Raising the Vibe of Humanity with Sound Healing Songstress Ali Skiba | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 046

I had such a blast chatting to Sound Healing Songstress and super famous superstar Ali Skiba this week!

I met Ali at the Outback Spiritual Festival and was blown away by her incredible voice, channelled vocals and sound healing and her diamond light energy!

It was only after I got back home and searched for her on Instagram that I found out Ali had recently been on The Voice Australia and had over 1 million views on her reel featuring Rita Ora. She’d given Rita Ora a sound healing and it was incredible!

I am always so excited to meet people in this community who really feel like the real deal, and Ali is definitely one of them!

So of course I knew I had to get her on the podcast and introduce her to those of you who may not know her yet. I am sure it will only be a matter of time before she’s a spiritual household name!!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

✨Ali's origin story from "having it all" in the corporate world to selling up and travelling the world as a yoga teacher

✨Ali's experience being on The Voice Australia and her viral reel with over 1m views!!

✨The power of sound healing!

✨Trusting the universe

✨Following the divine direction

✨Ways to raise your own vibe and keeping it high

✨The incredible power of being kind to yourself on the journey

ABOUT ali:

Ali Skiba is a songstress, sound healer and medicine woman on a mission to raise the vibration of humanity.

Her recent debut on The Voice Australia has sent ripples of healing vibrations across the globe. As a pioneer in bringing sound healing to the mainstream, Ali is incredibly passionate about sharing her medicine with the world.  

Ali holds retreats and workshops globally, as well as offers one on one mentorship to support her fellow lightworkers in stepping into their soul aligned business. Based out of Sydney, she provides transformative experiences for individuals and teams to raise their vibration and tap into their highest potential. Using a unique combination of breathwork, sound healing, meditation and voice activation, Ali helps people reconnect with their innate self-healing abilities to alleviate anxiety & depression, prevent burnout and boost mental performance. 

Connect with Ali:

💻Website: www.melodiousyogi.com

🤳Insta: @melodiousyogi

💙FB: @melodiousyogi

📺YouTube: @melodiousyogi

With lots of love and the magick of sound,




My Ketchup Dream, The End of Guru Worship, Thoughts on Russell Brand, Yogi Bhajan, Doreen Virtue and more!

Welcome to my most randomest solo podcast episode everrr!😅

Join me while I unpack some of the big stuff that’s been coming up these last few weeks for me and the collective.

Russell Brand, Yogi Bhajan, Doreen Virtue, my ketchup dream, it’s all happening in this rambly solo episode!

In this podcast episode I talk about:

  • Navigating the Russell Brand allegation

  • Navigating the Yogi Bhajan allegations & the Kundalini yoga community

  • Being a kundalini yoga teacher post YB allegations

  • The truth about channelling

  • Readings as empowering confirmation not telling you what to do with your life

  • My ketchup dream!🍅🍅🍅

  • How to separate the teachings from the teacher

  • The end of guru worship

  • Some random thoughts about Doreen Virtue’s decks and books

If you want to try out some new ketchup made with an ancient recipe:



Every week for 4 weeks starting:

Monday 16th October 2023

9am Melbourne time

Sunday 15th October 11am UK Time / 4pm LA / 7pm NYC


With love and ketchup making,




The Golden Future with Diana Cooper | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 044

This week on the podcast our guest is ascension teacher and author Diana cooper.

I have been following Diana Cooper’s work for many years now and I always love her practical views and teachings on Ascension. It was such a joy to be able to connect with her during this interview on the podcast!

As Diana spoke about the event she is holding on 22nd of October (which you can find out more about HERE) I felt my whole energy lift and activate. As she spoke about the divine beings I felt them around us!

Whether you are a student of the Ascension teachings, just curious about the Ascension path or just want to feel some warm fuzzy angelic vibes as you listen to Diana’s wisdom, this episode is for you!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

🌟Diana’s event Raise the Frequency of the World - Ascension Power Boost to the Golden Future. Click here for more info and to sign up!

🌟Diana’s new book the Golden Future

🌟How to stay positive when you are concerned about the future of the earth

🌟How to stay positive in challenging times

🌟Diana’s journey with cancer

🌟The incredible wisdom of animals

🌟Having children or being child-free as we transition into the Golden Future

🌟Diana’s incredible career as a spiritual teacher and author

ABOUT Diana:

Diana Cooper is a therapist, healer, author of several books, and the founder of the Diana Cooper Foundation. Her journey started during a time of personal crisis when she received an angel visitation that changed her life. Since then the angels and her guides have taught her about the angelic realms, unicorns, fairies, Atlantis, and Orbs as well as many other spiritual subjects. Through her workshops and therapy practice she has helped countless people find their life mission, fulfill their potential, and empower their lives. Diana’s aim and vision is to light the way to enable children, adults, and the planet to ascend graciously and happily.

Connect with Diana:



With lots of love and creating the Golden Future,




DO THIS to take your card reading to the next level!

In this episode of the New Age Hipster Radio podcast I share with you some really powerful tips, tools and practices that can really take your card reading next level.

Whether you want to just go beyond the card reading basics, do more than a one or three card pull for yourself, become more confident in your reading or even if you want to level right up and go pro, doing these things will help get you there.

Card reading is honestly a life long journey. There is always more to learn and we become better readers every time we pick up our deck, but it doesn’t have to take a lifetime for you to get the guidance you seek right here and now.

These are the things that I wish I had known the moment I picked up my very first deck!

These simple tips I share with you in this episode are super simple, easy to apply and can have you levelling up your card reading in no time at all!

In this podcast episode I talk about:

  • Oracle or tarot cards simply being a tool to help you get the guidance you need

  • Knowing who you are communicating with through the cards

  • Preparing your energy for a reading

  • Setting intentions

  • This one phrase you can say that will protect you and keep all your readings aligned to the highest wisdom

  • How to formulate great, clear questions that can help you get great, clear answers

  • What to do with the guidance once you have it

  • My new book Oracle Card Companion!!

To take your card reading even further check out:



An empowering and easy to understand guide to oracle card readings.







With love and card reading magick,




The Power of Tarot with Liz Worth | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 042

This week on the podcast we have tarot reader, teacher and author Liz Worth!

Liz Worth is an absolute tarot powerhouse and super big deal in the tarot community. From her very excellent books on the subject to her insightful reels, it’s clear Liz knows where it’s at when it comes to empowering tarot reading.

I’ve been following Liz’s work for many years and have always loved her down to earth, kind, creative and straightforward take on the tarot.

Liz is about the same age as me and so every time we get together we love to talk about our old stories of shopping for decks in actual stores back when that was the only way to get a card deck, and we also like to share how we survived living in the 90s without Tiktok. 🤣 [Spoiler: we read actual books!]

I could talk to Liz all day long about tarot, and I was on her podcast not too long ago talking about Creativity and Tarot! You can check that out by clicking here!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

✨Reading tarot in the 90s

✨Modern magic and the pros and cons of Tiktok tarot

✨Becoming a confident and competent tarot reader

✨Navigating social media as a tarot reader

✨Reading professionally

✨Tarot Meanings versus Tarot Readings

✨Bad tarot readings

✨Tarot trends

✨Deck personalities



Liz Worth is the author of eight books, including The Power of Tarot and Going Beyond the Little White Book, and runs an online tarot school. She is also a poet and novelist.

Connect with Liz:



With lots of love and consulting the cards,




Ken Tarot or Oracle Spread

Activate your Kenergy and join me and Ken in some seriously cool card reading!

When I made my Barbie Spread I was a little on the fence about it. A few other great tarot accounts had already made some Barbie themed tarot spreads and I felt like maybe I had missed the boat on the whole mystical Barbie thing.

As a New Age Hipster I like to be ahead of the curve. Or probably more what I do is just create my own curve and wonder where everyone else went, but I digress!

But, because New Age Hipster has always been about pop culture tarot, modern spirituality and making mystic shizzle FUN (as well as seriously doing the work on yourself obvs) I decided to make one anyway!

And then it basically went VIRAL.

Actually, I don’t know if I can define it as viral, what is the definition of viral anyway? But it went viral compared to anything else I’ve ever posted EVER.

As of writing (September 2023) my Barbie spread has 6498 likes on Insta. I mean, HI BARBIE!!

Ken still has less than 200 but I guess this is the whole point right? Even though Ken is played by Ryan Gosling (who would play my husband in a movie about our love and I would play myself of course and the kissing would just be “acting” wow I am getting off track here…), Ken is still living in Barbie’s shadow.

But hey, we have ALL been there at times, right? We’ve all had an unrequited love, we’ve all lost ourselves in a relationship, we’ve all tried to find ourselves in a material girl world!

Most of us haven’t tried to take over Barbieland with horses, beer and patriarchy though and as we have all learned from the Barbie Movie, this is not the answer!

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. What you long for

2. How to invoke your kenergy

3. how to be kenough

4. How to find yourself

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and Ken dolls,



How to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 041

In this episode I share with you some of the reasons why I LOVE Mercury Retrograde and why a lot of what you hear about is (e.g. "how to survive Mercury Retrograde!") is basically just fear mongering and super unhelpful.

Believe it or not, Mercury retrograde is actually a huuuge gift that you can use to propel you closer towards the life of your dreams!

In this podcast episode I talk about:

  • The totally unnecessary fear around Mercury retrograde

  • How Insta and people you follow may be impacting your MR experience

  • The law of attraction!

  • Why memes are maybe not so spiritual

  • How to use MR to support and help and heal you rather than fight against it

  • How to take your power back and stop buying into the bullshit around MR

  • Getting to a place where you use these retrogrades and work with them not against them to make serious magick in your life

  • Thoth coming over with pizza and a six pack

If you would like to learn more about starting out on your magical path check out:

Witch, Please:

Empowerment and enlightenment for the modern mystic

A modern mystic's practical guide to life, love and creating a fulfilling existence






With love and retrograding,




Walking the Magdalene Path with Taylor Johnson | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 040

This week on the podcast we have the creator of the path of the Magdalene oracle Taylor johnson!

Taylor is an oracle deck creator, an artist, a writer, a comic creator and an all round incredible human who I feel so blessed to have connected with.

Taylor’s latest deck the Path of the Magdalene Oracle has such an incredible energy and I knew I needed to get them on the podcast to talk in depth about Mary Magdalene and the Magdalene path.

If you are at all interested in Mary Magdalene, whether you’re just learning about her and starting to connect, or constantly diving deeper into her myths, legends and frequency, this episode is for you!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • The myth of Mary Magdalene - who was she really? (And does it matter?)

  • Connecting with the Magdalene energy

  • How to know if you’re a Magdalene

  • What it means to walk the path of the Magdalene

  • Taylor’s new deck the Path of the Magdalene Oracle

  • Creative processes

  • Putting your work out into the world

  • Taylor’s very first clip art oracle!

ABOUT Taylor:

Taylor Johnson is an artist, writer, and comic creator. She is also a longtime cartomancy enthusiast, and is the author and artist behind the Millennial Mystic Tarot, the Hekate Oracle, and most recently the Path of the Magdalene Oracle. Combining contemporary illustrative styles and diverse imagery with time-honored traditions of divination, Taylor's art seeks to honor shared experiences and human connection, around the world and across time. 

Taylor’s The Path of the Magdalene Oracle Flip Through & Deck Review:

Connect witH Taylor here:

Oracle Decks: makeplayingcards.com

Website: taylorjohnson.art

Instagram: @taylorjohnson.art

With lots of love and following the nudges,




Three Things Every Witch, Lightworker or Magic Maker Needs | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 039

In this week’s episode of new age hipster radio I’m going on a solo ramble sharing some of my thoughts on the most important things you need when embarking on a magickal quest.

Whether you’re a beginner witch, baby witch, brand new to any magical path, or just curious about my thoughts on this one, this is for you!

I share some of my own experiences on the path in this one, including the number one thing that shifted me from believing I would never have a clear connection with my guides to ding ding ding hearing them super clear and loud.

I also have a bit of a rant about #witchtok and why it’s both great and pretty terrible. 😅

In this podcast episode I talk about:

  • Energy protection and why it’s the most important thing you’ll ever learn

  • Energy clearing

  • Grounding

  • The secret to opening your third eye

  • How to hear your guides

  • What Tiktok can’t teach you

  • How to be discerning with teachers, socials and books

  • Following your own magical path

If you would like to learn more about starting out on your magical path check out:

Witch, Please:

Empowerment and enlightenment for the modern mystic

A modern mystic's practical guide to life, love and creating a fulfilling existence






With love and witching,




Barbie Tarot Spread

Unless you’ve been living under a Mojo Dojo Casa House you’ve probably noticed that Barbie has a movie out.

One of the most divisive movies of all time, the Barbie movie tells the story of Barbie and Barbies and Ken and Kens and Barbieland and the Real World and you know, I didn’t think I was going to get super emotional in a movie about Barbie, but I totally did!

It hit hard in all the right ways, from Barbie having an existential crisis to weird barbie (what happens when you play with them too hard) being the High Priestess of the whole place (I think Barbie the movie as the tarot deserves an entire blog post at some point to be honest!) to Ken thinking patriarchy is about horses and doing a killer dance battle with the other Kens at the end.

I loved playing with Barbies as a kid and although I recognise that there are plenty of problematic things about her (hello we are not all skinny, blonde, tanned astronauts!) this movie really got me in all the good places.

Barbie is such a huge part of pop culture and whether we like it or not, she continues to influence us all in many ways, and as a tarot reader, of course she was going to influence me to make a tarot spread exploring some of the issues raised in the movie!

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. Your existential crisis

2. Advice from weird barbie

3. systems to change

4. How to take power back

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and playing Barbies

