

7. How to move through this portal with ease

The final card will show you have you can move through this portal with as much ease, grace and peace as possible.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and stargates,



Leo Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Leo Season Tarot Spread New Age Hipster

Welcome to Leo Season!

Leo Season

Leo is a FIERY, bold sign that invites us to shine our light and have a good time while we do it!

After deep, emotional Cancer, Leo brings the vibes! Leo is all about embodying the courage, strength and power of the lion in our lives. It’s a powerful time to step out of the comfort zone and take some serious action to make those dreams come true!

So get dressed in your best lion onesie, grab yourself a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, pour yourself a spicy glass of kombucha or ginger beer, grab your journal and let’s pull some cards!

Madonna is the ultimate Leo mood!

Madonna is the ultimate Leo mood!

1. How to be brave this season

Leo season is all about being brave! It’s not always easy to be brave, but this card will let you know how you can be brave in your life in the way that is right for you this season.

2. How to enjoy yourself

And about time too, right? We all work so hard, put everyone else first, what about just doing something to enjoy yourself? You know, having fun is one of the most high vibrational things we can do, so this card will help you to see where you could be having more fun in your life!

3. How to be safely seen

Leo is all about being seen, but for many of us that doesn’t always feel so safe. This card will help you see how you can be seen - how you can shine bright and still stay safe doing it.

4. What to burn away

With all this fire energy, we also have an opportunity to use it to burn away anything that we no longer wish to carry with us. Here you’ll get some insight into how you can use this season to burn away the old and make room for the new.

5. Where to shine your light

And of course, Leo season is the time to shine! Here you’ll get a message about the best way to be shining your light bright!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and bold moves,



Cancer Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Cancer Season Tarot Spread

Welcome to Cancer Season!

Cancer Season

Cancer is a deep, watery, emotional, heart-centred sign.

When we move into Cancer Season it’s the perfect time to tune into our emotions, express ourselves, cry, let it all move out and through. It’s also a powerful time for all kinds of healing!

Oh, and spending time curling up with books and Netflix on the couch too, right?

So go grab a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, pour yourself a nice cup of healing herbal tea, grab your journal and let’s pull some cards!

The beautiful Cancerian Liv Tyler x

The beautiful Cancerian Liv Tyler x

1. A check-in with your emotions - how are you really feeling right now?

It’s good to start off Cancer Season by actually knowing what you are feeling right now. This card will help you sort through the emotional BS and get to the root of how you are really feeling right now. Feel free to pull extra cards here if you need extra clarity!

2. What emotions need to be expressed and released?

This card will give you some insight into what needs to be brought to the surface and moved through at this time. We all know what happens when you keep those emotions locked down and bottled up, right?

3. How can you best express and release your emotions right now?

Sometimes we don’t express our emotions in the best possible way - we may take something out on others, explode or cry at an inappropriate time. This card will show you how to best release and express so you can take back your emotional power!

4. What needs healing?

We all need a little emotional healing, this card will show you where healing is most needed at this time.

5. How can you move forward with your own healing journey?

This card will show you how you can heal yourself and continue your own healing journey in powerful ways! You may also get some guidance here on how you can help to heal others too!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and hugs,



Eclipse Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Eclipse Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Welcome to Eclipse Season!

Bonnie Tyler

Eclipse season is a powerful time for reflection, downloads, epiphanies and transformation.

It’s also pretty intense and for many of us sensitive souls. We can find eclipse season more challenging than all the retrogrades and full moons put together!

But fear not! When we balance all the big moods of eclipse season with looking after ourselves and looking after our own energy, we can use this time to create some serious change and magic in our lives!

So grab your journal, a deck of cards (oracle, tarot, angel, whatever!) and join me in tuning in and making this eclipse season the most powerful yet!

1.What to reflect on

Reflecting on the previous seasons of your life is a powerful way to check-in and see if you still want to be on the path you’re on. You may like to reflect on the period of time between this and last eclipse season, to reflect on the last three, six or twelve months, or to even reflect on the last few years.

2.How to receive downloads

There are often big cosmic downloads, epiphanies and ideas available to us at this time, but it’s really helpful to know how to actually receive them. This card should give you some guidance on how to be open to letting in all the wisdom that wants to find you at this time.

3.How to look after yourself

Eclipse season is intense. If you are a sensitive person you may find you just want to go hide under a rock or a doona (Australian for duvet) until it’s over. But we need you doing the work and showing up with your light now more than ever! The messages in this card will help you to know how to look after yourself so you are able to show up when you’re called to.

4.What needs to change

Eclipse season tends to highlight the things that need changing in our lives, whether it’s our physical location, our work, relationships or something going on in our inner world that needs shifting. This card can help you work it out.

5.How to transform

And once you’ve reflected, downloaded higher wisdom and worked out what needs to be transformed in your life, this card will help you know how to go about actually doing it and creating the change you really want to see in your life.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and transformation,



Gemini Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Gemini Season Spread (1).png

Welcome to Gemini Season!

Gemini Season

Gemini is a fun loving, self-expressing, ideas communicating sign.

Gemini is all about duality and relationships, creativity and sharing your ideas and your light with the world!

So go get yourself a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, whatever you have, pour yourself a glass of champers, kombucha or something with a zing! Grab your journal and let’s pull some cards together! :D

The beautiful Gemini Marilyn Monroe. x

The beautiful Gemini Marilyn Monroe. x

1.How can you effectively communicate and express yourself this season?

Communication is everything in Gemini season and it’s a powerful time to express yourself through words, writing, music, your personal style or in any other way that works for you! This card will show you how you can best do that this season.

2.Who do you need to communicate clearly with?

Who needs to hear your words or connect with you in some way this season? This card could show you a person in your life, or it may be more abstract - for example, perhaps you need to communicate with the universe, your shadow, your own subconscious mind or inner child.

3.How can you maintain and create healthy loving relationships?

Gemini is all about socialising and connecting with others. This card will show you how you can maintain good relationships with those already in your life or create some new ones!

4.How can you keep all aspects of yourself in harmony and balance?

Gemini is all about duality and so it’s important to be able to find some harmony and balance. This card will show you how you can keep it all stable and balanced while there’s so much going on around and within you.

5.How can you share your ideas and shine your light with the world?

Gemini Season can bring a lot of ideas and downloads, and if we don’t do anything with them they can become overwhelming. Here you’ll find some guidance on what to do with all your ideas and how you can share them with the world!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and shining bright,



Energy Management Tarot or Oracle Spread

Energy Management Tarot Spread

We’re living in tough times and it’s more important than ever that we look after our own energy.

Energy management is all about knowing what’s going on with you, what’s affecting you and how you can deal with it. It’s about knowing what you can do on a daily basis to make sure you are staying energetically sorted.

I created this spread on a day when I was feeling a little depleted. I really wanted a quick and easy way to tune in and work out what was up and what I could do about it. Sometimes when we are tired or energetically drained it can be harder to tap into our own intuition, but the cards can really help us with that!

So however you’re feeling right now - if you’re wanting to bring yourself out of a funk or just generally feel better energetically, go make yourself a cup of tea, find your favourite deck and let’s get to it! xx

Ferris Bueller

1. Where is your energy at right now?

A quick check-in with where you’re at. This card may act like a mirror to what’s going on with your own energy right now.

2. What is draining or affecting your energy?

This card will give you some insight into who or what is draining you. It may be something really specific or something broad. It could be something someone is sending to you or something you’re creating yourself. Be willing to look at both!

3. How can you better manage your energy?

Here you’ll get some guidance on how to look after yourself and take action to shift your energy from here.

4. How can you keep your cup full moving forward?

And this card will give you some tips or tools for how to keep your cup overflowing with good vibes so you have more than enough to give to all the people in your life, your projects and yourself!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and good energy,



Wesak Tarot or Oracle Spread

Wesak Tarot Spread

Blessed Wesak gorgeous souls!

Wesak is a powerful and incredibly high vibrational day and energy portal to work with!

But the Buddha / Christ Light / Christ Consciousness / whatever you want to call the amazing energy of this day is available to us all year round, not just on Buddha’s birthday, so even if you’re stumbling upon this post and it’s not Wesak, there’s no reason you can’t still do the spread and tune into the love and light of the great Buddha.

So grab a deck, grab your journey and let’s connect with this powerful energy! :D


1.Where you’re at on the path to enlightenment

This card will show you where you’re at on your spiritual path right now.

2.What you can do today to bring more love and light to your life + The world

This card will give you some insight into what you can do right here and right now to anchor the energy of Wesak, the love in your heart and the light of your soul into your own body, life and world around you.

3.What to be working on long term to reach higher levels of consciousness

The spiritual journey never ends! We are always looking for ways to be more in alignment with love and see more clearly. This card will help you to see what you can be doing, studying, working on to help you move forward on this magical and beautiful path you are on.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and peace,



Taurus Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Taurus Season Tarot Spread

Welcome to Taurus Season!

Taurus Season is all about hunkering down with some seriously steady and stable vibes. I don’t know about you, but I could sure use some of those right now!

But before you get toooo comfy on the couch binging Netflix though, Taurus is also about showing up and doing the work!

Taurus Season

Taurus is a hard working sign, so use this energy to help you prep, get grounded and show up for your dreams!

One of my fave Taureans is the glorious, grounded Adele. She is the epitome of someone who is steady and stable and showing up and doing her light work!

This month I invite you to be more Adele! :D

Now grab a deck of whatever cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever is on your shelf, pour yourself a cuppa, grab your grimoire and let’s pull some cards to help us navigate Taurus Season together!


1.How can you keep your energy steady and stable?

Taurus is Queen of keeping things steady, stable and grounded. This card will show you how you can bring a bit more of that energy into your life.

2.Where do you need to show up and put in some hard work?

Hard work isn’t the same as busting your butt until you pass out from exhaustion. It’s about showing up for yourself and showing up for your dreams! So, how can you do that right now?

3.Where do you need to take the bull by the horns?

This card will help you to see where in your life you need to step into your power and go for what it is you really want!

4.Where do you need to loosen your grip on the reins?

And of course, Taurus is sometimes known as being just a little bit stubborn. This card can help you see if there’s anywhere you need to ease off just a litt!e!

5.How can you make yourself comfortable in the material world?

Taurus is a beautiful energy for getting connected to your abundance in the material world. This card will show you how you can make yourself comfortable using all the abundance around you!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and taking the bull by the horns,



The Resurrection Spread for Tarot or Oracle Reading

The Resurrection Tarot Spread

As a Christian Witch (amongst other things!) Easter is a time where I find myself thinking about the death and resurrection of Jesus, as well as what is dying and resurrecting, birthing or re-birthing in my own life.

Whether you are celebrating Ostara, Easter, or just want to try out a new spread, grab yourself a cuppa (maybe a vegan Easter egg!) and join me in diving deep into some death and rebirth… x


1.Old ways of being, beliefs and stories to bury

What “old” stuff are you carrying around that you are ready to see cleared, released and buried? This card will show you some of the “old” that is ready to go. You can pull extra cards here if you need them - perhaps even three - one for old ways of being, one for old beliefs and one for old stories.

2.How to let go of the old with grace and love

It’s easy to say “let go” and not always so easy to actually do it. This card should give you some insight into how to let it all go.

3.How to have faith, trust and surrender

This card will give you some advice and support on how you can have faith in the process of letting go of the old.

4.All good things within you that have been forgotten

What has been buried deep within you that you would like to bring back to life? What old parts of yourself have been lost that you are ready to reclaim?

5.What is being resurrected

And the final card will show you what is being resurrected in your life.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG so I can come and say hi and spread the love!

With love, light and resurrecting all good things,

