This week on social media I posted about “showing up and doing the work”.
A lot of people resonated with the post and I had a bunch of DMs from people saying things like - “thanks for the reminder, I haven’t been showing up like I want to”, and I also had a few asking me what it actually meant to show up and do the work.
Good question!
It’s one of those phrases that’s thrown around a lot in spiritual and self help circles, so I thought I’d throw my two cents in and let you know what it means to me (because this stuff always means something different to each of us!) to show up and “do the work”.
As someone who does spiritual work (and writes YA indie novels!) for a living, it’s kind of my job to tune in and pass on information that comes through. Whether that’s in a one on one session, or through something I feel called to share on social media or on my blog.
When I say something like “this came through in my meditation” or “my guides have been telling me this” people often ask how they can receive the same kind of downloads and intuitive hits.
The answer is - show up and do the work.
This is what showing up and doing the work looks like! From the #MoonchildTarot x
For every one time I go into meditation and fly off to the Sirius star system and get some download that gives me a huge insight and majorly shifts things for me there are 100 times I show up and I just stay on planet earth. (Which is still cool btw, and sometimes very much needed!)
the more I show up and do the work the easier it gets to chat with my guides, hear what they have to say, know what my spreads mean, visit higher dimensional realms and know what my next steps are!
Someone sent me a DM and said that they were worried they would show up and still nothing would happen. The thing is though, showing up is the reward in itself.
When you are the type of person that shows up for yourself, for your heart, soul and spiritual journey, when you show up for your dreams, you can’t lose. Even if you don’t get exactly what you wanted, becoming that person, that’s a huge reward in itself.
Here’s a simple of list of practical ways you can show up and do the work:
Develop a consistent spiritual practice
Meditate every day!
Live consciously
Help other people
Do shadow work (look at your own “stuff” and work through it!)
Pull your own cards daily to help you tune in
Read spiritual books
Take workshops and courses - Woo Woo 101 is a great place to start!
Create some routines and structure
Practice self-love on those days when it’s all too hard to show up (practising self-care is part of showing up!)
Join The Circle for resources to help you and support on the path!
When your guides give you a nudge or some guidance, follow it!
However you show up and do the work, do it regularly!
Most of all, make sure you are showing up and doing the work in the way that works for you and your life. There is no right or wrong way to show up. You know if you’re doing it or not!
If you’re still not sure how to start showing up check out my classes and The Circle membership to help you get on track! Or come and join the totally free Spiritual Journey Pitstop group and chat to like-minded souls about the spiritual path!
With so much love and light,
PS - I always reply to comments so if you have questions just post below! :D x