
Why we need to stop talking about energy vampires

Energy Vampires

***Please note if you are a victim of any kind of abuse or dealing with someone who is harming you in any way, please reach out for help and get yourself out of that situation as soon as you can. Those people are not energy vampires, but abusers. Look after yourself and get the help you need. This post is intended for people who are struggling with day to day energy issues.***

I’ve said it before, and I’m pretty sure I’ll say it again - we need to stop talking about “energy vampires”.

This is something I’m super passionate about and you can find a podcast episode on it here.

In my humble opinion, “Energy Vampire” is basically a derogatory term for someone who’s pain is manifesting in ways we find energetically uncomfortable.

I get it. Sometimes it can feel like we are being personally energetically attacked.

It feels like our energy is being drained and sucked dry and we are so exhausted at the end of a meeting, day at work, dinner with a friend that all we want to do when we get home is sleep or cry, or complain about it.

I’ve been in that situation too, and I used to use this phrase to talk about people I worked with. It made sense to me because that’s how it felt.

But then something magical happened.

I started taking responsibility for my own energy and everything shifted.

When I stopped seeing it as an attack from the outside, that I was a “victim”, I took back my power.

When I remembered that you can’t change other people, but you can change the way you respond to them, my relationships improved.

Instead of seeing people as being out to get me, I started to see what was really going on. The people I found it so hard to be around? They were unhappy, disconnected and hurting. They weren’t trying to leech me dry of my good shiny vibes. They were just energetically reaching out for something that might make them feel better and I just got in the way.

Being on the spiritual path is not just about new crystals, decks and connecting with your spirit guides (although that stuff is all great too!). It’s about living a life aligned with love and compassion.


Being on the spiritual path means sifting through and taking responsibility for your own junk. (Also known to some as shadow work!)

Every single person reading this has at one point or another been the difficult workmate or the friend that doesn’t stop complaining and brings someone else down.

We’ve all been on both sides.

As spiritual people we are lucky to have the tools to navigate through our stuff. Not everyone has this, and while it’s tempting to roll our eyes at those who are still sleeping, we’ve been asleep too, and sometimes we still go for naps every now and then!

OK, so, how do you do you shift this? Here are some tips that I use when I’m faced with energetic challenges:

Stop making it about them and make it about you

Bottom line is we can’t change anyone but ourselves. Instead of blaming and complaining ask: what can I learn from this? How can I be more compassionate? What can I do to get through this day/meeting/dinner with strength and ease?

We have the choice to see ourselves as the victim of someone taking our own power or we can step into our own power and hold onto what’s ours.

Protect your energy

Take responsibility for your own energy and protect it. You wouldn’t go out in the rain without an umbrella, so don’t go into that meeting without some kind of energy protection.

If you’re brand new to energy protection check out my free e-book How to Stay Shiny. To go even deeper with your energy work check out Woo Woo 101.

Have good healthy boundaries

If you have a friend who always calls with their problems, or a family member who always expects you to come running, set some better boundaries. Be firm but kind with people. Turn your phone off, don’t be so available. That doesn’t mean cutting people out or not having time for them at all, it just means being clear about when you’re available and when you’re not.

So often empaths and lightworkers run into energy issues because we are sooo available! Setting some boundaries with others and yourself can be life changing!


Compassion is one of the best ways to protect your energy. When you stop seeing other people as the enemy and start seeing them as people who have problems, challenges and hurts we begin to realise that we’re maybe not so different.

Send love to the people in your life who are energetically closed off, the people who you find it hard to be around, the people who push your buttons and exhaust you. Send them love and pray that they find some peace and healing.

When you do this, next time you go into that meeting you won’t see them as the enemy, but someone who needs love, like we all do, and that will change everything between you energetically.

Know when to go

Sometimes we just need to let people go, leave jobs and move on. All the energy protection in the world won’t help if it’s time for you to go.

There are times when someone is deliberately trying to hurt us, and when that happens we can skip right to knowing it’s time to go. You never have to stick around if you are being harmed in any way.

I’d love to know your thoughts on this. Comment below - what do you think of the term “energy vampire”?

With love and light,



The Secret to connecting with your guidance + intuition

The secret to connecting with your guidance and intuition x

There is so much info out in the world right now about how to connect with your intuition, your higher self, your spirit guides and angels. And a lot of it is seriously awesomesauce... 

But what if all those meet your guides and third eye meditations just don't seem to work for you? 

I tried all those things for a long time and didn't really get that far with them. I did have awesome moments of clarity, feelings of being absolutely guided in a certain direction and some major epiphanies, but these were pretty few and far between.

So how did I get from floundering around the spiritual realms to running a spiritual biz, being able to clairvoyantly see people's past lives and spirit guides?

I started working with my own energy.

I'd been working in a pretty challenging job situation with a lot of negativity and other people's energy flying out in a gazillion directions for quite a few years and it was making me miserable.

When I began to understand that I was a HSP or an Empath and was picking up on and absorbing everything around me, everything changed.

Energy centred = guidance flowing! (The beach helps too) x

Energy centred = guidance flowing! (The beach helps too) x

Being conscious of what was mine and what was not mine was MEGA. It's like carrying around a massive bag on your back for years and then one day actually noticing what's in that bag and realising it's not even your stuff!

Sidenote: I actually think we are all empaths. Some of us numb it or ignore it, some of us embrace it. No path is "right", only what is right for you and your journey.

Energetic protection has been my rock on my spiritual path. Protecting my energy so I wasn't taking on "stuff" from all over started to make it really clear what was actually mine.

I began working with my own energy in different ways - protecting, clearing (because sometimes you do take on stuff, even when you're super protected), grounding, hanging out with the chakra system.

And then guess what happened? Yep, that third eye just freaking opened and My guides and angels just started popping in for tea.

I didn't have to do anything. Of course, I'm still human. I still have times when I struggle to connect, to know what to do next, or work out which path to take, but when this happens, I go back to basics.


If you want to find out more about how to protect your energy check my totally free e-book How to Stay Shiny for loads of tips and tricks I live by.

And if you want to really get super connected and plugged into your light check out my e-course Woo Woo 101 which takes you through the energy basics, the chakras, intuition, spirit guides and drops you off at the end in the Angelic Realms. Enrol here if it calls you!

With so much love, light and awesome God WIFIs,



Daily Energy Spread

Daily Energy Spread for Tarot or Oracle Cards - New Age Hipster

Here's a tiny little two card tarot spread (or oracle, or angel or whatever cards of your choosing!) to help you navigate the energy of your day.

Pull these cards in the morning to help you understand what's going on with the energy around you and how you can best work with it. You can use any type of cards you like. I like to do this spread with one Tarot and one Oracle card.

This spread has been my go to over the last few weeks as the energy out there has been super crazy! Some days you wanna pull a whole big spread and sit and contemplate your journey for a while, on other days you just wanna know wtf you're dealing with and how to get through the day.

If you want more info you can pull two cards for each or as many as you need.

Card one: Energy you are in

This card will help you work out what energy you're in and what forces are at play for you today.

Card two: How to navigate through this energy

This card will let you know how you can work with the energy around you in the best way possible. 

Starchild Akashic Tarot + Keepers of the Light Oracle deck x

Starchild Akashic Tarot + Keepers of the Light Oracle deck x

As always I'd love to see your spreads on Instagram! Tag #newagehipster or tag me @newagehipster333 in your pics so I can find you!

If you're looking for more spreads you can find them here.

Happy Tarot-ing!

With love, light and awesome energy navigating,



Higher Self Relationship Healing

Higher Self Relationship Healing with Vix from New Age Hipster

Healing relationships can be one of the most difficult things we're ever called to do on this path.

Relationships are such incredible opportunities for growth, learning and expansion, but at the same time many of them are catalysts for pain, sadness, regret, depression, heartache and well, you catch my drift.

I have found much peace and understanding with the relationships in my own life by working with my higher self and the higher selves of others.

This is a great way to heal stuff with people who are no longer in your life, people you can't just call or write to for a chat, people you don't want to have this out with in person and those passed over.


Connect with your own higher self

If you haven't done much work connecting with your own higher self I suggest you do this first. Spend some time in meditation with an intention to get to know, meet with you and connect with your Higher Self. We do a lot of work on this in Woo Woo 101

Your higher self is just like your soul self, that part of you that is so much more than your name and appearance in this life!


Create an intention for what you'd like to heal

This works best when you focus on one relationship and issue you'd like to heal and better understand. Work out what it is you want to do.

Do you want understanding? Do you want to be able to forgive someone? Do you want someone to be able to forgive you? 


Let go of outcomes

Sometimes what comes through when we do this work is a deep healing, sometimes it's a light-bulb moment where we realise actually the situation we want healed is really nothing to do with us and more about that person's healing journey.

When I have done this work I've had all sorts of different things come in. I've had a deep peace and healing feeling in my heart afterwards, big clearing and a knowledge that all karma is cleared from many lifetimes. I've also had what have felt like very casual chats with people.

It's so often not about that person, but something deep within ourselves that needs love and healing. Some people push our buttons and trigger us but it has nothing to do with them or even our relationship with them, but everything to do with what's going on for us. 

The Two of Cups is the perfect card for manifesting good relationship outcomes x - Fountain Tarot x

The Two of Cups is the perfect card for manifesting good relationship outcomes x - Fountain Tarot x


Create space

When you're ready, create a sacred space.

Of course you can do this anywhere, and it can be just as powerful to do it on the bus! But I do like to put some candles on, have some chilled out music playing, a notebook near by for important downloads and make sure I'm not going to be disturbed half way.


Tune in + Call in your peeps

Make sure you're energy is clear, grounded and protected. When you're working with your higher self and calling in the higher selves of others you want to make sure you're safe.

Call on Archangel Michael (or protector of choice!) to protect you both, and you may also like to bring in specific angels or energies based on what you'd like to heal and clear.

Archangel Raphael is always on hand for some healing, Mother Mary is especially good for relationship work and Archangel Zadkiel is always great to have around for clearing, forgiveness and emotional healing

If you feel that you have a karmic connection with this person that needs to be removed you can always give the Lords of Karma a bell too.


The Healing work

So now you're going to get into your higher self space and energy.

I do this by going into deep meditation and then either visualising my own energy above me or sort of zooming up and out above myself.

State (out loud or in your head is fine!) that you are calling on your higher self connection.

Once you feel connected to your higher self ask the higher self of the person you'd like some healing with to come in. Ask for their permission: "Hey there, higher self of James Franco (or insert name here!), would it be OK for you to connect for a mo?" Or however formally you'd like to do it!

Whether you feel them present or not don't worry, just start to speak to them. I like doing this out-loud, or whisper soft if other people are home! LOL!

Ask them what you need to know about the relationship, their path, your path together and any lessons that you are learning from this relationship

Just sit and allow the conversation and connection to flow. You may have a brilliant chat, you may just feel clarity, love, peace. You may just sit and cry.

Trust that whatever happens is what needs to happen. If nothing happens it may not be the right time, or you don't have the permission of the person to connect with their higher self. Sometimes we can't clear and heal things before we've learned what we needed to

The Six of Cups always takes me back to the past... x - Robin Wood Tarot x

The Six of Cups always takes me back to the past... x - Robin Wood Tarot x



Thank their higher self for coming to you, thank your guides, angels and whoever else was present. Thank your own higher self for their assistance.

You may want to sit in meditation for a while longer or write some notes or pull a card. Whatever you do take some time to come out of this higher self state and make sure you ground your energy when you're ready to come back.


Of course, this is deep healing work so this post is really just the tip of the iceberg of healing in this way, but it's a great starting point! If you want to grab a session with me we can explore your relationship stuff together, or  you're interested in being able to do more of this kind of work on your own you may wanna check out my online courses

With so much love, light and mega high vibe healing,



What is a lightworker?

What is a lightworker?

Last week one of the #highvibejuly instachallenge prompts was #lightworker.

So many people were like "I don't know if I am one", or "I had to Google Lightworker" and so I thought I'd pop down some of my personal thoughts on what a Lightworker is, just to help y'all out if you have nfi what one is, or whatever.

First of all, I just wanna preface this post by saying that if you don't resonate with the term "lightworker", no problemo. Some people like it, some people don't. No biggie. 

Personally I like it, and so I use it. That is in no way any disrespect to those who call themselves shadow workers, duality workers, or people who just effing hate labels full stop.

I have seen a lot of hating online towards those who call themselves Lightworkers because there is this idea that we're ignoring our shadow, ignoring the darkness and just dancing around in sequins and pigtails throwing glitter at everything. Which, although sounds kind of wonderful in a way, is not exactly what it's about. For me anyway...


What is the definition of "lightworker"?

We all have different definitions, and yours may not be the same as mine. Just like when someone calls themselves "spiritual" it has like a bajillion different meanings to everyone.

A lightworker is just anyone who wants to make a difference and wants to make the world better.

Being a lightworker is about helping others, helping the planet and basically being a nice person.

Some people say you have to be "spiritual" to be a lightworker. I don't know about you, but I've met some damn fine people shining bright and helping the planet who do not resonate with spirituality at all.

You do not have to have a spiritual job or even be spiritual at all to be a lightworker. Some of the coolest lightworkers I know are total Agnostics. 

I LOVE this definition of "light"! x

I LOVE this definition of "light"! x


How do you know if you're a lightworker?

Here's a lightworker test:

1. Do you try to be a nice person? 

2. Do you want to make a difference?

3. Do you want to help this planet?

If you said yes to the above, you are a lightworker.


Always doing the lightwork. x

Always doing the lightwork. x

The lightworker mission

"Hey Vix, you're cool with going down and helping planet earth for a while right?" 

"Sure, no problem! Earth is heaps pretty and I love hanging out with all my bezzies in human form! :D"

*Gets to Earth like OMG what is happening down here?*

A lot of lightworkers feel a huge amount of pressure to work out what exactly we're supposed to be doing and to get it done like yesterday. There never feels like enough time to complete the mission, we never actually really know what the mission is (apart from "to help") and so it can feel pretty daunting and frustrating at times

Connecting with your own inner guidance can give you a much better idea about what you're meant to be doing...

It's important to remember that just being a big bright light, being nice, standing up for injustice and generally doing your part to be a good human is pretty much enough. 


What's the deal with lightworkers and shadow work?

Shadow work is basically about working with the duality of both your light and dark

Although nothing brings me more joy than pulling Angel cards and sending love and light to the world, I am very aware that I am human and so I have an ego. As much as I try to bring light into my life, I know darkness exists, within me and around me. I just prefer to focus on the light. That doesn't mean I'm ignoring my shadow. It means when I discover something I don't like about myself or within myself I work on it, but I don't dwell on it.

I prefer to put my focus on what lights me up, and that's why I like the term lightworker.

Being a lightworker is not about being perfect. It's about choosing the light and choosing to do what's right and working on your stuff.

(Again, no disrespect if you prefer the term shadow worker and feel like it suits what you do. We're all doing the same thing just in the way that resonates for us right? Fist-bump)

Just in case you forget. x

Just in case you forget. x


When I do readings I'm doing lightwork.

When I'm sending reiki or love and light to others I'm doing lightwork.

When you meditate you're doing lightwork.

When you light a candle and pray for peace you're doing lightwork.

When you are nice to the person who makes your coffee, you're doing lightwork.


Angelic + Starseed connections

Many lightworkers also resonate with the idea that they are either incarnated angels, earth angels or starseeds (and we can talk about if these things are even different later). 

In a nutshell an incarnated angel is someone who has spent their time pre-this life hanging out in the angelic realms in angel form. 

In a nutshell a starseed is someone who has spent previous lifetimes and perhaps their soul also originates from another planet.

For many people the lightworker mission is not just about "helping out" but also making sure the planet survives, spreading peace, gaining information and understanding to take back to our own planets later, research assignments, and spreading love and light to help Earth evolve into it's next chapter in which we're all good to each other. 

Lighting up! x

Lighting up! x


So what do you think? Are you a lightworker? What's your definition of a lightworker

If you wanna chat more about being a lightworker, or anything woo woo, head over to the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on FB or let us know in the comments below.

With so much love and light!



Bummed Out Spread

Bum belongs to Bruce Springsteen. x

Bum belongs to Bruce Springsteen. x

You know how sometimes you just feel bummed out or in a funk and you have no idea how it happened, why you feel that way or what to do about it?

Well bum about no longer kids, because I made you this tarot spread to help you work it all out, shed some light on your bummed-out-ness and help you find a way forward, onwards and upwards

As with all my spreads you can use any Tarot, Angel or Oracle cards you have lying about. I used both the Starchild Tarot by Danielle Noel and the Angel Therapy deck by Doreen Virtue in the video below, but I'm just going to give you examples from the tarot in the write up.


Card one - Where you were

So this is basically where you were before you got bummed out. What the inciting incident was that led to you getting bummed out.

I got the Four of Swords here and I know it's because I was not getting enough rest or taking it easy when I should have been! That kind of not looking after yourself will always lead to feeling bummed out sooner or later.


Card two - What brought you down

This is what actually brought you down. The specifics of how you ended up in a funk. 'Cos sometimes you just don't know.

I got the Six of Cups reversed. For me that feels like it's about not being on the path, or stressing about not being on the right path. Focusing on the wrong things. 


Card three - Energies around you

This card represents what's going on around you - what energies you can draw from to help you, or what's around you that needs clearing

I got the King of Cups reversed. It got me thinking about how to practice self care with a masculine energy... There's some energy here about being depleted, but a message to refill in a more masculine way rather than just having bubble baths. 

What do you guys think about the whole self-care with a masculine vibe thing?!


Card four - What could keep you down

This card points you towards the things that you need to watch out for if you're going to try to pick yourself up. Whatever's going on in this card is something that's a challenge for you, something that can totally absorb your energy and keep your cup empty if you let it.

I got the Empress reversed. For me that's about creating a LOT of stuff, but not actually giving birth to it! Hmmmmm, interesting! 


Card Five - What will help

This card will give you a message of what to focus on to get out and stay out of this bummed out vibe.

I got Starseed reversed. A message for me here to balance my starseed/high vibe/hanging out with angels energy with being grounded and present in this life, in the here and now. 


I hope this spread helps lift you out of funks, brings you back up when you're feeling bummed out, down or generally blerg. 

Let me see your spreads on social media by using the hashtag #newagehipster or tagging me! :D

With love, light and funk free vibes!

