
New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 24 | Bringing the Angelic Realm Down to Earth with Andrew Barker

New Age Hipster Radio Podcast Angels with Andrew Barker

I was so excited to have this conversation about all things angels, energy and spirituality with the incredible Andrew Barker.

Andrew is a Psychic Medium and Tarot Card Reader who works to make Angels more accessible to people. Through his style of reading, which he refers to as “Love, Light, and F-Bombs” he brings the world of Angels down to earth. Andrew lives in the Washington D.C. area and listens to Britney Spears more than he breathes. 

I’ve been following Andrew online for many years I absolutely love his authentic, bullshit-free take on spirituality, connecting with your angels and living your best life. I hope this conversation serves you and helps you to connect with your own Angels in your own beautiful way.

In this episode we talk about:

  • What are Angels?

  • How to meet and connect with your Angels

  • How to spot signs from your Angels

  • Angel Numbers

  • The difference between Guardian Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and loved ones in spirit

  • Working with Archangel Micheal

  • No bullshit spirituality

  • Angels working for us vs helping us do the work for ourselves

  • Manifesting with the Angels

Hang out with Andrew here:

Advice From Archangels Angel Spread x

Advice from Archangels x

A couple of weeks back I posted an Angel spread to help you connect with your Wingmen, and today we're taking it a little further and basically getting a whole heap of advice from a a bunch of Archangels in one go! YAY! 

This spread is perfect for when you want a general WTF is going on with my life kind of thing. A great daily, weekly or whenever it feels right spread.

This is not about getting your Archangels in a row - e.g pulling the Azrael card in the Release position, although it's been known to happen! This spread is just to help you connect with any Angels and Archangels to help you see what's going on for you in the moment. 

So go ahead and grab your Angel, Oracle or Tarot cards, pull out 7 cards and set them out as above!

Oh, and check out the video below for extra info!


How the Angels see you

Imagine you are zooming out of your life and looking down on yourself. Take a second here to see yourself how the Angels see you. They may want to remind you what you're doing well, give you a pat on the back, a huge hug or deliver a message about what you really need right now.


Michael - Life Purpose Stuff

Archangel Michael is great at clearing and protecting, but he's also pretty good at helping with life purpose and life path stuff. Here he's giving you a clue about what you need to know to make sure you're on the right path


Raphael - Healing

This card represents your healing journey. What needs to be healed? What does Archangel Raphael want to heal in your life? This can be related to any kind of healing that is taking place, or needs to be.

Healing professionals - this could also relate to your work! 


Ariel - Finances and Work

What does Archangel Ariel want you to know about your work and cash flow stuff? The messages here can highlight blocks but also give you some insights into ways to get your abundance is flowing. If you have pets they could show up here too. 


Uriel - Action

Archangel Uriel is all about that inner spark and he's here to encourage you to take action in your life. Uriel is also the dude for calling on if you need help with ideas. What idea do you have that wants to become a reality? What do you need to stop dreaming about and start doing? 


Azrael - Release

What do you need to release right now? A relationship, situation, mindset? This card is all about saying see ya later to this thing that no longer serves you to make room for other stuff that wants to come into your life. 


Gabriel - Self Expression

Archangel Gabriel wants you to know how to express yourself in the most authentically way possible. This card is all about creative pursuits and speaking your truth. What's inside you that needs to come out?


I would love to know if you found this spread useful! Comment below and/or make sure to share your pics of your spreads on Instagram! Hashtag #newagehipster so I can find you!


With love, light and Angel wings!



Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael Angel Tarot New Age Hipster

Today I want to introduce you to my main man (apart from the bf of course!). The Archangel I work with the most, and the first Archangel many people who start getting into angels start working with. Newbies love him because he is super easy to get to know, and his job is protecting you, which is one of the the first things we really need to place our focus on when we start hanging out in the spiritual realms. Apart from your Guardian Angels who's soul purpose is protecting you, AA Michael can protect you whenever you start feeling the heebie jeebies. Home alone and freaking yourself out with a scary movie? Thought you saw a shadow? Walking back from the pub a little later than usual? Just whisper his name into the breeze, or shout it out loud and he's with you. 

When Archangel Michael swoops in he’s able to lift you out of fear and help protect you from anything that’s not from the light - including your own negative thoughts, freak outs, anxiety, stress or whatever is manifesting in your life that could use an etheric cord cutting!


Who is Archangel Michael?

Archangel Michael is the angel of protection. He's a warrior and all about confidence and honour and power! He can protect you physically, and although your Guardian Angels can protect you too, he kind of a greater power than they do. For example, your Guardian Angels can make you swerve out of the road if a truck is coming at you, Archangel Michael can stop the truck. The Archangels are more powerful than Guardian Angels and can be everywhere at once. Your Guardian Angel can only be with you, but Big Mick can be with anyone who calls on him, anytime anywhere, kind of like Jesus. Speaking of Jesus, you don’t have to be a Christian to work with angels, or Archangels, but you totally can be too! He’s non denominational and sees past all that religious dogma. In fact, Angels have been around in history way longer than Christianity.


How can we connect with him?

Archangel Michael is crazy easy to connect with. All you have to do is ask him to have your back. “Archangel Michael, please have my back” will do. Kyle Gray has this cool way of talking to Angels which has a fun manifesting vibe - he suggests that saying “Archangel Michael, thanks for having my back” is a stronger prayer. I totally agree, but I like to do both. I like to throw in a please, then a thank you, but you can do whatever works for you! How you talk to the angels is between you and them. You’ll work out your style of communication and learn what works for you.

Aside from just chatting, you can connect in other ways too. Archangel Michael’s colour is blue, like a deep royal blue, but you might see him in a different shade which is totally cool too.

<3 Meditate and visualise either AA Michael or blue colour or light around you

<3 Burn some incense, you can get a special AA Michael one, or some nice Angel oil!

<3 Use crystals to connect - Angelite, Celestite, Anything royal blue-ish that grabs you

<3 Light royal blue candles

<3 Use Angel cards to connect, specifically asking for an answer from AA Michael

<3 Pull out an AA Michael card and place it by your bed, or somewhere you will see it often


Ways to work with Archangel Michael

So once you've connected and you're pretty sure Archangel Michael is with you you’ll find that he can help you with so much.

<3 Any time you’re feeling nervous or scared call on him for protection

<3 You can ask him to protect you physically, emotionally and spiritually

<3 Ask him to cut your cords

<3 Ask him to vacuum your house of any low level energies (not just ghosts, but like your own, or other people’s negativity that comes in!)

<3 Have him hang out with you on days when you’re feeling extra anxious or worried

<3 Visualise his shield in front of you and his wings outstretched behind you

Archangel Michael is great to call on whenever you are doing spiritual stuff. Whenever I read cards, tarot or angel cards, I always ask him to be with me, to protect me and the reader and keep the space safe for us both. You can’t always be sure in a reading what you are going to pick up (I’ve picked up some weird things!) but you can be sure that if you ask for Angelic protection that the vibe will raise and any negative goo will struggle to hang around.

If you have never worked with Angels before Archangel Michael is the perfect angel to start working with. He’ll show you that working with the Angels is safe, uplifting and life changing!


I would love to know how you get on working with Archangel Michael (or any of the angels!) and if there are any other ways you connect with him too! We all develop our own ways to connect with the angels and these are just some of mine and they are always evolving too! Please let us know in the comments or over on social media what’s occurring between you and this powerful and amazing Angelic dude!


<3 Love, light and angelic blessings <3





Weekly Reading - 16 to 22 February 2015 - The Angel Oracle Deck

Angel Oracle - Ambika Wauters
Angel Oracle - Ambika Wauters

I recently purchased this little gem of a deck for only 29p second hand and WOW am I glad I did! I have to admit I've always been a little superstitious about second hand decks, but The Angel Oracle Deck by Ambika Wauters is changing my mind about that! I'm loving it's angelic vibe so much it's my deck of choice this week for our weekly reading...

Start of the week - Archangel Metatron

Metatron is urging us to get creative at the start of this week. Remember last week when we had those messages to get learning? Sign up for a course or learn a new skill? Well, I hope you've done that and you're ready to go! Don't forget to do whatever creative thing it is that you are doing with love. If after three weeks of life drawing you find yourself dreading another session, you don't have to go back. Archangel Metatron often works with children too, and here he's reminding us to connect with our inner child this week too. What creative activity would your inner child most enjoy? Even if it's just dancing around the house like Kate Bush, make sure to connect with your inner child in creative ways this week!

Middle of the week - The Guardian Angel of Service

It's so easy to get caught up in a 'what will I get out of this?' mentality. We do it all the time, at work, in relationships, when we buy a coffee for the advertised free cookie. What about what you can give? Focus this week on being of service to others. It can be in any form, perhaps you knitted a hat in your new knitting class, you could give it away to a friend, or homeless person. Perhaps you will write a poem for a loved one, make dinner on your night off, or simply hold the door open for a stranger. Try to change your perspective a little and see what happens if you focus on service.

End of the week - The Guardian Angel of Health

OK, it's time to get back into our bodies and consider what we are putting into them and how we are treating them. Look at your current diet, exercise routine and even just the way you think about your body. It's time for a little self love this weekend. Gift yourself a massage or a Yoga class, or even just do some Yoga on YouTube. Then stop off and grab some fruit and veg that looks delicious and make yourself something healthy and super scrummy for dinner. Your body deserves it!

If we focus on creativity, service and self love this week how can we possibly go wrong?!

I'd love to see you over on Facebook or Twitter to have a chat about how our week is going. Perhaps we can share some healthy recipes, creative successes and stories of paying it forward?!

<3 I'm sending you so much love, light and so many Angelic Good Vibes! <3



It's 2015! #YAY! what?!

Image from
Image from

2015 is here!!! We've been waiting for it for MONTHS, and you know what? I do feel different! Don't you?! I feel the buzz! I feel the vibes! I feel the abundant '8' year energy and ready to say to hell with the dress rehearsal let's dance the shit out of this year! 

That feeling is great, but that feeling alone doesn't get you very far alone. You have to work, think, plan and take action to make this the best year EVER! You can't be sitting around in a relationship that's no good for you. You can't hang on to a job that is sucking you dry emotionally and energetically. You can't just carry on like you always do and expect things to change.

So here's where I can help. I'm offering a bunch of uplifting and empowering 2015 email readings. I'll look at the energy of your year, things to get excited about and plan for, things to be aware of and practical tips on what to actually do with this energy to help you make this year AMAZING! For a full reading (which goes for £40) I'll also see which Angel and Goddess want to work with you and give you a message from the Fairies! For £20 you get a shorter version of a full reading and for ONLY £10 you get a minimum three card reading looking at the major themes, challenges and messages you need in your life right now + an Angel to work with (or Goddess or Fairy if you so wish!).

I'm always totally open to communicating with you about your reading and love to email about it all to make sure you get the most out of the experience. If you have any questions about this reading, or anything I do, or anything at all I'd love to hear from you. I'm x You can also come chat to me on Facebook.

You can find out more by watching the video below, checking out the Readings page or heading over to the Etsy store.

<3 Sending you so much love, light and abundant 2015 vibes!! <3



Weekly Card Reading - 17th to 23rd November (Angel Tarot)

Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

This week our reading comes via the Angel Tarotby Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. There's a lot of debate going on about Tarot versus Angel Tarot or Angel Cards and I'm going to put it out there right now - I don't think there is any difference. Of course there are differences - e.g. Angel cards are 'softer', the art work is different, etc., but I really think the energy and messages all come from the same place. A lot of people have this idea that Angels are some fluffy bunny Christmas decoration type beings, that people who like Angels are 'airy fairy' or too sensitive or whatever. But did you guys know that actually Angels aren't even Angels? OK, that sounds random. What I mean is that Angels are simply light beings that can help us on our path - just like our guides and passed over loved ones. Hundreds of years ago people saw these light beings and mistook their auras and light for wings. So actually, Angels don't even have wings! OMG craziness! It's totally OK if you imagine them with wings though, I mean wings are seriously cool, and an awesome symbol of power and freedom! Enough of the Angel history lecture, let's look at what's happening this week!

Monday - The Magician (Archangel Raziel)

OK, not the first time we've seen this card. You have the wand in your hand today, what are you going to use it for, good or evil? Of course you're going to use it for good. You have the power today, so be careful how you use it. Watch out for your thoughts and your words - catch yourself when you speak negatively about someone or something and try to change it around so you manifest good vibes instead of more negativity.

Tuesday - Four of Earth

This is the Four of Pentacles Angel card version and it's about the need for controlling finances, or even controlling others! Ouch. What are you trying to control right now that you need to let go of? It could be not delegating tasks to others, trying to control a situation or outcome that is totally out of your hands. You don't have to do everything on your own. In fact, you can't do everything on your own. 

Wednesday - Three of Air

Often we spend so much time working on forgiving others we forget to forgive ourselves. Maybe you have had really negative thoughts about others who've done something horrible to you. Forgive yourself for having these thoughts and make an intention to be kinder to yourself. We are human and we have egos and that means occasionally looking at someone on the street and thinking they look terrible. Notice that thought, notice the judgement, make an intention to try not to be so judgemental and then forgive yourself and move forward.

Thursday - Knight of Air

You've been seriously pushing yourself this week, which is awesome, but this might be a good day to take a break. Take a hot bath with some Lush bubbles, send yourself to bed half an hour early, eat carbs and watch some mindless TV. Stop and breathe.

Friday - Queen of Air

This is the Queen of Swords from the traditional tarot. A brilliant woman, but is often seen as cold and not very in-tune with her emotions. Today might be a good day to warm up a little. Give someone a hug. Tell someone how you really feel, look at some cat videos on YouTube. Seek out some warm fuzzies today.

Saturday - Four of Air

Another day of rest! Yay! You are allowed to take the day off. I recently had a conversation with the wonderful Jo Westwood about taking time out. She helped me notice the difference between being 'on' and 'off'. When you are reading self-help books, working on your novel, typing up a blog post, practicing guitar, etc., you are 'on'. Even if you are doing something you love! Take time off today. That means time off from self-help books and creative projects too - this stuff takes a lot of your energy, even though it makes you feel great! Some days you just need to curl up with a novel or have a Greek marathon. Today you are allowed to do that, at least for half the day OK?

Sunday - Five of Air

Wow, we have so much air this week! This card today suggests someone around us might not have totally honest intentions. Listen to your gut today when you meet or speak with others. Stay in your bubble of golden light and don't give more than you can to others. 

Bonus card! 

This card flipped out at the end and I think this is kind of the over-all card for the week. We have The Dreamer (Archangel Metatron). This is the card numbered 0 and I think that's important. This week is the start of something new for all of us. A new leaf is being turned this week, a new way of thinking and being, and it's the beginning of a new amazing journey. I'm so glad that we are all on it together!

Follow me on Instagram, I'm newagehipster333, for the daily version of this reading, and keep in touch over on Facebook, where I'm also newagehipster333. There are lots of great people over there to chat with and we just reached 333 followers so I gave away a bunch of readings and I'll be giving away loads more too! Also you can find out more about how to get a personalised reading at x

<3 Sending so much love and light for a powerful week ahead! <3



The Week Ahead - 27th of October to 2nd of November

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray

Mercury is finally going direct! Yay! Now let's see what amazingness is in store this week via the beautiful Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards that I am so in love with right now I even made a video review, but I'll post all about that later...


Healthy Choices - OK, so it's Monday and if you're anything like me that healthy eating thing has a habit of going out the window on weekends sometimes. Today we are being urged to make a healthy choice - eat your vegies, do some exercise, drink a smoothie, or at the very least don't eat that whole packet of biscuits today! Do something today your body will thank you for.


Honour Your Feelings - Whatever you are going through on Tuesday, just allow it. Ask yourself today - how am I really feeling? Maybe you have some feelings that you've been hiding from even yourself. How do you really feel about that guy/girl? How do you really feel about your job? OMG, how do you really feel about your life?! However you are feeling today is totally valid. Cry in the shower, dance around the lounge room, scream in the broom closet and don't apologise for how you feel today. Unless you hurt someone with your words or actions, because that isn't cool.


The Inner Voice - last week we had an intuitive Wednesday and it looks like we are having another one this week! What's up with Wednesdays? Another great day to stop, meditate, get quiet, journal or whatever else works for you and tune into that inner voice. And pay attention to what you hear! When we follow the loving and supportive guidance of our inner voice things can only get better.


Unconditional Love - OK, who have you been sending daggers to this week? Some guy who took up all the space on the train? What about that jerk that cut you off in traffic? How about your evil boss or someone that barged you in the supermarket? Hey, maybe you've even been sending daggers to yourself. Today is about releasing daggers. Send love to the people who piss you off (hey, I know it's hard). I sometimes just imagine sending a yellow heart to people. You don't have to like them, but asking love and light to surround people that drive you nuts is totally therapeutic and makes everyone feel better. You might even need to spend some time today asking Mother Mary to send you some unconditional love too. We could all use a bit of that!


Speak Your Truth - Today we are speaking up for someone, something or ourselves. When you see someone being mean to a shop assistant don't just stand there, tell them it's not cool. Speak up in meetings, post your truth on the internet, clear your throat chakra! This card also suggests that we donate or join a cause for those who can't speak for themselves. People who can't communicate effectively due to disabilities or other conditions, animals, nature. Cats can't talk, but we can talk for them and so we should!


Live Your Joy - I mean WOW! What an amazing card to get for a Saturday! You are free today to follow your joy, whatever that is! Do whatever makes your heart and soul sing with joy today. Go out with friends, get out in nature, read a book, bake cupcakes, spend time with family and loved ones, watch a silly movie, go shopping for candles, go to Lush and buy yourself a bath bomb (OMG so obsessed with Lush right now!), work on your novel, scrapbook something awesome. Today just DO YOU!


Leap of Faith - Last weekend we talked about the Fool card and how we needed to start making plans for the next big leap of faith - well here it is again! We've started planning it, now it's time to get the Angels involved and ask them for their input! Spend some time today dreaming, planning and asking for guidance, and if you're already ready - do it! Start that blog, start that website for your business, send that manuscript to that publisher, upload your art on Etsy, or start searching the internet for your dream job.

I'm wishing everyone an amazing week this week, and if you fancy a reading EVERYTHING IN THE ETSY STORE IS 33% OFF this week only with the code: halfterm.

Love, light and Angel Prayers!



The Week Ahead - Home is where you choose it

Home Mary Queen of Angels

This week's reading comes from Mother Mary via Doreen Virtue's Mary Queen of Angels oracle card deck. I love working with Mother Mary. Her energy is so soft, loving and yet deeply powerful. When I call on her I often get a feeling that she is standing right behind me, it's gentle and so peaceful and a strong feeling of just being 'loved'.

Today Mary is giving us some guidance about our home, but not in the material sense of home being a place of mud, stone and mortar. This message is about finding your spiritual home. It's about finding your people, finding the right spiritual leaders to follow and actually it's also about finding the place within yourself where you feel comfortable and safe. How do you connect with that place? How do you connect with the divine?

Spirituality isn't religion. We don't have a doctrine to abide by, we are free to choose what works for us, what makes sense to us and live according to what resonates with our own highest self. How amazing is that?! We are so lucky in this day and age that we have this freedom. It was not so long ago that I would've been killed for even whispering these ideas, let alone writing them down and publishing them on the internet!

But here we are, in 2014, and we have the freedom to decide where we want to live, who we want to live with and how we are going to pay our rent. So why not choose our spiritual family and home as well?

Take some time this week to think about your spiritual home. What does it mean to you? Who do you want to live with? Do you want choirs of angels by your bed? A spirit guide to chat to over a cup of tea? Do you want to sit out in nature and commune with the nature spirits and fairies? Do you want to follow the teachings of Jesus and hang a Rosary in your car? Do you want to work with the saints and ask for Saint Christopher's protection while travelling? How about just being in communication with God or the Universe? Do you want to do energy work and raise your vibration through your chakra system? How about reading all the books about Native American spirituality? Cast spells and sit in sacred circles, read the Book of Mormon, try Kundalini Yoga, explore your life purpose through Numerology, read the Tarot, pull some runes, or like me, you might want to try and do all of the above plus so much more!

The message Mary has for us today is that it doesn't matter what you do, or how or who you connect with in your spiritual home as long as you live your life from a place of love and are kind to people, animals and the Earth.

So think about your spiritual home this week, but whatever you find there, and however you find it hold the space and respect those who find it differently. Just because you like apartment living doesn't mean those people living in shipping container houses are doing it wrong. As long as you pay your rent and are kind to the neighbours right?!

And while we are ordering off the spiritual menu, browsing spiritual books on Amazon, playing with our tarot and oracle card decks, reading about various spiritual ideas on the internet and chatting to like minded souls this week, may we all send love and prayers for peace this week to those areas of the world in which people do not yet have the freedom to speak their truth.

Love, light and spiritual choices,




The week ahead - Where are you going?!

A little late with the week ahead - please forgive me! But like I said on #Caturday whenever you see this post is whenever you are meant to see it, divine timing and all that. Anyway, to celebrate that I got my new Doreen Virtue Guardian Angel Tarot deck, that I just gave away a bunch of free readings and that I'm going to be studying with Doreen in London this week I'm using the new deck! This deck is so sweet and cute and vintage and glittery and I'll do a deck review on YouTube if people want that?! Just shout at me on Facebook about what you want to see on YouTube, and even on this blog!

This week I pulled the Six of Thought, which is based on the Six of Swords. It's the boat card, the water taxi, the asylum seekers, the looking for greener pastures card. It can be a metaphorical boat or literally that you are travelling across the sea... but what does it mean for us right now this week? It's not like we're all going on a cruise.

OK, so when I pulled it I got a real sense of knowing where we are going, or rather, making sure we do know where we are going. We have the boat, we have the oars, but do we know where the hell we are heading? It's time to get clear about the destination and this card and the Angels are telling us to really look at our maps this week. Are we heading in the right direction? Have we veered off course a little? Is our heart telling us to change direction but we're still sailing towards something else?

This week ask yourself these two questions:

<3 where are you heading?

<3 where do you want to be heading?

If you get the same answers to both questions you're on your way - keep on sailing sailor! But if you're drifting towards someplace else  get out your oars and start rowing!

You have the boat and you have the power to steer it in anyway you choose, so where are you rowing your boat to?

Don't know where the hell you are going? Well (prepare for shameless promotion!) I have posted a bunch of readings on my new Etsy store including the Life Purpose reading! Yay! It's NewAgeHipsterStore and it just opened yesterday! OMG Amazement! If there's nothing on there for you but you'd still like a reading just email me, I'm and we can discuss alternative options. And right now I'm offering 25% discount on any Angel readings with the code ANGELS so get angel-ing if you feel called to do so!

Sending love, light and good solid oars to all who pass this way,





#Caturday cat card - Knave (Page) of Wands + Giveaway winners!

Happy (late!) Caturday everyone! Now before you freak out that you are reading this on a Sunday or any other day for that matter - remember #Caturday is not just for Saturday! This post and card is for you for whenever you read it, just like everything else on this blog is.

I had soooo much trouble getting the #Caturday video done this week. I'm wondering if it's because I did it outside and there was some elemental (fairy?!) force at play screwing around with my tech. Those fairies sure are jokers! But I got it done eventually and in it I talk about the cat card for this week; the Knave (aka the Page) of Wands!

The kitty Knave of Wands is super sure of himself and totally confident in his life. He's confident at both work and at play. I love the pyramids in the Wands cards, they always make me think of adventure and this kitty remains confident even when he's in the middle of a desert in Egypt! Wow, way to be awesome out of your comfort zone kitty!

Is there something you've been wanting to do or sign up for that you haven't because you just aren't feeling that comfortable about it? A crazy new dance class? What about learning Old Norse? Joining a meet up group or just going out for dinner on your own? Whatever it is this kitty tells you - GO FOR IT! All you need to do is stand up straight and be confident, because you can do these things, and we all know that getting outside of your comfort zone is when truly awesome things happen.

For me doing these YouTube videos is so waaaaay out of my comfort zone, but I do really feel like I'm supposed to share this stuff and what better way is there to share a message than through the mighty power of YouTube?

The winners of the Guardian Angel Tarot giveaway! *Drum roll....* are: @Oracle_aimee, @annamichaelis21 and Maureen Ricketts! You guys will be getting a mini 3 card reading with the new Doreen deck! Whoop! I pulled a couple of runners up for a free one card reading and they are: @thetarotinitiate and @rhythm12! Email me, I'm for your prize and watch the video above if you want to see me literally pull your name out of a cat hat!

I will be doing lots of free readings as I get going with my business so keep an eye on the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.

In other news I'm going to be studying with the amazing Doreen Virtue this week at her London Angel Card Certification course! OMG SO MUCH EXCITE! To celebrate this I'm going to be opening my Etsy store with some super bargains on Angel readings so that I can raise enough money to pay for another angel course which I'm feeling guided to do! Can't. stop. doing. angel. courses... I'll let you all know everywhere when the shop is up! Hey, there's me getting out of my comfort zone again! Boom!

Love, light and late #Caturdays!
