tarot of white cats

20 to 26 April 2015 - Tarot of White Cats

Tarot of White Cats - Lo Scarabeo
Tarot of White Cats - Lo Scarabeo

HELLOOOOOOO!! It's been weeks since I did a weekly reading. I've been road tripping and catching up with family and friends in Australia so sorry for neglecting the readings but I really needed the time out! I spent a lot of time thinking about the readings though, I mean, do people even like this? Do people want a different style weekly reading? I thought I'd stick with the usual format for this week but I may just shake things up for next week so let me know below in the comments or on any of my social media places if you have any thoughts or feelings about these readings!

This week I'm using the dog-earred much loved Tarot of White Cats!

Early in the week - Ten of Cups

Wooop! One of the best cards in the deck and it's all for you this week! This card is all about happy families and happily ever after. There's a message this week to look at your family or home stuff and perhaps take the higher ground and 'be the bigger person' in some situations. Forgive others over little niggly things and show those you care about how much you do. That's not to say if someone has seriously wronged you that you need to hang out with them, but do stay in gratitude about the wonderful people who are in your life.

Middle of the week - Death reversed

Woah, talk about being stagnant and stuck this week! This is not a time to be forcing anything to happen. Things are either moving and working or they aren't, and over the next few days there's not much you can do about it. Take a break, give yourself a break! You've been doing a hell of a lot lately so don't get pissed if you find you can't get much done this week. Do some stuff like reading a book, taking a bath, catching up on Netflix or making some new Pinterest boards. No one will think less of you if you relax right now, they're probably not getting much done either.

End of the week - Eight of Pentacles reversed

If you want to see me nearly have a meltdown over this card check out the video below. I get it. I get that work can suck, day jobs can be totally meaningless and the frustration of knowing you can do so much more with your life can be pretty darn difficult some days. But if you really, really want to, you can change it. You can change your work situation. It may take a fucking long time, but if you want to see the flowers you have to start planting the seeds, tending them and then while you are waiting, just go plant some more.

Phew, what a week we are going to have! Just stay in gratitude as much as possible about as much as you possibly can, give yourself a break about how much you are getting done and get some good intentions flowing about your work situation!

<3 Love, light and good week vibes! <3



Weekly Reading 9 - 15 February 2015 Tarot of White Cats

Tarot of White Cats - Severino Baraldi
Tarot of White Cats - Severino Baraldi

I've used the most gorgeous Tarot of White Cats for the weekly reading this week. I do love this deck so much, every time I pull it out I'm like - OMG this deck is amazing! Check out my video reviewof it if you like it too! Also, my poor kitty Zorro has been unwell and so I really wanted to put some good kitty vibes out into the Universe this week.

Start of the week - Ten of Cups

This is about counting your blessings really. If you've got someone to love or someone who loves you (even if it's just your cat) then you are damn lucky, and don't you be forgetting it. Focus your intention this week on staying in gratitude and really enjoying the little moments. You know, snuggling up on the couch with the one you love, patting your cat, hugging your kids, calling a friend or even just liking someone's post on Facebook; these are the times when you are in the love zone so notice it, be thankful for it, and really mean it.

Middle of the week - Two of Pentacles

Got a lot on right now? Are you having a bit of a melt down because you have like zero life-work balance? I'm not suggesting you start bludging at work, but you may find you need to work really hard to remember your blessings these couple of days. When you are feeling stressed, think of kittens. Put things into perspective. Will the world end if you don't get through your to-do list? Carve out a little extra time mid-week for your life, even if it getting slightly less done on work stuff.

End of the week - The Hermit reversed

First of all, can I just point out that the cat in this card is wearing sandals. Hang on, this is the card for Valentine's Day?! Well, I hope you have a great day and all, but I'm going to go ahead and say that this weekend you need to find something new to learn about. You know, after your date or night alone watching Rom Coms or whatever. While the Hermit can also represent alone time, reconnecting with spirit etc., this weekend it's about learning. You've learned a lot, you know a lot, you've done a lot. But don't stop for God's sake! Keep truckin'! You can apply to Universities, or online courses (OMG this course looks so sweet!), sign up for some free webinars, finally finish reading that book you've had half finished for waaaaay too long (for me that's Advanced Tarot Secrets!). Or buy a new book (Holistic Tarot?! - yes please!!). You won't learn that much from watching the Comedy Channel all weekend, except maybe like all the words to every Friends episode ever made.

Don't forget to check out my Valentine's Day readings on Etsy. They are super cheaper than my other readings but will be gone soon so get in quick if you want to get a cheap-o!

<3 Wishing you all a beautiful gratitude and love filled week! <3



#Caturday cat card - Queen of Cups

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvYIBPAFJ1E[/embed] Hi guys and welcome to #Caturday!

OK I did my video of only my hands because I couldn't be bothered to put on make up, but it's kind of sketchy. I mean why doesn't it focus on the card? And what's that shadow on the side? Yep, I still have a LOT to learn about YouTube.

But it's not about my dodgy video skills, it's about the message right?!

Today we are being reminded not to get too obsessed about our goals in life, whether it's work, love, money, whatever. It's good to have goals and to always be working towards stuff, but when we get too focused on the goal we miss out on enjoying the journey.

Think about what your ultimate work goal is right now. I have two huge ones right now - to be the next Stephanie Meyer or Doreen Virtue. OK so that's kind of crazy, and probably I don't really want to be that 'famous' because I'm actually pretty shy and stuff, but that's the ultimate goal - career and financial success through writing, helping others and creating some really cool stuff. So I can spend hours a day working on that (and I do!) but seriously I can give up all my weekends to work towards this goal (hang on I do that too!) and maybe I will get there! Yay! But once I get there, then what? Well by then I'll already be working towards the next thing right?!

By the time you achieve the goal you're thinking about today you'll already have like ten more goals you are working towards, so just stop for a second.


And remember to enjoy the journey. Because when you think about it, the journey is really all we'll ever have, everything else is just fleeting.

Sending you loads of love, light and trail mix for your journey,




#Caturday cat card - Eight of Swords - ON YOUTUBE!! :-O

Guys it's my first #Caturday on YouTube... no wait, it's my first video on YouTube! Woah!

Hopefully I don't look like a dork too much.

So what's going on this #Caturday? It's all about shaking off the restrictive thoughts about your current situation and seeing things as they really are - AWESOME!

Happy #Caturday and happy YouTube watching!

Love, light and dorky videos!



#Caturday cat cards - Eight of Wands

10622771_693352757412119_4922404642821616687_n I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I feel like I'm working so damn hard. Thinking, planning, working on projects, blogs, writing novels, just like doing stuff in the hopes that one day I'll find some kind of success in something and make a difference to the world!

So a lot of the time I'm looking at the computer screen, or at my feet feeling dejected about the fourth rejection in my inbox from a literary agent (OK, so that's still way less than J.K Rowling), or I'm bummed out watching the Almighty Johnsons (please watch this show, it's amazing!!) because only like one person looked at my blog yesterday even though I spent ages typing up what I thought was a killer post!

But the Eight of Wands reminds us this #Caturday that just because we can't see the movement doesn't mean things aren't happening for us. Maybe my agent hasn't joined the agency yet. Maybe there are lessons to learn and blocks to bust before I can experience what society tells me is this thing called 'success'.

Maybe if we all just stopped feeling so glum about nothing happening we could look up from our falling apart leopard print Converse sneakers and see that things are happening around us all the time in the cosmic web of life we all weave and none of us can see it all! There is so much going on right now that affects us that we are so completely unaware of. Like right now someone somewhere might be packing up the ready meal that you are going to eat next week and you'll probably never even think about them...

So today let's take a breath and remember that so much good stuff is happening around you all the time even when you are feeling totally bummed, and you can never feel too totally bummed if you go look at some clouds.

Love, light and flying wands! <3



PS - I'm thinking about showing my face on the YouTube! Come join the discussion on my Facebook page if you'd like to tell me what you want to see! Deck reviews, Tarot tips and tricks (you can never have enough tips and tricks right?!), week ahead readings, personal readings...?! I'd love to hear what you want! x

The Week Ahead - Old robes vs Kardashian wardrobes

photo 1 (7) Another weekly reading brought to you by the suit of coins. Sorry! Last week we had the lovely tea and chat with the angels, but guess what? It's back to being kicked in the butt - no cookies on the table today!

So the question this week is - are we spending money in alignment with our higher selves? I bought some clothes on ASOS the other day, maybe I didn't really need them. Maybe I should be living a holy life in scratchy robes and old sandals. Argh! But we can't live in robes and sandals on this planet right now, not unless we go off the grid at least. In my life right now I live in a city and I work in a public place and there's a dress code. I'm not even allowed to wear sandals.

So where do we draw the line between dressing like a monk and spending like a Kardashian? How do we know how much is OK and how much is too much? Obviously our bank accounts can give us some advice about that, but using how much is in your bank account to gauge how much you can spend leads you to doing what I did last month - nearly hitting zero!

So the real question here is how do we get into alignment with 'good' spending?! Right, let's pull another card...

photo 2 (8)

Looks like we need to put our purchases on the metaphorical scale of spending Justice!

Imagine on one side of the scale sits your glowing gorgeous higher self (a mini version, obviously your higher self is bigger than can fit on a scale!) and on the other put your purchases. Do they balance out? Is your ASOS shopping spree too heavy?! Is your once a month 50p charity shop buy a little too light?!

We can also think of our higher self as a 'person' and ask them what they think of our purchases too - hold up that shirt to your higher self in the changing room and see if she/he nods or shakes her/his head. Before clicking on 'purchase' look over at your higher self standing over by the pot plant, are they giving you that look? Or are they nodding with approval - after all your higher self wants you to feel good right?! It's OK to buy stuff that will make you feel good, but spending money on crap you don't even like doesn't make you feel good!

Put your purchases on the scale and see how they line up this week! I'd love to know if this resonates and works for you guys and I'll be reporting back on my progress at this at the end of the week! :-)

In other weekly news - I still have loads of free 3 card readings to give away so hook it up if you haven't already! I've finally put up a page of Praise featuring some of the amazing and wonderful feedback I've had so far and I've started putting up some links to some of the amazing people out in the world who have helped me so much on my journey so far, check them out! One of whom is the lovely Louise Androlia who I met yesterday at her wonderful double energy + surrender workshop which I'll be blogging about in the next few days. :-)

Love, light and weighing in the spending!



#Caturday cat cards - Three of Swords reversed

photo 2 (6) Guys, it's the weekend why the hell are we looking at the Three of Swords?! This is the ultimate heartbreak card, seriously I don't want to be seeing this first thing on a #Caturday morning! Oh but wait, it's reversed... but is that any better?!

What I'm seeing today is a chance for us to let go of some of that heaviness we have in our hearts, imagine those swords are sliding out now! We are human, we've all had heartbreak and none of us is walking around with a bouncy pure happy heart, that's just not possible in these bodies! It's part of this life's experience to feel emotional pain. Total bummer, sorry guys, but it's true.

So what can we do about it?

1. Accept it. Accept that you have heartache. Don't hide from it, don't cover it with a cute heart shaped rug, look it in the face and say - hey it's OK, this is a part of me and I can work through this.

2. Forgive. Oh hello. Like it's that easy?! If you can' t totally 'forgive' whoever or whatever has hurt you that's cool, this isn't an overnight fix it trick. Just ask the universe, God, angels, guides whoever you like, to help you. What's with this forgiveness thing? OK that's like a whole post, no wait, like a book. What I learnt this week though is that we can't just forgive others, we need to forgive ourselves for how we feel about others. If someone hurt you, you can forgive them, but can you forgive yourself for the mean thoughts you've been thinking about them? Yes, you can and you need to!

3. Heart chakra cleanse! Do some work on your heart chakra this weekend! Do whatever visualisation works for you - green/pink wheels, light, hearts, flowers, whatever, but make sure you see your heart centre as beautiful!

4. Give some love. Send some love to someone; energetically or physically! Give someone a hug, send a virtual hug or an energetic hug!

5. Love yourself. Argh! What?! This is not Radical Self Love Bootcamp! (Although I love that stuff.) We are all at different stages of our self love journey. Some of us are just starting to not hate ourselves and put ourselves down so much, others are feeling much more confident these days but still struggling with certain aspects, and even those of us who are seriously into the self love thing are still having bad hair days. But it's not just about your hair...

When I started writing this post I thought it was just going to be about heart chakra clearing, but there you go - the message today is actually this:

<3 You need to start loving who you are <3

I'm off to what I think is going to be a fabulous workshop today with the lovely Louise Androlia and will be blogging all about it later so come back soon!

Also I'm still giving away free readings if you have a burning question you would like some clarity on! :-)

Love, light and loving who you are,



#Caturday cat cards - Two of Pentacles

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This #Caturday we come across this guy who's doing a bit of a juggling act. This kitty is holding onto two coins and seems kind of unaware of the sea and ships behind him. He's got lots on his mind trying to keep those two coins from falling, you can't totally blame him for not seeing what else is going on around him.

We might be doing our own little juggling act this weekend. I'm sick with a cold which totally sucks and I kind of feel like this kitty right now - I'm trying to rest and get better but there's so many other things I'm thinking about!

This kitty is a message for us today to focus on one thing at a time, whether it's resting when you are sick, putting away your phone when you're on a date or out with friends, or even - and this is something I always do - checking the IMDB app on your phone while watching a movie. I mean do you really have to know what that guy is from?! Can't you just enjoy the movie and look it up later? At the very least, pause the movie while you do it!

If you're super busy this weekend and don't even have time for a movie then you can also make a to do list. It sounds seriously lame, but I swear by them (when I actually do them!). It's a good quick way to work out which jobs are important, what can wait, and when you tick everything off you have the rest of the day to yourself instead of procrastinating about everything and still having to do it all tomorrow.

On another note, I haven't been able to do any free readings in the last few days and I know there's a couple waiting in my inbox. Hopefully my head will be clearer tomorrow or at least by Monday so you should get your reading then if you are waiting, I apologise for the delay! If you would like a free reading please go to 100 Free Readings and sign up. Simple as that! I've been really thrilled at the response so far and so thankful for the wonderful feedback. :-)

Love, light and putting your phone down!


#Caturday cat cards - Seven of Cups

photo (36) Happy #Caturday everyone! Wow, another loooonnnnng week but it's finally the weekend again! It's the kitty Seven of Cups today, and this often gets called the 'choices' card. Well yeah, there's a kitty all looking at his cups (a.k.a choices) trying to decide which one he wants. I never fully understood why he could only just take one anyway!? You've got two paws kitty, reach out and grab TWO!

So today we should have a look at our options, be open to opportunities and then, after working out what we really want, grab a couple by the stems!

I'm finally off to see The Fault in Our Stars today at the cinema. I loved the book and will definitely be taking some tissues with me! A huge John Green fan I am! What are you going to do today?!

Oh and don't forget I'm still offering free readings! Maybe that's what's in the cup up the top there! ;-)

Love, light and kitty cups,



#Caturday cat cards - King of Swords

photo (28)  

It's Caturday at last! I don't know about you guys but this has been a crazy week for me! I've been e x h a u s t e d! No matter how much sleep I got, or how much time I had I just seemed to be kind of done this week.

But the King of Swords is telling us that we have the power! We can do whatever we want today! If you want to just sit and finally finish that book you've been reading for weeks (Hello Clockwork Prince!), or if you want to get cracking on some of those projects you're up to, or even if you want to veg out and watch Sorority Girls on iPlayer (OMG why am I so obsessed with that show when it's SO BAD?), or even if you want to go out on a date with someone your friends are telling you is so bad for you - screw what everyone else thinks about how you spend your time - you are the King of Swords dammit! Do whatever you want! (Within reason right? Like if that guy is bad for you don't get into a silly situation!)

Remember this Caturday that the power is within you!

And make sure to check out my Free Readings page if you are looking for a reading!

Love, light and kitty power!
