new age hipster — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


new age hipster

Cleaning out your closet - Weekly Tarot + Angel Reading 12 - 18 January 2015

Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster
Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster

OK, we're doing something different this week: it's your weekly Tarot AND Angel card reading! I'm pulling three Tarot cards from the Cosmic Tarot + a message from the Angels via Kyle Gray's Angel Prayer's Oracle Cards deck! Whoo! Let me know what you think about the change in direction for the weekly readings! :-)

Start of the week: Princess of Wands Reversed

If you didn't read my post called 'The 2015 Energy Shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?' you might want to check it out. The gist is that we are feeling weird. Our higher selves have levelled up this year, but our bodies are still kind of catching up and getting used to it. Please see a doctor if you have any unusual things going on, but if you are feeling more of a 'disconnect' with your body even though your spirit connection is actually enhanced you might just be suffering from a levelling up hangover. Don't worry too much Princess, it's just some growing pains.

Middle of the week: King of Pentacles

So we are all guns blazing into 2015 because it's an 8 year right? The year of abundance and all that cool stuff! Whoop! Well, yeah, but let's not forget that abundance isn't just cold hard cash. It's also about health, love, family, friends, opportunitiesall the good stuff and lots of it! Don't get so focused on the money aspect that you forget to ask, manifest and work towards creating a life filled with all forms of abundance! Don't over water the lemon tree while the apple tree goes hungry.

The Weekend: Six of Wands Reversed

This weekend we need to get our sticks in order. Huh? OK, so you know how to tidy a mess sometimes you have to make a mess? This is one of those times. Maybe it's a literal mess you need to create - like when you clean out your closet. You have to pull all the crap out and then go through it all, sort it out and then put it back. Maybe you need to do that with your brain, or a relationship or something else this weekend. Get decluttering!

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray

Angel message: Divine Mother

So even though this week is kind of like just sorting out your closet (metaphorical or literal) Mother Mary wants you to know that she's with you hun. Call on her this week if you need some peace. It's easy, you don't even have to be Catholic or anything. Just say - 'Mother Mary' and then see how you feel. She always makes me feel like everything is fine. I mean hello, she gave birth to Jesus, she can probably help you tidy up your shoes.

Oh and guess what? On Tuesday the 13th January (that's this week!) I'm hosting another FREE TAROT TUESDAY on my Facebook page. Basically all you have to do is rock up to FB around 6pm GMT and post a question under the Tarot Tuesday Image - so it's gotta be something you don't mind other people seeing right? And I'll answer as many as I can in an hour! If the time zone is a bitch for you I'd love you to let me know. Just drop me a note on FB or Twitter and I'll try to make the next one at a time most people can come!

Hope to see you there! :-)

<3 love, light and abundance! <3



The 2015 energy shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?

image from I know I'm not the only ungrounded person around right now. The 2015 energy shift I've felt coming into this new year has been intense! So many shiny people on social media have been saying similar things too. It seems a lot of us are feeling a double whammy. We feel better than ever, like we are floating on clouds, in an exciting new head-space full of ideas, inspiration and even productivity! But meanwhile our bodies are telling a different story...

You may have been feeling like this lately:

<3 light-headed or dizzy

<3 ungrounded (more than whatever is 'usual' for you!)

<3 having waaaay too many ideas for your pretty little head

<3 sick - head-colds, nausea, migraines, headaches...

<3 pain somewhere in your body

<3 super excited!

<3 scattered

<3 anxious

<3 nervous (good or bad!)

<3 like your energy isn't in your body properly

<3 out of alignment

<3 any other way your body/mind tells you that you are ungrounded or uncentred

<3 just weird 


At the end of 2014 I had the worst migraine I've had in years. It was horrible. I lost my vision three times (usually it just happens once) and didn't get it back totally for a few days and I was in a seriously crap amount of pain. Then in the days after I just felt weird, I blamed the migraine, but guess what? It's been a couple weeks now and I still feel weird! Peeps on Instagram and FB have been reporting similar disturbances - disconnect, fuzzy, faint, dizzy, werid. OK, I'm a Gemini and I'm pretty scattered most of the time, but the thing is, a lot of other peeps are saying that they don't usually feel like this at all. 

So what the actual is going on? 

OK, so for those who didn't get the Numerology memo 2015 is bringing us into an 8 year which means Abundance City Baby! 2014 was a 7 year, which was basically about learning and working shit out. So for those of us who spent last year reading self help books, chatting with our guides and angels, journalling, asking questions, learning new skills, just thinking - 'what the hell am I supposed to be doing with my life?' and taking any steps big or small towards becoming who we really actually are and doing what we actually came here to do - this shift is HUGE! We actually know now what we are meant to do! I mean OMG! YAY!


Think of 2014 as level 1, or 2, or whatever level you've been playing at, doesn't matter! As the clock struck midnight bringing us into 2015 we literally levelled up! So here we are now walking around this new level and feeling pretty good about it! It basically looks the same, but there are some slight differences, new challenges, different colours, characters we didn't see before, we might even have a new outfit on or a different hair colour. The old level we were playing at had no challenges left for us!

So really, we are just feeling ungrounded because although we have raised our vibration (or levelled up!) our bodies haven't totally caught up yet!

PLEASE NOTE: Now this isn't medical advice by any means and I'm planning to see a doctor myself to talk about my migraines, and I highly suggest you do the same if you have any health issues, worries or concerns, but if you are just generally feeling ungrounded, perhaps it's just because your body isn't playing at the same level as your higher self is, not just yet anyway!


Try out some of the tips below or check out this post I wrote on grounding:

<3 take a bath

<3 breathe

<3 meditate

<3 eat potatoes - I'm not even joking, very grounding

<3 read... anything. You know I love a good YA book

<3 visualise your energy going back into your body and dropping down a touch

<3 clear your chakras

<3 yoga

<3 stretch

<3 dance

<3 carry crystals - I highly recommend black tourmaline, but any crystal and especially the dark coloured ones are good for serious grounding

<3 get outside as much as you can

<3 drink lots of tea (preferably caffeine free!)

<3 ask the angels, your guides, whoever you work with to help you stay grounded

<3 do all your grounding visualisations - feet as roots!

<3 just say out loud - "I am grounded!"


I hope you all start feeling a little less weird soon, or at least coming to feel normal in your new weird!

And guess what?! There's still time to get a 2015 reading with me! Huzzah! I'd love to help you look at the energies of your 2015 and how to work with them to make this the best year yet! Also make sure to come find me on Facebook for more New Age Hipster goodness, free daily readings and all sorts of fun things!

Sending you all loads of love, light and congratulations on levelling up!



AA Gabriel kicks our butts (In a nice way)! Weekly Reading for 5th to 11th January 2015

Archangel Power Tarot - Doreen Virtue + Radleigh Valentine +Leonie Dawson artwork  

The first full week of 2015 is brought to you by the Archangel Power Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. I love this deck. I actually bought it after seeing Doreen use it on her YouTube Channel and falling in love with it. This week it's bringing us lots of messages about taking action in our lives - one of the reasons that I love this deck, it always gives you guidance to do something! Oh and PS - the artwork in the photo above is by Leonie Dawson who ROCKS! x


Monday - Two of Raphael 

This is the two of Cups energy. Partnerships are important today, and although it could be about love or friendship I really think it's more about a networking business/work kind of relationship. Who could you work with on a common goal? Who could you ask advice from? Who can you help with something? Who is your best friend at work? Hang with them today and make sure they know you love 'em.


Tuesday - King of Gabriel

'Experience that leads to success'. OK, something is happening today that you probably can't really be bothered to deal with, or do. It's like 'OMG this isn't part of the plan, why do I have to deal with [whatever!]?' But going through this thing is like walking through the rain to get to the coffee shop. You could just stand in the rain until it stops, but things will be a hell of a lot better if you just get moving.


Wednesday - Ten of Gabriel

The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, but you just gonna shake. Stop trying to please the haters. Or not even the haters, just those people around you don't, like, 'get it'. You don't have to be weird and cut them off from your life, just keep in mind that some people get you better than others, and that's OK, because you don't get some people too.


Thursday - Three of Raphael 

This is a perfect day to hang out with good friends. If you can't, or don't have any, don't freak out. Go online and meet some people. Read your favourite blogs or watch some YouTube videos. Comment on what other people are doing that you love - recipes, fashion blogs, whatever! It's not the 90's but you can still totally make friends on the internet guys.


Friday - The Moon - Archangel Haniel

Time to do some inner work. A lot of action energy around this week, but on Friday let's just take some deep breaths, think about what the hell we actually want to do with this year and just chill. Listen to your higher self, inner voice, whatever you want to call it today, but it might help if you find somewhere quiet to do it. Hey, even just chilling with your favourite YA novel can help you get into the right headspace to hear yourself.


Saturday - Five of Michael 

Yay! A powerful Archangel Michael day! He's telling us today that something isn't serving us. What is it?! Think about your life and think about if you keep following the path you are on right now where you are going to end up at the end of 2015. Is that the path you wanna take?! Cut out whatever's not serving you today, ask AA Mike to help with that.


Sunday - Nine of Gabriel 

Another action card telling us to move forward. I really think this goes with the messages from Saturday. What do you need to do to move forward on the right path for you? I don't always dig seeing 'action' cards on Sunday because I always think Sundays should be for chilling out, but that doesn't mean you can't be making some plans, doing some work or journalling or whatever for at least a couple of hours.


I hope you all have an amazing week and don't forget there's still time to get your 2015 reading with me over on the Etsty store - I think I'll be doing these for at least a few more weeks! And you can find out more about my other readings here. Also more exciting things coming up - Free Tarot Tuesdays are coming back (that's where you get to ask a quick question on the FB page and I'll pull a card for you), and my weekly (maybe bi-weekly?!) email is going to start going out soon! OMG!

<3 Sending you so much love, light and Archangel Gabriel good vibes for an amazing action packed week ahead! <3



It's 2015! #YAY! what?!

Image from

Image from

2015 is here!!! We've been waiting for it for MONTHS, and you know what? I do feel different! Don't you?! I feel the buzz! I feel the vibes! I feel the abundant '8' year energy and ready to say to hell with the dress rehearsal let's dance the shit out of this year! 

That feeling is great, but that feeling alone doesn't get you very far alone. You have to work, think, plan and take action to make this the best year EVER! You can't be sitting around in a relationship that's no good for you. You can't hang on to a job that is sucking you dry emotionally and energetically. You can't just carry on like you always do and expect things to change.

So here's where I can help. I'm offering a bunch of uplifting and empowering 2015 email readings. I'll look at the energy of your year, things to get excited about and plan for, things to be aware of and practical tips on what to actually do with this energy to help you make this year AMAZING! For a full reading (which goes for £40) I'll also see which Angel and Goddess want to work with you and give you a message from the Fairies! For £20 you get a shorter version of a full reading and for ONLY £10 you get a minimum three card reading looking at the major themes, challenges and messages you need in your life right now + an Angel to work with (or Goddess or Fairy if you so wish!).

I'm always totally open to communicating with you about your reading and love to email about it all to make sure you get the most out of the experience. If you have any questions about this reading, or anything I do, or anything at all I'd love to hear from you. I'm x You can also come chat to me on Facebook.

You can find out more by watching the video below, checking out the Readings page or heading over to the Etsy store.

<3 Sending you so much love, light and abundant 2015 vibes!! <3



Weekly Reading - Hanson Roberts Tarot - 29th December 2014 to 4th January 2014

  Hanson Roberts Tarot

OK guys, here's the weekly reading for the week of the new year! *Clapping!* When I do these readings what I'm doing is like tapping into the energy that surrounds anyone who see this post, or the cards on Facebook or Instagram in the hopes that it will resonate with many of you and bring guidance and help uplift and empower you to make your week rock! I'm using the Hanson Roberts deck, which is the very first deck I ever bought! I love it dearly...


Monday - Six of Pentacles

I've seen this card a lot lately! Yay! Share the wealth today! OK, you might not think you have much, especially if you've over-spent at Christmas... but everyone has something to share. Maybe just share your time, knowledge or skills today. Or at least start thinking about how you are going to do this in the New Year!


Tuesday - Justice Reversed

"But it's not faaaaaaaaiiirrr!" you might find yourself screaming this today, or at least in your head. Yes, life is not fair. I don't know why bad things happen either. Some people think that everything is meant to be and try to find peace in the most horrible circumstances. Not me. I shake my head and scream at the news on TV and then I stamp my foot and send love, light and Angels to the situation. Sometimes that's all we can do, but that doesn't mean we can't at least do that.


Wednesday NEW YEARS EVE!! - Five of Swords Reversed

This is not a night for drama, manipulation, lies, deceit or any of that crap. Tonight is about being your best self. If you have any intentions other than that you might as well stay home. Tonight is for celebrating and uplifting others not dragging anyone into your drama OK? No checking out someone else's date, no complaining about the service or cost of drinks, no getting all negative because someone is wearing your outfit and you think they look better. No being mopey! Start the year as your best self!


Thursday NEW YEARS DAY!!! - Queen of Cups Reversed

This could simply be your hangover. Or this lady is appearing because you may just feel out of sorts. You've been planning, manifesting, you've been working through your Leonie Dawson 2015 Yearbook. Oh, but you thought you'd wake up on the first day of 2015 a new shiny version of yourself and you didn't. Uh, don't freak out. You have 364 days left to be shiny. Recover, relax, rejuvenate. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.


Friday - Seven of Cups

OK time to sit down and work out what the hell you are actually doing. What do you really want out of 2015? Do you want to start your own business? Do you just want a better paying job? Do you want to go back to Uni? Do you want to just work in a bar for a couple of months and then travel overseas? Do you just want to hibernate and worry about it until Summer? Forget what everyone else has on their 2015 wish list, what's really on yours?!


Saturday - Nine of Cups

Boo yah! Saturday is all about being content. This is a day to go shopping with mates in the sales, have a nice dinner out with your love, just bloody sit and read a book all day. Do whatever is going to make you feel 'content'. That's basically abundance right? I think I might go see the new Hunger Games...


Sunday - Five of Rods

Ah yes, the battle between good and evil, AKA the Sunday night blues. If you are going back to work on Monday the world may seem like it's crashing down around you tonight. There's a push/pull inside of you - the I love my life on the weekends, but I hate my job thing. Or even if you like your job it's not like getting out of bed on Monday is ever that fun. Try to remember why you need to go to work and get into some gratitude if you can. It's the start of the year and could be a perfect time to start that gratitude journal you are always going on about. What are you grateful for today?


There's still time to grab your own personal 2015 email reading from my Etsy store. A full reading comes with a 12 month spread, an Angel and Goddess to work with and a Fairy message to get you through the whole year. I'm also offering shorter readings from as little as £10!! OMG!! I've had some wonderful feedback from these and I'm loving being able to give you some insights on your year ahead; the joys and the difficulties that may come up so that you are able to navigate towards or around them!  

<3 Sending you soooo much love and light and sparkly shiny new year good vibes! <3



Weekly Reading - Goddess Guidance Oracle - 15th to 21st December

Goddess Guidance Oracle - Doreen Virtue OK so I'm literally sitting on a King sized bed at the Hilton eating Potnoodle, listening to Taylor Swift and pulling Goddess Guidance Oracle cards. Sounds more exciting than it is. I'm only here because I have nowhere to live for a week and I got a good deal on and I'm pretty sure this bed is actually two twin beds pushed together.

But anyway, you don't want to know about that, you want to know what's happening this week. I felt super drawn to the Goddesses this week. We've had a lot of heavy releasing and dealing with dirt weeks lately, and you know what? That's needed sometimes, but now it's time to pick ourselves up, get in the shower and wash off the mud and reconnect with our inner Goddess power! Raarrrr!

Monday - Yemanya

Yemanya is a super powerful Sea Goddess who can grant wishes! Ask for a wish today and see what happens. But this card is also about doors opening. If you wish for something like a new job, and then the universe shows you a new job but it's on the other side of a door - for God's sake go through the door! Don't be asking for stuff and then be too lazy or scared to unwrap it when you get it!!

Tuesday - White Tara

Ah this beauty comes up for me often. I don't know about you guys, but the more of this spiritual stuff I do the more I can't eat stuff that doesn't align with me. I can't be in rooms with certain types of people without getting really uncomfortable. Public transport is way worse than it used to be and hair spray freaks me out! We can't shut out the whole world all day every day, but we can be aware of our sensitivities and plan ahead for stuff. Catch the early bus, choose the vegetarian options at the pub and make your own hairspray or look online for chemical free alternatives!

Wednesday - Mother Mary

On Wednesday Mary is just asking us to spend a little thinking about our faith and sending prayers where they are most needed. I just watched Polar Express last night - remember that bit where the kid rings the bell and nothing happens? And then he says "I believe" and rings the bell and he hears it?! That's what we need to do on Wednesday to be able to hear the bell! :-)

Thursday - Sulis

Sulis is a Celtic Sun Goddess who oversees bodies of water. I have to admit the Celtic stuff resonates with me A LOT and I got a little tingle at seeing Sulis here. Connect to what gives you a tingle via water today - take a walk by a lake or on the beach, or if you are stuck in the Hilton and it's dark and there's nothing around but roads you can have a shower or a bath and visualise the water cleansing and healing you. Don't have hot running water? No problem, do a visualisation! You can imagine yourself under a waterfall!

Friday - Freyja

OK so this is werid, Friday was actually named after Freyja! OMG! #synchronicity! The book says - 'Freyja rides in a chariot pulled by mighty cats across the rainbow bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. OK, I think I've found my new Goddess bestie! This girl is all about taking RISKS! What are you teetering on the edge of right now? What risk are you going to take today? This will actually be my last day at my current job and I really want to not have to do this job again, so that's the risk I'm taking. I want to do this! What do you want to do?!

Saturday - Green Tara

Oh wow, we got both Taras this week! Green Tara rescues us by empowering us to save ourselves. Wow, that's real! Delegating today is super important and just because it's Saturday doesn't mean you can't delegate. Ask someone to help you with your blog or creative project. Let someone make you a sandwich, or treat yourself and have someone else make your dinner and even bring it to you! This is also just a message that you don't have to do it all. If you are working on building a new life for yourself be patient and kind to yourself. You can't change the world in one day, but you can do a bit of work towards it for sure!

Sunday - Damara

OK so this can be a great day to literally spend time with your children, or if you don't have children it can be about nurturing your own inner child, or finding ways you can help children that aren't yours. In terms of projects; we 'give birth' to things and then need to nurture them as if they are our children too. Whatever we are doing today the key word is 'nurture'. Nurture yourself, your plants, your cat, your business, your bookshelf.

WOW! I'm so glad I drew on the Goddesses this week, I think they are really going to help us to crank it up a notch before heading into 2015!! If you would like a personal reading with these cards, tarot, angels, whatever! drop me a line I'm vix(at) and would love to hook you up with a new year reading. I'm thinking a full year ahead tarot spread + a Goddess and Archangel for 2015 and a fairy message all for a super good price! Yay! I want one! LOL!

<3 Lots of love, light and Goddess goodness! <3



Weekly Tarot Reading - Hanson Roberts - 8th to 14th December

Hanson Roberts Tarot I thought after last week's reading of ALL reversed cards and a lot of feedback from people saying it had been a heavy week that we would be moving onto something lighter and peppier this week. But no. That's not what's happening with the tarot reading for this week. As always I asked this week for messages that will be helpful for anyone who finds this reading on Facebook, Instagram or here on the blog. This week I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot which was my very first Tarot deck! I loved this for my first deck and still love it a lot. It's so 80's and the fairy tale vibe is super cute.

Monday - The Moon Reversed

OK we just had the full moon on Saturday night. Did you go out into your backyard, or open your window and shout out to the moon what you want to let go of?! It's not too late. Tell the moon today what it is you no longer want in your life, and then play your part in letting it go. Delete the ex boyfriend's numbers off your phone, unfriend whoever you need to unfriend on Facebook and don't feel bad about it. Make space for new amazing people and things to enter your life.

Tuesday - Ten of Swords Reversed

What's blocking you from releasing what you need to release? What is stopping you from making that next step forward on your path? What is in your way? Take time today to examine it. Meditate or journal or just ask yourself - 'what is blocking me right now?' Don't freak out about it, just be aware. It's only when we become aware of our blocks that we can really start busting through them.

Wednesday - Five of Cups Reversed

I think maybe we are finally going to start feeling better today. We are getting into a new perspective about stuff, and if we're not, we totally should. Don't keep your outdated ideas and beliefs about certain situations and people. Start to see things as they really are and this should give you some kind of a sense of relief about at least one thing that's going on - finally!

Thursday - Five of Swords Reversed

Today everything is going to be kind of transparent. People are seeing you for who you really are, and you are seeing others for who they are. Who are you really? Who do you want to be? What's causing you to make your decisions? Love or fear? Wow, that's so cliché. But seriously, are you doing stuff to please others, to look cool, to make someone else think you are something you are not? Forget that crap. Show your true self today and do everything you do with a loving heart.

Friday - Justice Reversed

You might feel like others are judging you today, or you might be judging others. Watch your thoughts about other people. Just because you wouldn't wear those leggings doesn't mean it's OK for you to think that anyone who does wear those leggings is ridiculous. But also, don't judge yourself too harshly when you judge others (Ha!). Notice the thought, cancel clear delete it and try to have a different thought next time.

Saturday - Page of Rods Reversed

There's a message that the Universe wants you to hear and you just aren't getting it. Open your eyes and see the signs today. If you have a nagging feeling about something pay attention to it. Stand in the shower and be open to ideas and thoughts that may lead you in a new direction. If all your friends tell you that new guy/gal is a jerk - they might be right. If everyone is telling you to apply for that job, maybe you should. Or maybe the Universe just wants to say Hi, so say Hi back! 

Sunday - Knight of Cups

Oh thank GOD! Finally an upright card! (I swear I do shuffle these cards properly!) But good news on Sunday! A literal Knight in Shining armour might come into your life, it could be an awesome new guy, a new Archangel to work with, a new spirit guide, a new connection with someone cool here or on the other side, an old flame, a new pet, OR and most awesomely, you might step up today and finally realise that you are the Knight you've been waiting for. 

So that's it guys, another crazy week. Just be excellent to each other and be excellent to yourselves. By Sunday it really feels like we are going to all be in a much better place and I can't freaking wait! I hope you all have an amazing week!

<3 Love, light and crazy cat leggings, <3




Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - December 1st to 7th

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche
Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche

Hi Guys, Welcome to another week and another weekly reading! I used the Cosmic Tarot deck again this week and pulled all reversed cards! Woah! Sometimes when I pull all reversed cards I think it's a sign to throw them back in and start again, but this week's cards really spoke to me, so here they are!

Monday - Seven of Wands Reversed

Depleted. Today you may find yourself feeling depleted. Wow, depleted on a Monday? Are you serious New Age Hipster?! Yes. So find some ways to get through this day. Enjoy your tea, eat well and get your fluids. Sleep.

Tuesday - The Hermit Reversed

Fighting against knowledge. Huh? OK, don't get caught up in thinking you know everything about anything. Don't be a dick and also don't bother with other people who act like they know everything. None of us knows anything.

Wednesday - Eight of Swords Reversed

Today we are releasing sadness from the past. What is it that you can't stop obsessing over or thinking about? Time to let that go.

Thursday - Three of Swords Reversed

Today we have another releasing day. A great opportunity to release even more crap from your past. Put all your baggage into the metaphorical bin. It stinks, it's heavy, you don't need it. Get rid!

Friday - The Fool Reversed

Accept your faults. Work with them not against them. If you hate the way you look buy a new lipstick or wear a hat. If you hate something about your personality then work on changing it. We are all here to grow and learn and get better. Obsessing over your wonky eye won't help you on this journey, sorry.

Saturday - Seven of Cups Reversed

Make the choice today to move forward. You've thrown away all the garbage, now what? Set an intention to move on with your life and make it a great one.

Sunday - Nine of Wands Reversed

It's all about inner strength today. Not only building yourself back up, but also calling on the help of others, and being the one to bring others back to their own inner strength too!

Well guys, it's going to be a heavy week. Some sludge is going to come to the surface but we can clear it together! Join me on Facebook and Instagram to chat and for these cards in daily version!

<3 Sending you loads of love, light and healing and releasing vibes, <3




Weekly card reading - Guardian Angel Tarot - 24th to 30th November

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine This week I used the super cute marshmallow cloud deck by Doreen and Radleigh - the Guardian Angel Tarot. You can read my review of it on Silent Voices by clicking here!

Monday - Ace of Abundance

Be open to all that the Universe has to offer today. Mondays seriously suck for most of us, but if we look around some pretty cool things might be going on. Someone might tell you they like your shoes. A friend might buy your Starbucks. You might even win the lottery! Be open to receiving today. 

Tuesday - Healer of Abundance

Get creative! What creative stuff do you like doing? Writing, painting, dancing, journalling? Get creative today. It could even be a fun day to do something creative that you usually wouldn't do!

Wednesday - Ten of Action

Woah there tiger, take a well earned break! Don't forget to ask for help if you need it. Remember from Monday's card - help is all around you, just be open to it! If you are someone who is always listening to everyone else's problems call someone today and tell them yours. 

Thursday - Be Open to Success

Guys, don't ignore your guidance. You know that feeling, the one you've had before about some jerk and ignored and then later you say "I knew I shouldn't have dated that jerk!"? Don't ignore it! Listen to it and follow it!

Friday - Six of Abundance

WOOP! 3 Abundance cards! Yay! Accept all that the Universe is offering you right now. Be thankful. Don't brush off compliments and rewards, you deserve it baby!

Saturday - Eight of Action

A super busy Saturday! Make a to do list and get everything done so you can do something fun later. Or, if you are feeling just way too overwhelmed with life, sleep in and worry about it later.

Sunday - Seven of Emotion

Are you making life decisions based on what other people want? Urgh, that sounds lame. Do what you love, do what calls to you, but make sure you are doing it all for the right reasons. I mean don't take up some random career just to piss off your parents or something right? I love this card's text "Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choices that celebrates who you truly are."

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to get your daily version of the weekly reading and Facebook where all the fun happens. OK, I'm trying to make the fun happen there, but I need your help! Ha, look at me asking for help on a Monday! ;-)

Wishing you all a beautiful abundant week!

<3 Love and light! <3



Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion

As promised here's my little story about how I re-found my faith in the Universe last week at TK Maxx. So I'm in TK Maxx. I like to shop there sometimes because I figure it's kind of like the clothes version of the Island of Misfit Toys and I totally resonate with that. So anyway, I'm looking around and I see this t-shirt. It's white and a little sparkly so it catches my eye - "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion" it says. I immediately love it, but it takes me a second before I realise it's actually a line from one of my all time favourite creepy time travel movies - Donnie Darko.

I'm moving house soon so I've been trying not to spend money on anything I don't truly need, but I tried it on anyway, took a photo of myself in the change room and posted it on social media (because that's what we do these days, crazy huh?). I was shopping on my own and it was like I needed some kind of validation from someone that it was OK if I got this shirt, even though I'm meant to be being frugal right now.

sometimes i doubt your commitment to sparkle motion new age hipster

So I do the 'right thing' and I put it back on the hanger. Checking my iPhone in Waterstones while buying a copy of Clockwork Princess (OMG I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!) revealed that people liked it a lot and thought I should get it! That was enough validation for me. I was going to get the shirt because I loved it and maybe I could scrimp on something else this month. I mean I only spent £6 on a book (if you use click and collect at Waterstones you can save £2 on almost everything!!) I just needed to go and look in Lush first...

Suddenly I'm on the bus and I look out the window - Nooooooo! I forgot to go back for my shirt! I get on my phone and start Googling frantically to find it online. NOWHERE had it online. I get home, dump the shopping and run to the laptop, just in case something was up with my phone and I can buy it online on the LAPTOP! NOTHING!

I consider walking back into town. I consider getting up early to go back into town. I get totally sad about the shirt maybe not being there when I do get back into town and I'm like FREAKING OUT about nothing but a t-shirt... but I LOVED that t-shirt! How could I have been so stupid not to have just bloody bought it?

OK, so I finally calm down, I'm visualising light all around the shirt in the store (Yes, I realise this is sounding nuts) and I ask the angels to look after it for me. I ask them if this is my shirt please keep it safe for me.

I'm still kind of freaking out and I have this idea out of nowhere to use my necklace as a pendulum. I pull it off and I ask it for a positive and a negative.

Will my shirt be there tomorrow afternoon? YES.

Suddenly the freaked out energy lifted and I was like - Oh OK. It was like when you dread asking somebody for a favour or something and then you finally do it and they say - yes of course, don't be silly! And I managed to go back to my normal self and forget all about the shirt.

The next afternoon I'm storming through the mall to finally get my shirt! My thoughts are going crazy. I'm like - it's not going to be there. This is stupid. Don't get your hopes up. If it's there it's there. And then I'm like - no damnit, I did EVERYTHING right. I visualised, I dowsed, I talked to angels, this shirt HAS to be there!

So I go in and search the rack where it was. Nothing. Told you so, says the voice. This is stupid.

I search other random racks where I know it's not going to be. Now you are being really stupid. Get over it. It's just a shirt. What's wrong with you?

I search the first rack again. You already searched there. It's not here. Why would you even think it would be here anyway?

I feel totally deflated. Let down by the Universe YET AGAIN. Why does this always happen?! Why do other people manifest houses and millions of dollars and I can't even manifest a T-SHIRT?!

I walk over to the sale section in some kind of last ditch effort. Maybe someone put it there by mistake. It's not going to be there. That shirt was way too cool to be in the sale section.

And then I find it.

I'm looking right at it.

"Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion" it says with a sale tag dangling off the side.

And I'm staring at it. And it's like the Universe is winking at me, or grinning at me through this awesome turn of phrase on this t-shirt


I've been working on manifesting a couple of really big things. I wrote a YA novel about time travel and I want to do this New Age Hipster gig and get paid for it. I've done the work and the visualisations and I know this is all going to happen one day. I know right now I'm just at that point somewhere between freaking out and finding the sale rack.

Love, light and good manifesting vibes,


