
Valentine Spread for Singles, Lovers and In-betweens x

Valentine Tarot Spread New Age Hipster

Ah Valentine's Day. It's a joy (sometimes!) when you've got someone, totally poop when you're feeling #foreveralone and it can be an absolute nightmare if you're somewhere in-between.

I created this spread to help y'all reconnect with that love in your heart, whether you are loved up, single, it's complicated or just focusing on doing you!

If you share your spread on Instagram please do tag me in your pics so I can drop by and say hi!


1. What/who's on your heart this V'Day?

This is not necessarily gonna be about a person! Anything could come up here from your work crush, project you're feeling called to work on, friendships, family, your pets or your own darn self!

2. What feelings need to be felt?

V-Day is a great time to feel your feelings. If you can't have a big cry, vent and freak out on Valentine's Day, when can you? Go for it, purge that shizzle and see what comes up for healing and releasing.

3. Old loves to leave behind

You guys have seen that Valentine's Day episode of Friends right? Where the girls have an ex-boyfriend bonfire? This card is kinda like that.

4. How to love yourself better

Valentine's Day can bring up a lot, in particular it can show us where we're not loving ourselves enough.

5. How to love others harder

And it's also a great time to check in with how good we're loving the people around us. 

6. New loves to call in

If you're feeling witchy, choose this card face up and add it to your spread, otherwise this card can show you where to call new love into your life, again this may not represent romantic love, but love of any kind!


Valentine's Day blessings to you gorgeous soul!

Love and light,




Dig this spread? Then be sure to check out my free e-book:

Tarot Spreads You Can't Live without!

Eleven Ways to Shift Spiritual Comparison and Out-Spiriting

Spiritual Competition, Comparison or Out-Spiriting as my mates Lucy & Jo from Higher Selfie would call it, is freaking rife right now in the spiritual communities and it's a major bummer

Spiritual Comparison has so many different faces, but for the most part it just describes anything that gets you into a vibe of comparing your spiritual journey with someone else's.

It could be feeling like someone who's opened their third eye is more enlightened or spiritual than you are when you're still struggling to get any flippin' guidance at all. When the spiritual peeps you follow on Instagram have like a thousand Tarot decks when you've got one deck of oracle cards (I seriously know someone who literally has two thousand). Maybe you're starting a spiritual blog and checking out your fave woo woo Tweeters and feeling so many jelly donuts because they have way more followers than you think you ever will... and in the Tarot community it's super easy to feel a lot of feelings about the success of other readers, especially when you're having a slow month. 

Just like with everything in spirituality, or hey, life in general, your version of spiritual comparison is going to be different. 

For the most part I believe that when we find ourselves getting into judgement and jealousy there's a lot to learn for us about ourselves and our own journey. Most people who won't shut up about their awesome meditation with Archangel Orion are just super excited and want to share their experience and want you to experience it too! They don't mean to harsh your vibe...

But then there are people out there who get their kicks Out-Spiriting others. Old school Tarot Readers who belittle New Age Hipsters for reading with Angel Tarot. Shadow-workers who call what light-workers are doing "crap" (woah Nellie!). There are spiritualistas who roll their eyes at you for eating cheesy nachos, because like, OMG everyone should be vegan if they are spiritual (I wish I could be vegan, but my lifestyle and enjoyment of cheesy nachos can't handle it, maybe one day), and then there are those chics at yoga class who look over at you like OMG you can't even do tree pose - LOLZ. :S

This is something that has been in my face a lot over the last few weeks, and I know many of you are feeling it too, so I thought I'd jot down a few things to remember when you feel like your spiritual journey is similar to sitting in a wheelbarrow being pushed by some drunk guy while everyone else is riding about in a glittery limo pulled by unicorns. 

Does Out-Spiriting make you feel like this guy in the Four of Swords from the Unicorn Tarot? x

Does Out-Spiriting make you feel like this guy in the Four of Swords from the Unicorn Tarot? x

You can totally un-follow or hide stuff that annoys you

If someone in particular is getting on your goaticorn (you know, like a unicorn but a goat) you can totally just hide them off your feed, unfollow them for a while or just unfollow them forever. Even if you don't know why they are getting to you.

Sometimes we just don't vibe with people who are doing the same things we're doing and that's totally fine. There are a lot of woo woo people coming out of the closet and onto social media with a lot of different vibes and messages. If someone is making you feel bad about yourself and your journey, hide that shit and search out the accounts that feel more loving and better for where you're at. 


Don't hang around with people who make you feel bad

It's easy to hide stuff online so you don't have to see it, but IRL (that's in real life for those of you who didn't hang out in chat rooms in the 90's) things are different. You can't just stop going to Yoga because someone scoffed at your downward dog. Well, you can, but you really shouldn't have to. If you have woo woo mates who enjoy Out-Spiriting each other maybe don't hang around with those people as much. 


You don't have to resonate with everyone and everything

Just because someone is a super famous spiritual leader or hot blogger or whatever it doesn't mean their message has to be for you. I follow a few people that I really admire and even though their work doesn't totally resonate with where I'm at in my journey right now I can totally see the value in it for others. I don't have to resonate and click like on all their posts to totally respect their work. 

I think a lot of us are like - oh I didn't vibe with that one thing that person said, I can't follow them any more. Well that's totally your choice, but you're never gonna resonate 100% with anyone, not even yourself! Woah! Search out the people you resonate with most of the time and it's all good. 


Go rogue

Forget everything you've ever learned about woo woo and just close your eyes and listen. Your spiritual journey has nothing to do with books, courses and gurus. It's about you and your own soul. While all this outside stuff can totally help you on your journey it's only supposed to be a way to help you connect with yourself and your own guidance, it's not the answer, it's just a way to help you find the answers you already have! 


Tell them you're not playing the game

If you have a blog or social media account tell everyone you're not playing. Just be like: I'm totally #SpiritualComparisonFree! (Thanks Lucy for letting me mashup your hashtag!)  


Look in the mirror

When stuff comes up that makes us feel shit about our own journey it's super easy to go straight into "that person is a jerk" mode. Sometimes that person is a jerk, but it's also super valuable to ask yourself what they triggered in you and take a look at that.

Maybe all those Yoga bunnies are bringing up your own stuff about getting healthy. Maybe the guy that speaks his truth pisses you off because you really struggle to be authentic and have some of your own throat chakra stuff to clear. Maybe everyone getting a book deal makes you feel like a loser because you haven't even tried. Whatever comes up is important to consider. Sometimes people are just jerks, but even jerks can bring spiritual lessons!


Don't go down to their level

Don't react to Out-Spiriting with more Out-Spiriting.

I learned this the hard way when I started getting massively trolled on the Tarot forums. Hard-core Tarot traditionalists are very rarely (I know some of you are out there, stop hiding!) New Age Hipster fans, and that's totally OK because I didn't actually start New Age Hipster for those old school traditionalists, I started it for you, that was the whole point! 

Sticking up for yourself and speaking your truth is super important, saying it 26 different ways to people who've already left the building is not so important. Know when you're chatting to closed ears and move on with your life. Leave that group and don't worry about those guys. 


Have a moan

K, so this isn't very high vibe advice and I appreciate some people might be like - OMG Vix I expected better from you. But seriously, when you've been Out-Spirited sometimes it's better to talk about it than keep it all inside!

If you don't have a woo woo mate who gets it to FB chat with you're always welcome over at the Spiritual Journey Pitstop to talk about this stuff. We've been chatting about it this week and it's been awesome. We don't always agree 100% on stuff, but we're always supportive of each other and that just makes it way more interesting, awesome and conducive to everyone's spiritual growth! Whooop! 


Remember everyone is on their own journey

This is seriously my favourite mantra. When faced with Out-Spiriters or even well-meaners who get under your skin remember that we're all here to learn different stuff, to experience different things and that's OK.

Some people are probably even here on divine missions to be Out-Spiriters just to give the rest of a us a chance to work on our stuff, so we should really be thanking them! :P 


Live in the now man

Some days you need to switch off from being "spiritual" and just go to the pub or something. Talk to people who aren't woo woo. Talk about work, relationships, politics, environmental issues, what night the bin goes out, share your life goals and dreams, gossip about hot celebrities or sit in a cafe and just check out people's outfits for fashion inspo.

Your spiritual journey is a huge part of your life, but it's not the only part. You came here to be human, so like, focus on that too!


Forgive Yourself

If you've Out-Spirited people in the past whether knowingly or not, forgive yourself. Let it go and just set an intention to try not to do it so much.

Sometimes when we are being jerks we don't even realise. I'm sure at some point someone out there has felt Out-Spirited because of something we've all said or done, intentionally or not.

Let's just all try really hard not to Out-Spirit each other.

Let's share our journeys with the intention of sharing the love and knowledge rather than looking cool or enlightened. Hey, we're all human and it's still going to happen, but let's try our best to be excellent to each other.

With love, light and huge spiritual community group hugs,



Karmic Relationships

Karmic Relationships - how to spot them and how to clear them!

Karmic Relationships - how to spot them and how to clear them!

Last week week we were all talking about Soulmates and Twin Flames, and this week I thought we'd delve even deeper and have a chat about Karmic Relationships.

<3 So like, what is a Karmic Relationship?

A karmic relationship enters your life because it's time to clear some karma. Usually from past life issues, but it can be due to issues that have been created in this lifetime too. When we find ourselves in a karmic relationship we can either grow, learn and expand or stagnate, obsess, and break apart. Or, which is most often the case with karmic relationships - it's a little of all of the above.

Karmic relationships kind of have this rep of being all consuming, soul destroying, obsessive, passionate and intense love affairs that begin as a feeling of meeting your soulmate and end with you crying your eyes out on your kitchen floor months or years later. But it's not always like that. Sometimes a karmic relationship brings that first love kind of vibe - something new and exciting that reminds you how awesome it is to be alive.

Karmic Relationships are here to teach us something big - about ourselves, about others, about relationships and about life.

Whether we are clearing out past life or current life karma these relationships can come in two costumes - the guy or gal you knew in a past life who brings you the stuff from that life, or the person who you haven't known before but is a kind ofmessenger who brings it all up for you.

You may only have one or two of these relationships in your lifetime, or you may be like me and have spent over 10 years attracting them in various forms!

<3 Past life connections

You know that feeling you get when you meet someone for the first time and you are instantlyattracted to them on some level? It's like you've got the hots for them, or you just find them really interesting or cool, or you start talking to them and it's like you've known them forever. When this happens to me I often think it's because I have met this person before, maybe in a past life, or even in some other realm!

Sometimes we have this feeling about someone and confuse it for this person being our soulmate or twin flame. We start thinking we have to marry this person, and if they are of a different gender from what we usually go for, we can even start thinking that we're changing teams!

So what happens when we hook up with someone we've known in a past life? Sometimes it can be a great thing for us. Someone comes into our life to teach us, help us remember who we are, what we can be, and karmic relationships don't always leave us crying our eyes out in some kind of dark night of the soul type break up. Sometimes this person is here to help you grow and level up. This can be really hard when it ends, even though you will probably come to some beneficial understanding that you've learned what you needed to from each other, and to keep growing you need to go your separate ways.

Maybe you've hooked up with someone you dated or married in a past life. You may have made a plan to meet back up again, because you wanted to be together in your next life too. For some people this works really well for them, and they choose each other over and over again. But what if your life path this time around doesn't match with theirs? What if you came here to join the Peace Corps and they came to experience a comfortable suburban life with a white picket fence? How in the hell is that going to work? Well, it's not. And here you find yourself again, crying on the kitchen floor. But he was the one!! Everything about him was right... except you wanted different things. Just because you were with each other in another life doesn't mean you need to be together again in this one. You need to learn new lessons and grow and achieve new important things, and you know what? Just because you are on different journeys this time around, doesn't mean you aren't going to hang out on a soul level again.

Sometimes though, a karmic relationship is a hell of a lot harder than just wanting different things from life. A lot of us have had hellish past lives with people who were not so nice to us. Maybe you married a man that killed you in a past life, or perhaps you are dating someone who persecuted you in past life for being a white witch. Talk about karma needing clearing! This is when we need to get into a serious look at what's going on; Tarot readings, Past Life regression, whatever type of therapy floats your boat may be in order for you to begin to really let go, forgive and move on from this one!

<3 How to recognise if you are in a karmic relationship

Karmic relationships are usually intense, whether it's because they are constantly painful and it feels like you are travelling to the end of the earth and back on a daily basis, or maybe you are just so freaking ecstatic about being with this person! You may be in a karmic relationship if:

<3 It's tearing you apart but you can't leave

<3 You are on a rollercoaster - it's AMAZING one minute, awful the next

<3 You can never totally be yourself with this person

<3 There is an imbalance of power - yours or theirs

<3 You feel like you are "meant to be together"

<3 You feel like you've known this person before

<3 You've spent more time crying over this relationship than you have enjoying it

<3 You are just totally freaking in love with this person and your life is basically The Notebook

The Notebook - I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day

The Notebook - I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day

<3 How to clear the karma!

So let's say you were murdered 500 years ago, probably by someone who was just following orders and would've been killed themselves if they didn't do what they were told. Do you want to hang on to the karma of hating this person for eternity? Let him be free of having to come and meet you every lifetime because of what he did. Maybe you met this same guy on the weekend and you were so drawn to him and he said he'd call and he didn't. Here's your chance to clear some karma - instead of going bat shit crazy because another random you met didn't call you - forgive him and move on. You don't know why he didn't call (maybe he has a girlfriend, isn't in a good place emotionally, maybe he's just a jerk) and you don't know why he had to do what he did in the past. It's not important. What is important is freeing up your energy so you can do the best of everything you came here to do.

Take a deep breath and say: "I release this karma, I forgive and release all those who have hurt me in all directions of time so that I may move forward no longer held by the karma of my past relationships".

Do you want to keep coming back to learn the same old lessons every life time? Or do you once and for all want to stop dating jerks? Sometimes you have to date a jerk to clear the karma of dating jerks right? And if you don't clear that karma, you are just going to keep dating jerks.

We hereby release all karma that keeps us dating jerks! 

For those of you who are experiencing something a lot more intense than an easy fix jerk dating - spend some time really thinking about your relationship. Try to step outside it and see what's really going on. What's happening? What do you feel? Why are you with this person? Maybe you can't do that because you are so "in" the relationship, and that's when it's good to get an outside opinion. I have helped loads of people with their karmic relationship stuff, and I can totally help you see what's going on with your relationship, why you are in it, why you attracted it and how to get the lessons and move on to the blessings!

The answer isn't always to end your relationship when it's difficult. Sometimes you are just being called to understand what's happening, clear the karma and hey, that can even mean staying in your relationship but watching it go from urgh to amaze! Take those two up there from The Notebook - they went through hell to make it work, dealt with the challenges together and had the love affair to end all love affairs!

While they can be one of the hardest things you'll ever have to deal with, karmic relationships are here to help us grow. The Universe hasn't sent them to you to watch you suffer, they are sent to you so you can experience everything this crazy life has to offer - and hey, isn't that why you signed up to come back?!

You know where I am if you need me!

<3 Love, light and karma clearing! <3



Soulmates and Twin Flames

Soulmates and twin flames - everything you need to know!

Soulmates and twin flames are one of the serious hot topics amongst us spiritual peeps. Do you have a soulmate out there somewhere? Where's your Twin Flame at?! How come you always meet hotties, think you've found your soulmate, then they turn out to be total creeps?!

I love doing relationship readings. As someone who has been through a hell of a lot of relationship "stuff" I love sharing what I've learned in my own life as well as what's in your cards. One thing a lot of people have in common is that they see relationships as destined. Something that happens to them.

This is how I see it...


<3 Soulmates <3

Hollywood has made us think this: You have one soulmate who you are supposed to meet, marry and live happily ever after with. If you don't find your soulmate your life will be incomplete forever. The end. Credits.

You know that feeling you get sometimes when you meet someone new? You feel like you just know this person already? You have so many feelings when you are around them and then, when you are apart you start thinking about them all. the. time. That feeling doesn't mean you are supposed to be with that person forever. Maybe they were someone you hung out with in Ancient Egypt. Maybe they were your hairdresser in Atlantis. Maybe they played trumpet in that Big Band you always used to go and see in the 1920's.

A soulmate is just someone you've known in another life. Probably someone you at least actually liked, were friends with, related to, or yes, maybe even in a relationship with. Your soul family are the people you actively choose to reincarnate with, whereas soulmates are all the people you knew and had adventures with in previous lifetimes.

If you were going to marry your soulmates you'd have a lot of people to marry. That girl you sit next to at work and giggle with all day? If you meet her again in your next lifetime - she's going to be your 'soulmate'. Your souls will recognise each other and you'll have some kind of connection - it doesn't mean you are fated to be together romantically.

You do not have to marry someone just because they were your milkman in a previous life.


<3 Twin Flames <3

Your twin flame is allegedly the other half of your soul.

Ah, heh? My soul is chopped in half and it's walking around somewhere in another body? Whhhaaaaaat? :-O

Some people totally resonate with this idea, and when they find their twin flame they feel complete and perfect and wonderful. If you do feel like your soul is split in half and your other half is out there somewhere trying to find you then that's totally cool too. We are all on a different journey here, and maybe this is a journey some people have chosen.

For me though, the idea that my soul is anything but whole totally grosses me out. I am a whole soul - a whole person and a I can't even begin to imagine what the other half of my soul would be up to if they were just off walking around the planet somewhere!


<3 Karmic Relationships <3

I think I need to cover these in a whole different post you guys, but the gist is that you find yourself in these totally effed up relationships sometimes to deal with karma from the past. Maybe you were going to get married in 1966 and one of you died. Maybe you were even murdered by this person in a past life. Maybe you've attracted them because of relationship patterns you have been repeating or just because you need to learn some stuff. You are drawn to this person to help you clear that karma - not to re-live it! *This is such a nutshell version, stay tuned for a post about this!


I spent my entire twenties trying to find "the one" and looking for "my soulmate". Even though the thought of twin flames never really resonated with me, the idea that there was a person I was meant to be with was totally reassuring. You know, you're sat at home alone watching some chick flick, imagining some guy out there sat at home alone watching some bad action movie. Maybe he's pigging out on popcorn and ice-cream too!!?

I've met a lot of guys that I thought were my soulmate. Some of them I never even dated. I was that girl that every time I met someone new I'd be squealing - "I think he's the one!!" and obsessing over text messages as my friends rolled their eyes.

When I met my current guy it was way different. It was comfortable, maybe a little bit familiar, but it was easy. And everything just fell into place. No games, no drama, no freaking out about not getting texts, no fights.

What I did was make a conscious choice to be with him. And he made the choice to be with me. Every day we make the choice to stay together. And while I do think that I was supposed to meet him, I think we have the free will choice at any point to stay together or part ways. It's not destiny. It's a choice. Great relationships are simply two people jumping in at the same time and saying - yes, this is what I want. It's when that balance gets messy that things get hard.

So I've chosen him as my soulmate. And I really do think we can do that. You can choose your soulmate in this life. Whether this person has shared lifetimes with you, or is a new soul popping up to teach you, to learn from you. That means you can also choose to leave a relationship that feels like destiny but breaks your heart.

You can choose to spend your life with whoever you want to. Your marriage certificate isn't written in stone before you get here.

So stop looking for your soulmate or twin flame, and start seeking someone who is just right for you right now, your journey and all you want from this life here and now.

<3 Love, light and free will lovers! <3



(PS - y'all know where I am if you fancy a relationship reading!)

Soulmates, twin flames, karmic relationships





How to get over your ex for good!

Taylor Swift and Harry Styles
Taylor Swift and Harry Styles

OMG my ex is such a loser! I'm such an idiot for going out with him/her! Urgh, I effing hate my ex! What did I see in that person, seriously?

Does the mere thought of your ex make you cringe, feel sick or just really, really annoyed? Most of us at one point or another have been through a break-up, and they are freaking tough. Weeks, months or even years later the hurt can stay with us. Late night stalking of your ex, or their new partner leads to even more feelings of resentment or anger, or any of the multitude of feelings you can feel after 2 am while thinking about the person that used to be your person.

Does any of this sound just a little bit familiar? Well, with the Full Moon upon us I thought I'd let you in on a little releasing-the-ex ritual that I've done (many times!) with great success! Huzzah! We're going to swap out that negative stuff you've been saying about your ex for something positive, in the process healing, clearing and making way for the new. Because let's face it, the best reason to get over your ex for good is because you want something better in your life right? Well let me tell you, one more "my ex boyfriend is such a dick" speech in front of a group of new cute guys down at the local pub isn't going to make that happen.

<3 What you will need: A pen, some paper, a box of matches/lighter, somewhere safe to burn stuff, a desire to move on with your life.

<3 Step 1: Choose an ex that's been bugging you. Someone you've been thinking about, someone you have unresolved issues with, or even a crush you can't quit.

<3 Step 2: Write this person a letter. But here's the catch - everything you write has to be positive. Tell them why you fell for them, talk about their good traits, thank them for teaching you about [whatever!], tell them you'll always remember that crazy trip to [that place!].

<3 Step 3: Finish your letter with a "Thanks for the lessons and the blessings". You can list all the lessons and blessings if you really want to. Now sometimes all you want to say is something like "thanks for making me realise how much of a dick you were", or "I've learned that men are total morons and I'm better off without them". That's no good! Try something like "thank you for helping me see this strength within myself", "thank you for showing me what I really want in a relationship". Keep it positive!

<3 Step 4: Sign it off with love and wish them luck, and try to mean it. Imagine you will actually never see or hear from this person again and they are deleting all their social media accounts. This is the last thing you will get to say to them. I like this way to end it:

"I wish you love, I wish you luck and I let you go".

Oh yeah, and put your name too!

<3 Step 5: Burn it! Let the Universe carry your letter off on the wind. Or bury it in the ground, shred and recycle, whatever you do, just make sure to get rid of it somehow.

<3 Step 6: Repeat for all the loves, lost loves, crushes and exes that have even just a little hold on you.

They will always be a part of your past, but your present and your future is yours. Make it amazing.

<3 Sending you loads of love, light and beautiful releasing vibes! <3



<3 Step 7: Have a sing-a-long!

PS - if you don't think you could ever be ready to do something like this with an ex that's OK, but you need to talk to someone about that. Get some therapy, have a full confidential tarot or angel reading to look deeply at what's really going on for you, or find another way to start working through it, but you gotta work through it. x

It's 2015! #YAY! what?!

Image from

Image from

2015 is here!!! We've been waiting for it for MONTHS, and you know what? I do feel different! Don't you?! I feel the buzz! I feel the vibes! I feel the abundant '8' year energy and ready to say to hell with the dress rehearsal let's dance the shit out of this year! 

That feeling is great, but that feeling alone doesn't get you very far alone. You have to work, think, plan and take action to make this the best year EVER! You can't be sitting around in a relationship that's no good for you. You can't hang on to a job that is sucking you dry emotionally and energetically. You can't just carry on like you always do and expect things to change.

So here's where I can help. I'm offering a bunch of uplifting and empowering 2015 email readings. I'll look at the energy of your year, things to get excited about and plan for, things to be aware of and practical tips on what to actually do with this energy to help you make this year AMAZING! For a full reading (which goes for £40) I'll also see which Angel and Goddess want to work with you and give you a message from the Fairies! For £20 you get a shorter version of a full reading and for ONLY £10 you get a minimum three card reading looking at the major themes, challenges and messages you need in your life right now + an Angel to work with (or Goddess or Fairy if you so wish!).

I'm always totally open to communicating with you about your reading and love to email about it all to make sure you get the most out of the experience. If you have any questions about this reading, or anything I do, or anything at all I'd love to hear from you. I'm x You can also come chat to me on Facebook.

You can find out more by watching the video below, checking out the Readings page or heading over to the Etsy store.

<3 Sending you so much love, light and abundant 2015 vibes!! <3

