
Weekly Reading - 16 to 22 February 2015 - The Angel Oracle Deck

Angel Oracle - Ambika Wauters
Angel Oracle - Ambika Wauters

I recently purchased this little gem of a deck for only 29p second hand and WOW am I glad I did! I have to admit I've always been a little superstitious about second hand decks, but The Angel Oracle Deck by Ambika Wauters is changing my mind about that! I'm loving it's angelic vibe so much it's my deck of choice this week for our weekly reading...

Start of the week - Archangel Metatron

Metatron is urging us to get creative at the start of this week. Remember last week when we had those messages to get learning? Sign up for a course or learn a new skill? Well, I hope you've done that and you're ready to go! Don't forget to do whatever creative thing it is that you are doing with love. If after three weeks of life drawing you find yourself dreading another session, you don't have to go back. Archangel Metatron often works with children too, and here he's reminding us to connect with our inner child this week too. What creative activity would your inner child most enjoy? Even if it's just dancing around the house like Kate Bush, make sure to connect with your inner child in creative ways this week!

Middle of the week - The Guardian Angel of Service

It's so easy to get caught up in a 'what will I get out of this?' mentality. We do it all the time, at work, in relationships, when we buy a coffee for the advertised free cookie. What about what you can give? Focus this week on being of service to others. It can be in any form, perhaps you knitted a hat in your new knitting class, you could give it away to a friend, or homeless person. Perhaps you will write a poem for a loved one, make dinner on your night off, or simply hold the door open for a stranger. Try to change your perspective a little and see what happens if you focus on service.

End of the week - The Guardian Angel of Health

OK, it's time to get back into our bodies and consider what we are putting into them and how we are treating them. Look at your current diet, exercise routine and even just the way you think about your body. It's time for a little self love this weekend. Gift yourself a massage or a Yoga class, or even just do some Yoga on YouTube. Then stop off and grab some fruit and veg that looks delicious and make yourself something healthy and super scrummy for dinner. Your body deserves it!

If we focus on creativity, service and self love this week how can we possibly go wrong?!

I'd love to see you over on Facebook or Twitter to have a chat about how our week is going. Perhaps we can share some healthy recipes, creative successes and stories of paying it forward?!

<3 I'm sending you so much love, light and so many Angelic Good Vibes! <3

