Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Lucy Sheridan

Lucy Sheridan and Vix from New Age Hipster having a Girl Crush Pyjama Party!
Lucy Sheridan and Vix from New Age Hipster having a Girl Crush Pyjama Party!

I'm so thrilled that the incredibly awesome Lucy Sheridan from Proof Coaching decided to pop over to New Age Hipster HQ for a PJ party this week! Luce is a life coach and is all about living #ComparisonFree. So I decided to stop obsessing over her gorgeous locks, killer style and powerful message for five minutes and make her a pizza at mine instead!

<3 OMG Lucy, are you so excited to be at my New Age Hipster Girl Crush Pyjama Party or what?!

Literally nearly spilt all of my Wotsits down myself!!

<3 What music do you want at the pyjama party?

Weeelll I like a bif chorus we can all join in with so bob on ABBA Gold #sorrynotsorry

<3 What pyjamas are you going to wear?

This is easy – my Bruce Springsteen tshirt and rainbow shorts

<3 OMG I LOVE Bruce Springsteen! We can wear matching shirts! :-D So anyway, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

Yuh-huh! I’m a life coach that helps get people over the compare & despair of social media so I get paid to help people and I also do freelance brand strategy which I luuurve. So I do a couple of things but I’m the CEO of me so I make it work!

<3 Sounds amazing! How did you get that job?

I set up my own company in October 2013 and worked my knackers off!

<3 What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

I do love a good pub quiz but I am never happier than hanging out with my golden retriever, Roe <3

<3 How about on the weekend?

Pubs without the quiz! Fnah. Just joking – I work most weekends because that’s when I’m life coaching my clients but I don’t mind  It will usually involve a big Sunday roast no matter the weather!

<3 What do you want to be when you grow up?

I would love to be like the best nail art, life coaching, unicorn farm owner the world has seen… buuuutt I will settle for being the authority on Comparison helping people in every corner of the world… there will definitely be more pets involved then too!

<3 If that happens I'm so coming to your unicorn farm... Where do you buy your clothes?

If I’m splashing out I love and for other day-to-day things it’s and good old ASOS. Workout gear is always lululemon

<3 What are your favourite beauty products?

Illamasqua brow cake is insanely good! I am bias as I used to work with and for them but I especially love that product. 

I love Topshop’s matt lipsticks which are a recent discovery and another staple is my By Terry foundation

<3 Who does your hair?

Me! That’s on a day-to-day basis but for my hair extensions I go to an amazing lady called Amy Scaife – I travel from Brighton to Yorkshire to see her and have to book months in advance! Becase I’m worth it ;-)

<3 You are so worth it. I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

Well I already mentioned Wotsits but if you could pass me the hummus and pitta and fully loaded nachos with a glass of Malbec I’ll be all set.

<3 Favourite pizza topping?

I recently stopped eating meat so am really liking tuna, olive, onion and capers with a good handful of rocket – yum! Don’t expect any snogging after that though.

<3 Favourite high school movie?

Ah, American Pie brings back good memories but before then it was The Craft and Legends of the Fall

<3 It's getting late so we have to tell ghost stories! Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

I absolutely believe in ghosts and I once saw one at my parent’s old house – the top of a man’s head going past the window

<3 Yikes! Have you ever had a spooky or paranormal encounter?

Yes lots! My parents-in-law live in a 16th century house with a rumoured priest hole and I’ve often felt like I was being watched or that someone was in the room with me when I was apparently alone

<3 What do you think happens when we die?

We go to the next body we’re due to inhabit – I believe in reincarnation and past lives and that our souls live forever and are immortal. The Brian Weiss Book Many Lives Many Masters really opened my mind to this possibility!

<3 Who do you think you were in a past life?

I think I was a pioneer when America as we know it today was being born – I feel a strong association with the American civil war and Appalacia so I’d love to go under regression and see if the hunch has come from a previous experience! I was probably a really hot banjo playing guy with a beard – way before they were cool ;-)

<3 What time do you usually go to bed?

At about 11pm… but I’ll scroll Pinterest until 1am!

<3 What do you want to do tomorrow?

How about we grab brunch and you can take me to that crystal warehouse you’ve told me about?

<3 Sounds awesome! So who's your girl/boy crush?!

Ah soooo many to choose from and if I had to pick one of each I’d say Kyle Gray for the boy for sure as he has been an amazing teacher for me this year as I’ve explored and embraced working with my angels and guides as part of my spiritual practice. I got to meet him in April and he was funny, cool, gracious, charming and so, so charismatic. Total babe!

For a girl, as I can’t pick you because you’re here, I’d say my friend Tamara AKA Wolfsister – she’s a shamanic healer and writer for the Numinous and we recently met in real life at my event #Higherselfie and it was an instant friendship.

<3 OMG I love Wolfsister too! Because you are so girl/boy-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!

Ooooh they can come over to and hang out at the #compariosnfree party or join me over at and

Thank you Vix – BIG KISS

Thank YOU Lucy for coming over! Hope we can do it in real life really soon! <3

Love, light and Springsteen PJ's,

