New age hipster 101

10 Spiritual Practices for Everyday Awesomeness

It's not that easy to create and stick to a daily spiritual practice. It takes a lot of time to work out what works for you, and sometimes a whole lot of butt kicking to get you to actually do it every day.

But I don't believe that a spiritual practice should be a chore. I've tried a lot of different things on my spiritual journey so far and I must admit I tend to gravitate towards the ones that are easy, enjoyable and bring the best results with minimal fuss

So here are 10 spiritual practices for you to pop into your daily routine to help you maintain your general awesomeness with ease


1. Protect Your Energy

As sensitives and empaths it's so important that we protect our energy. Visualise yourself in a bubble, call on Archangel Micheal and/or grab your favourite protective crystal before you head out the door.

My totally free e-book How to Stay Shiny has a bunch more info on how to protect your energy! Grab it here


2. Ground Your Energy

To avoid floating off with the fairies and other feelings of ungroundedness, make sure you ground yourself every day.

One of my favourite ways to do this is through Yoga. I have a non-negotiable daily Yoga practice. Sometimes that means a good 45 mins hanging out with Adriene. Some days it's just five minutes doing a couple of cat cows and some downward dogs. Moving your body is uber important! There's more grounding tips here

A morning Yoga + Tarot session with the Angel Prayers deck and the Fountain Tarot x

A morning Yoga + Tarot session with the Angel Prayers deck and the Fountain Tarot x


3. Talk to Angels + Connect with your Guides

Chatting to those who are helping you from the other side is actually pretty easy. All you have to do is open your mouth and talk! Tell them what's on your mind and ask for their help.

When I was commuting into London from Reading every day I used my shower and driving time to chat to my team. You don't have to do an hour long meditation to connect with your guides and angels, a quick check in when you pop to the loo is just as good sometimes!


4. Use your intuition

Don't ignore nudges from the universe, it's seriously not worth it! I can honestly say that pretty much all of the success I've had in my life is because I acted on those nudges! 


5. Notice the signs

Signs are everywhere. Be open to them. A playing card on the ground, a billboard with a message that feels like it's just for you, an overheard conversation or song lyrics that just hit you where you live.

Divine guidance can and does come from Spotify playlists, Facebook posts and bus numbers


6. Pull a card

Using cards has been a gateway for me into developing my intuition and getting super woo woo. If you have a deck (or many!) try making it an every day thing!

Do a full reading for yourself with candles and incense, or just put them beside your bed and pull one last thing at night. Carry a deck around in your bag, or use your iPhone app! Galaxy Tarot is fab, and I have the Tarot of the Holy Light on my iPhone for when I'm out and about or stuck on public transport. 

If you're in the market for your first deck check out my deck reviews on YouTube! Or, even better, just go with what you're drawn to!


7. Be nice

This should probably really be number one on this list. Being nice to other people is the ultimate spiritual practice.

If you're being a jerk or a grumble bum it doesn't matter how much of this other stuff you do. Some days it's hard to be high vibe, and that's totally OK, but you can still try to be nice to people. Of course you should always stand in your power, but basically; don't be a dick


8. Play with crystals

Crystals are so fun and carrying your fave one in your pocket, or wearing something super shiny on your person can have powerful effects!

I've used smokey quartz to help me out in negative environments, amazonite to boost my confidence and howlite for some awesome calming vibes. Get thee to a crystal shop and find the stones that feel good!

Amazonite is awesome for confidence + following your life path! x

Amazonite is awesome for confidence + following your life path! x


9. Be in gratitude + be present

When you're in gratitude your vibe raises so much.

Write down three things before bed you're grateful for that day. Tell the universe, your guides and angels how grateful you are for the things you have, the people in your life and most of all, don't forget to be grateful for who you are and everything that you've done and are going to do.

Being in gratitude is an awesome way to stay in the present moment. It makes you stop and notice exactly where you are and how awesome it is to be right here, right now! 


10. Clear your Energy

At the end of the day or whenever you need to, make sure you always clear your energy. You can do this in so many ways. Taking a shower, visualisations or working with Archangel Micheal are all good ways to clear yourself ready for another day of spiritual awesomenss! 


You really just have to find what works for you, but it's actually easier than you think to incorporate spiritual practices that are going to work with your lifestyle into your day!

If you want to learn more about spiritual awesomeness be sure to check out Woo Woo 101 - my online course in all things spiritual! Next class starts 25th January! x


With love, light and everyday awesomeness,



Eleven Ways to Shift Spiritual Comparison and Out-Spiriting

Spiritual Competition, Comparison or Out-Spiriting as my mates Lucy & Jo from Higher Selfie would call it, is freaking rife right now in the spiritual communities and it's a major bummer

Spiritual Comparison has so many different faces, but for the most part it just describes anything that gets you into a vibe of comparing your spiritual journey with someone else's.

It could be feeling like someone who's opened their third eye is more enlightened or spiritual than you are when you're still struggling to get any flippin' guidance at all. When the spiritual peeps you follow on Instagram have like a thousand Tarot decks when you've got one deck of oracle cards (I seriously know someone who literally has two thousand). Maybe you're starting a spiritual blog and checking out your fave woo woo Tweeters and feeling so many jelly donuts because they have way more followers than you think you ever will... and in the Tarot community it's super easy to feel a lot of feelings about the success of other readers, especially when you're having a slow month. 

Just like with everything in spirituality, or hey, life in general, your version of spiritual comparison is going to be different. 

For the most part I believe that when we find ourselves getting into judgement and jealousy there's a lot to learn for us about ourselves and our own journey. Most people who won't shut up about their awesome meditation with Archangel Orion are just super excited and want to share their experience and want you to experience it too! They don't mean to harsh your vibe...

But then there are people out there who get their kicks Out-Spiriting others. Old school Tarot Readers who belittle New Age Hipsters for reading with Angel Tarot. Shadow-workers who call what light-workers are doing "crap" (woah Nellie!). There are spiritualistas who roll their eyes at you for eating cheesy nachos, because like, OMG everyone should be vegan if they are spiritual (I wish I could be vegan, but my lifestyle and enjoyment of cheesy nachos can't handle it, maybe one day), and then there are those chics at yoga class who look over at you like OMG you can't even do tree pose - LOLZ. :S

This is something that has been in my face a lot over the last few weeks, and I know many of you are feeling it too, so I thought I'd jot down a few things to remember when you feel like your spiritual journey is similar to sitting in a wheelbarrow being pushed by some drunk guy while everyone else is riding about in a glittery limo pulled by unicorns. 

Does Out-Spiriting make you feel like this guy in the Four of Swords from the Unicorn Tarot? x

Does Out-Spiriting make you feel like this guy in the Four of Swords from the Unicorn Tarot? x

You can totally un-follow or hide stuff that annoys you

If someone in particular is getting on your goaticorn (you know, like a unicorn but a goat) you can totally just hide them off your feed, unfollow them for a while or just unfollow them forever. Even if you don't know why they are getting to you.

Sometimes we just don't vibe with people who are doing the same things we're doing and that's totally fine. There are a lot of woo woo people coming out of the closet and onto social media with a lot of different vibes and messages. If someone is making you feel bad about yourself and your journey, hide that shit and search out the accounts that feel more loving and better for where you're at. 


Don't hang around with people who make you feel bad

It's easy to hide stuff online so you don't have to see it, but IRL (that's in real life for those of you who didn't hang out in chat rooms in the 90's) things are different. You can't just stop going to Yoga because someone scoffed at your downward dog. Well, you can, but you really shouldn't have to. If you have woo woo mates who enjoy Out-Spiriting each other maybe don't hang around with those people as much. 


You don't have to resonate with everyone and everything

Just because someone is a super famous spiritual leader or hot blogger or whatever it doesn't mean their message has to be for you. I follow a few people that I really admire and even though their work doesn't totally resonate with where I'm at in my journey right now I can totally see the value in it for others. I don't have to resonate and click like on all their posts to totally respect their work. 

I think a lot of us are like - oh I didn't vibe with that one thing that person said, I can't follow them any more. Well that's totally your choice, but you're never gonna resonate 100% with anyone, not even yourself! Woah! Search out the people you resonate with most of the time and it's all good. 


Go rogue

Forget everything you've ever learned about woo woo and just close your eyes and listen. Your spiritual journey has nothing to do with books, courses and gurus. It's about you and your own soul. While all this outside stuff can totally help you on your journey it's only supposed to be a way to help you connect with yourself and your own guidance, it's not the answer, it's just a way to help you find the answers you already have! 


Tell them you're not playing the game

If you have a blog or social media account tell everyone you're not playing. Just be like: I'm totally #SpiritualComparisonFree! (Thanks Lucy for letting me mashup your hashtag!)  


Look in the mirror

When stuff comes up that makes us feel shit about our own journey it's super easy to go straight into "that person is a jerk" mode. Sometimes that person is a jerk, but it's also super valuable to ask yourself what they triggered in you and take a look at that.

Maybe all those Yoga bunnies are bringing up your own stuff about getting healthy. Maybe the guy that speaks his truth pisses you off because you really struggle to be authentic and have some of your own throat chakra stuff to clear. Maybe everyone getting a book deal makes you feel like a loser because you haven't even tried. Whatever comes up is important to consider. Sometimes people are just jerks, but even jerks can bring spiritual lessons!


Don't go down to their level

Don't react to Out-Spiriting with more Out-Spiriting.

I learned this the hard way when I started getting massively trolled on the Tarot forums. Hard-core Tarot traditionalists are very rarely (I know some of you are out there, stop hiding!) New Age Hipster fans, and that's totally OK because I didn't actually start New Age Hipster for those old school traditionalists, I started it for you, that was the whole point! 

Sticking up for yourself and speaking your truth is super important, saying it 26 different ways to people who've already left the building is not so important. Know when you're chatting to closed ears and move on with your life. Leave that group and don't worry about those guys. 


Have a moan

K, so this isn't very high vibe advice and I appreciate some people might be like - OMG Vix I expected better from you. But seriously, when you've been Out-Spirited sometimes it's better to talk about it than keep it all inside!

If you don't have a woo woo mate who gets it to FB chat with you're always welcome over at the Spiritual Journey Pitstop to talk about this stuff. We've been chatting about it this week and it's been awesome. We don't always agree 100% on stuff, but we're always supportive of each other and that just makes it way more interesting, awesome and conducive to everyone's spiritual growth! Whooop! 


Remember everyone is on their own journey

This is seriously my favourite mantra. When faced with Out-Spiriters or even well-meaners who get under your skin remember that we're all here to learn different stuff, to experience different things and that's OK.

Some people are probably even here on divine missions to be Out-Spiriters just to give the rest of a us a chance to work on our stuff, so we should really be thanking them! :P 


Live in the now man

Some days you need to switch off from being "spiritual" and just go to the pub or something. Talk to people who aren't woo woo. Talk about work, relationships, politics, environmental issues, what night the bin goes out, share your life goals and dreams, gossip about hot celebrities or sit in a cafe and just check out people's outfits for fashion inspo.

Your spiritual journey is a huge part of your life, but it's not the only part. You came here to be human, so like, focus on that too!


Forgive Yourself

If you've Out-Spirited people in the past whether knowingly or not, forgive yourself. Let it go and just set an intention to try not to do it so much.

Sometimes when we are being jerks we don't even realise. I'm sure at some point someone out there has felt Out-Spirited because of something we've all said or done, intentionally or not.

Let's just all try really hard not to Out-Spirit each other.

Let's share our journeys with the intention of sharing the love and knowledge rather than looking cool or enlightened. Hey, we're all human and it's still going to happen, but let's try our best to be excellent to each other.

With love, light and huge spiritual community group hugs,



How to Come out of the Spiritual Closet (and what to do when people don't get it) x

How to come out of the spiritual closet

It's not always easy to talk about and share your spiritual beliefs, especially when you're not really sure how people are going to respond. 

In my life I've been really pleasantly surprised by how many people in my life have been totally down with what I'm doing, and most people, even if they don't totally "get it" are super supportive. 

Everyone is different, and each person in your life is going to respond to your woo woo differently. But I've put together some of the most common reactions you're going to get from people once you start putting yourself out there as a starting point to help you begin to crack open that closet door!

Check out the video below for a chat and a ramble about my personal experiences which hopefully will help you too. x


Clues for kindred spirits

A really super easy, very painless way to start coming out of the spiritual closet is to give people clues. I wear crystals, dreamcatchers, chakra colours, angel wing earrings, t-shirts that say "good vibes only". Sometimes I go all out, sometimes I just wear one thing. It's my way of expressing my spirituality even if I'm not going to be actually telling people about my beliefs. 

I look for clues that other people are offering up too. When I see someone wearing crystals or gemstones I ask them what stone it is, and make a comment on what it's healing properties are to suss out if we're on the same page! 

Other really easy "ins" are to talk about star signs and moon cycles. When you ask someone what star sign they are or offer up info about your own it's letting people know that you're into astro stuff, which let's face it, is pretty mainstream anyway. If you get a good vibe from that person, talk to them about numerology, tarot or whatever else you're into and see where it goes!


Curious Cats

A lot of people won't be into it, but they might be a bit curious. These folks are awesome to come out to. They will be really interested and ask you weird questions and they might even ask you to read their cards. 

In my experience I've found a lot more people are in this category than I thought. I was worried about telling people for a long time that I was a tarot reader, but when I did, most people were totally fine with it and actually really interested!

Coming out to curious cats is easy, you get to be a novelty, these folks think your spirituality is quirky and weird but kind of cool, and some of them even end up getting into it too! 


Understanding Types

These are the people who you can talk to about your beliefs, but they aren't that excited about your new Angel cards. They see that you're happy and your path is awesome for you and they are really happy for you, but they have their own beliefs and their own journey, but plenty of respect for yours too so it's all good. 

You can have some great talks with these folks about spirituality and religion over a beer, but don't expect to be able to drag them to Chakra Dance


Uninterested Individuals

They don't get it and are not interested in anyway, and hey, that's totally cool. 

They might have their own belief systems or ideas about the universe that clash with yours, or they might just really not want to even think about that stuff. These are the people who really don't want to hear about your new deck or the unicorn meditation you did this morning

It's not because they don't like you or don't want to be friends with you any more. It's kind of like if your friend was really into golf and you were just like, not. You wouldn't want to hang around and listen to golf stories all day

You can keep these friendships solid by talking about all the other stuff that's happening in your life when you're hanging out with them. 


Nasty Nancys

And then you get the people who are actually mean to you about your beliefs. Ouch! 

They might not be really mean, they might just be passive aggressive or joke about your beliefs.

First thing you need to do with these guys is pull them up on it. Tell them it's not actually OK to be mean or make fun of other people's beliefs and see how that goes. If they keep doing it and it's making you feel bad, you don't have to hang out with those people. Your real friends might be uninterested in your spiritual journey, but they'll never make you feel like crap about it. 


The really difficult ones

We were talking in Spiritual Journey Pitstop last week about telling your family, or other people in your life when you know they just aren't going to be even a little bit OK with it. 

To this I say - you don't have to tell them, or if they do know already and it upsets or worries them, you don't have to talk to them about it. When they ask you about it or tell you it's the Devil's work or whatever, just say you don't want to talk about it, change the subject or whatever else works for you. 

You should never lie about who you are or what you believe in, but you also don't have to put yourself in difficult situations by opening up to people before you (or they!) are totally ready.

You can still show people who you are, and be authentically you without wearing your Hug Me I'm Woo Woo t-shirt. 

There has never been a safer time for us to come out and share what we're up to, but it's OK if you don't want to share that with the whole world just now. Start with online groups or friends you know are going to get it and work your way up to telling the whole world. 

Be you, shine your light and share your crystal collection with people who are going to appreciate it. To everyone else, just focus on sharing love and light... for now. 

Love, light and coming out of closets,



How to forget FOMO! 5 affirmations for your bathroom mirror x

Zorro always gets FOMO when he can't go outside. x

Zorro always gets FOMO when he can't go outside. x

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) has always been a thing. I remember living in Edinburgh way before we were all addicted to our iPhones and I was always having serious FOMO every time my friends who didn't work during the day went off and did something without me while I was at work. URgh! 

But now we have iPhones (YAY!) so when your friends go off and do cool stuff while you're at work, or school, or stuck at home or whatever, instead of just being a bit grumpy, you are literally faced with their good time. They might even tag you in it. OMG how annoying!! 

But there's another type of FOMO too - the one where you look at what other folks are doing with their lives and feel really lame about your own life. How did she get a book deal? How did she get such a hot boyfriend? You know the drill. 

Affirmations are bloody brilliant and totally underrated in my opinion. Yes they are dorky, but they work. Seriously. Especially for stuff like FOMO! Here's five that work wonders for me, I hope they help you too! (You can totally rework these into your own voice if my #newagehipster lingo doesn't float your boat!)


This moment is seriously freaking awesome!

The thing about FOMO is that we start to think that somewhere else and some other moment is better than the one we are having right now. But hang on for a second. You are alive, you are breathing, you actually exist here on this crazy planet, I mean seriously, who cares if you're on the couch or out at Glastonbury Festival? It's freaking amazing that you're even here! So whoooooooop! Celebrate your life man. 


I totally respect, trust and honour my own rad journey

When we get down on where we're at it's because we don't trust what's going on for us. Look back at your life journey thus far. Has it not been incredible? Have wonderful things happened? Are you in a better place now than ever before? Can you see that more awesome things are heading your way?! Of course you can, and if you can't, come get a reading and we'll find them


I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be

If you were supposed to be at that bar hanging out with Kit Harington you would be. Maybe you're just meant to meet him later, when he's ready for you you know? Like when he's finished working through all his "stuff". 


Everyone is on their own journey

Remember that an IG pic doesn't really tell you much about someone's life. One pic of a fancy salad doesn't mean that person lives like that all the time. You don't know that they didn't have a dirty burger and a pint for their main course! And you don't know what other people are going through in their offline lives. Other folks are probably looking at your social media and having FOMO over you! 


I give and receive, I love and I am loved in equal measure

What other people have that you're all jelly of is just a clue to what you want! Instead of throwing neg vibes at the folks who have what you have, how about working for it to happen in your own life? Click like and comment nice things on the stuff that gives you FOMO and start focusing more on creating your dream life and less on someone else's dinner.

Love, light and lipstick affirmations!



If you're digging these affirmations you're going to go crazy over

Woo Woo School!

How to be Spiritual on a Budget

There are times in our lives when we are abundant in love, but a little cash poor. Perhaps you are waiting for your abundance truck to come in, or maybe you are in a crazy awesome mega money flow. Whatever your situation in the bank, getting a good deal can still feel darn good! 

So for those of you out there who love a discount as much as I do, I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite free things and super cheap ways to keep your spiritual cup full, even when you are living off beans and white bread.


Inspiration for your ears

There are sooooo many free spiritual podcasts on iTunes! There are loads of free Gabrielle Bernstein lectures to listen to and my personal fave - The Psychic Teachers. And if you check out our neighbourhood Passion Junkie Fab's podcast you might even find an interview with me on there! :-O I could write a whole post about podcasts, because I love so many of them, but just go check them out for yourself and see what you find! There is soooo much totally free spiritual goodness to be had on iTunes!


Free Meditations

YouTube is so good for free meditations! I LOVE Neil Cooper's Meditations and also came across the lovely Ros recently who has really seriously awesome Angel Meditations! Hay House Presents also have an awesome playlist of meditations featuring totally free meditations with gorgeous and amazing peeps like Doreen Virtue and James Van Praagh!


Free Yoga

If you are looking for some amazing free Yoga videos on YouTube you can't go past Yoga with Adriene!



Don't think you have to spend a small fortune on a cute necklace just because a certain stone is resonating with you right now. Part of the reason I wear chip bracelets all the time is because they are uber cheap! But even cheaper are regular plain old tumble stones. Pop them in your pocket, or even hide them in your bra! You can grab tumble stones from any new age shop, gift shop or even some museums have them too! Etsy have loads and lots of peeps are popping them into special bags to make searching for what you need a whole lot easier!

These babies cost between just 25p and a couple of quid each! x

These babies cost between just 25p and a couple of quid each! x

Cheap books

There are a few ways I get my super cheap spiritual books. When something comes on my radar I check out Amazon and go straight to the used prices. If you don't mind a few dog ears and marks on your cover you can get amazing things for as little as ONE penny! I'm not even joking! Plus postage, but that still only brings your book up to £2.81! I've found books on healing, Doreen Virtue books for 1p and there's even some brand new books for only 22p! But buying second hand is good for the planet, good for the trees and good for your pocket too! Add books to your wishlist on Amazon and then check back later because the prices often go even further down!

If you really do prefer your books brand new, or you can't find what you want second hand, check out Wordery and Book Depository. They ship anywhere in the world for FREE and often have cheaper prices too! I just bought a book on Wordery for £7.16 that had a recommended retail of £16.99! BARGAIN ALERT!!

Charity shops often have spiritual books tucked away in their non-fiction sections. Just this week I scored a Marianne Williamson book for £1! A bargain and it helps charities too! YAY!

This awesome book was only £1.61! OMG! YES! And it's a pretty good read too! 

This awesome book was only £1.61! OMG! YES! And it's a pretty good read too! 



Head over to Doreen Virtue's channel for an Angel Reading or hit up the New Age Hipster channel! Even though these readings aren't totally personalised to you, you'll find that certain words will grab you, some cards will feel like they are just for you and they will also help you make sense of the energies around you. Great for you if you can't grab a personal reading just now.



Many readers, such as myself, offer occasional giveaway readings, and other random freebies so make sure you follow the readers you like on InstagramFacebook and Twitter so you are the first to see when these things happen. Every time I do a deck review I ask my FB peeps for a question so I can include in my video how the cards work for a reading. You can see one I did for the lovely Gracy! The reading starts at 17:17.


Cheap Decks

There is a lot of talk about second hand decks being bad juju. I was on that bandwagon myself, but after I found The Angel Oracle Deck for just 29p on Amazon I changed my tune about that. The deck had barely been touched and I do totally think that deck was meant to come to me! Recycling is super important these days, so if you see an awesome second hand deck don't freak, you are just doing some spiritual recycling! Also check Ebay for a bargain deck too - especially hard to find decks! I got the Art Nouveau Tarot for about £20 on Ebay a little while ago and it's now going for £75! Keep your eyes peeled for a bargain!


Not a bad for 29p! Just one of the cards in the Angel Oracle deck by Ambika Wauters. x

Not a bad for 29p! Just one of the cards in the Angel Oracle deck by Ambika Wauters. x


Candles and other bits

We can't all afford to kit out our altar with stuff from the local Crystal store. I often buy scarves and tablecloths from charity shops or Etsy! Incense is pretty cheap, you can even check pound stores to find it even cheaper. I found this cool picture of Mother Mary for a couple of quid in a pound store! Don't worry about spending loads on candles either, a few home brand tea lights or a couple of white pillars from IKEA can look just as awesome as anything you spent a bucket-load on! Again check out charity stores for brick-a-brack bits like candle-holders! And if you want some images to stick around the place, save them from Pinterest and then print them off at work (haha, I didn't tell you to do that! :-P ) and stick them around your spiritual areas!

Cosmic Tarot from Wordery, Candle holder from charity shop! x

Cosmic Tarot from Wordery, Candle holder from charity shop! x


You can literally spend NO money and still be a total spirit junkie these days, and for just a couple of quid you can get yourself a deck and some books! 

May the metaphysical force be with you bargain hunters. Please come over to Facebook and share your bargains with us all too! 

Love, light and bargain shopping!



Past Life Power Spread

Past Life Power Spread - get a glimpse at your past life issues! - Vix
Past Life Power Spread - get a glimpse at your past life issues! - Vix

I've spent a whole heap of time developing my clairvoyance and it's sooooo cool to get glimpses into my past lives, and the past lives of others! But my clairvoyance has an eye of it's own (lol!) and it always works better when I have some pretty pictures to kick it into gear, and Tarot cards are so perf for this purpose! OMG I just wrote perf. :/

But you don't have to be clairvoyant to get a glimpse of your past lives and be able to use this information to help you in the here and now, because it's super cute to know you were a shoemaker in some little Eastern European town in the middle ages, but how can that help you right now? So here's a Past Life Power Spread I created so that we can all get some messages about our past lives no matter how psychically developed we are!

<3 Get started

You can focus on a question for this, such as "what past life issues relate to the shit I'm going through at work", or just go ahead and ask "what past life stuff do I most need to know about right now?"

<3 Card One: Soul or Soul Lesson

This card represents your soul, or soul lesson. It can show you where you are at and what your life lesson is right now, for example what this shitty job is teaching you. Or it can focus on a bigger life lesson like learning to speak your truth. This card can show you something about your soul! If you get the Star card you have a super shiny soul! If you get the Devil, don't freak out, this is probably just a message for you for you to get out of the bondage that is your shitty job!

<3 Card Two: How this past life affects you now

This is what you have brought with you from your past life into this life. Usually this card is going to show you something that you need to let go of. Whatever is in this card is about your past life, not this life! Let it gooo, let it goooo!

<3 Card Three: Past life power to embrace!

Sometimes we forget the power that we held in past lives, the personality traits we had that were really cool! This card calls you to embrace this power in this life. What's the point of having past lives if we don't get smarter and stronger over the centuries?! Am I right grrls and guys?!

<3 Card Four: A message or memory

So this one is a little vague on purpose. This is a message or memory that your past life has for you. We've seen what we need to let go of and we now know our power, but there might be something else this life wants to show you. A little reminder of who you were, and who you are!

<3 Words of wisdom

Looking into your past lives can be pretty full on. If you aren't ready to, don't go there. You can use this spread without the past life influence like this:

1. where you are right now

2. what you need to let go of in this life/situation

3. your power to call on

4. something to remember about yourself

If you wanna see this spread in action check out the video below! I was just doing an example spread but it ended up being an awesome message for me about a past life!

Let me know how it goes for you, I'd love to know who you were in a past life! Maybe we made shoes together, or hung out under palm trees in Egypt!

<3 Love, light and powerful past lives! <3



Mercury Retrograde 2015 - Stop Bitching and Get Empowered!

Mercury Retrograde empowering stop bitching new age hipster
Mercury Retrograde empowering stop bitching new age hipster

Every time Mercury Retrograde appears even the most spiritual high vibrational ones amongst us turn our Facebook pages into raging bitch and moan fests. Hey, I've done it too. We all have. We've all been hit with difficulties during these times. Communication break downs, car or electronic break downs and even our own personal melt downs are the things Mercury Retrograde is made of.

May 19th 2015 starts us off on another few weeks of challenges. It's due to end on the 11th of June, but if you are anything like me - a little sensitive to planetary or energetic "stuff" you'll be feeling the shadow period too, which means it ends up being nearly two months of this feeling of wheels spinning going nowhere.

This Mercury Retro though, I've decided to stop complaining and empower myself. Oh, and I've decided to empower you guys too! I've done a reading for you all which you can watch below. It's similar to the weekly reading but I look at how this retro is going to affect us emotionally, how it will affect our earthly stuff (body and like, "stuff"), what may be going on with our thoughts and also, the real kicker - what we can do about it all!

This is what I love about Tarot and divination. You can get a sense of the energies around you and instead of bitching and moaning about it, you can work with them. Use this knowledge to make the most of the Retrograde. Find out now what's going to be your challenge(s!) instead of having a hissy fit every time something Retrogradish happens!

I'm also offering a bunch of Retrograde Readings for y'all over on my Etsy Store! Sometimes when blocks and challenges come to the surface during the M.R it's actually a really good chance to look at what's going on. Mercury doesn't bring up new stuff, it can highlight all the stuff that was already there. Job not going anywhere? Total relationship dramas? It's not like Mercury is making you hate your job, you probably hated it already! It's a great time to go through your stuff, do some journalling, pull your own cards or for the teeny tiny price of just £15 I can whip up a spread for you personally that looks at a bunch of your blocks and challenges and what you can actually do about them. I'm still in my first year of this New Age Hipster biz so I'm pretty cheap right now. One day soon I'll be charging a lot more for this kind of thing so get in quick before my wait list is like a month long because that's what I'm manifesting people! LOL! Seriously though.


Now here’s my list of tips for rolling forwards when ole’ Mercury is rolling back.

<3 Check in with your goals and make sure you really want to go where you are going. If you’re happy with your path - keep on trekking! If it feels slower, whatever, at least you are moving towards your dream!

<3 Remember it's Mercury that's going backwards - not you!

<3 Don’t use Mercury Retrograde as an excuse to procrastinate and do nothing for three weeks or up to two months!

<3 If you can’t get excited about your dreams during the retrograde maybe you need different dreams.

<3 Don’t blame Mercury for everything that goes wrong. You didn't back up your work, that’s on you babe, not Mercury.

<3 Stay in Gratitude about the good stuff and keep positive.

<3 Every time you moan about Mercury you are manifesting more things for Mercury to do for you to moan to about.

<3 You don’t have to sit in the bath the whole time. Sometimes a quick shower works just as well if you need some self care time.

<3 Check out the video below to see how you can become the High Priestess of the Mercury Retrograde!

<3 Get your own personal Retrograde reading. Sometimes retrograde doesn't just slow us down, it highlights some blocks that we’re actually carrying around like all the time.

<3 Love, light and a bitch-free Mercury Retrograde! <3



Its OK to be emo (sometimes) - What to do about bad days

3 of swords reversed rider waite smith

Ever had a bad day? It happens. Yes, even to those of us who practice self love, self care, self help and are totes into our spiritual practice. We can still find ourselves slipping under the doona covers and wanting to stay there all day, sometimes without any real apparent reason.

In the Modern Mystic world we are constantly bombarded with messages of positivity - keep your thoughts positive and stay in a high vibration!  We know if we don’t stay high we won’t manifest our hearts true desires and instead will begin to attract more bad days. That's when we panic and think - shit, I’m manifesting more misery in my life - I must be happy immediately!


This morning was one of those mornings for me. I dragged myself out of bed and got in the shower - where I always say hello to my guides and angels and whoever else is with me.

Me: Urgh, I know this is bad guys, but I just feel low today, I just want to stay home in my Hello Kitty PJs, veg out on the couch, eat a pizza and have a Charmed marathon.

Guidances: It's OK to feel like this. You don’t have to freak out about all your manifesting work going down the toilet. You don’t have to force yourself to feel positive. Sometimes you just have to feel what you are feeling. Sometimes you get so caught up in spreading light, shining bright and living in the light that you can forget the reason you came here is to be human and that means feeling all the human stuff.

You didn't come here to be perfect, you came here to learn, grow and have an awesome journey. Sometimes you need to take a pitstop.


Being emo cheat sheet

<3 Use your emo days as self care days. Watch your favourite show, read a trashy book, do the things you usually don’t have time for or feel guilty doing.

<3 When you feel emo remember you came here to be human.

<3 Don’t beat yourself up, talk to yourself like your best friend would, e.g “Sorry you are having a bad day, do you want a cup of tea and a giant Twix?”

<3 Talk to a friend or loved one and tell them you feel emo but if you think you are going to drag someone else down with you, spend some time alone instead.

<3 Damn well cry it out!

<3 Listen to sad music. There are loads of playlists on Spotify for sad days. Switch it up to a good vibe list when you are ready.

<3 Use that Lush bath bomb you’ve been saving for a special day

<3 Eat whatever your body craves. If it’s fish and chips (why do I always crave fish and chips when I’m emo?!) - screw it and do it!

<3 Rom coms.

<3 Don’t force yourself out of your feelings - let yourself rise back up slowly and when you are ready.

<3 Get straight back into bed when you get home from work or wherever you are.

<3 If it doesn’t feel good and you really want to get higher quicker listen to some fun music, watch a bad comedy or do your best Taylor Swift in the mirror. You never know who may be watching! LOL!

<3 Buy yourself some yellow roses.

<3 Really think about where this feeling is coming from. Sometimes I just get down from watching the news and thinking about the state of the world.

<3 If you know why you feel emo perhaps it’s time to really look at this part of your life.

<3 If you don't know why you are emo, just wait until it passes.

<3 Don’t do anything that you can put off until tomorrow. Chores can wait, your emotional state is more important, you can totally wear those jeans again tomorrow.

<3 Let it be, let it in, let it pass and let it go.

<3 It’s OK to be emo, as long as you don’t stay in this down vibe too long - a day or two is fine, any longer and it may be time to get your own butt, get some reiki or therapy or even get your cards read!


Remember it’s OK to be emo sometimes. You didn’t come here to be living at high vibration all the time, you came here for the human experience, to help the world and make a difference, but it’s OK to take a day off.

<3 Love, light and going back to bed <3



How to make a freaking awesome vision board

With the new moon on Saturday I thought it would be a great day to maybe spend the afternoon chilling and working on a new vision board. The new moon is the best time to get cracking on your manifestation!

So I get that vision boards aren't a new thing and you may have even made quite a few yourself over the years, but if you haven't, or if you just want a little inspiration for your next one I thought I'd share with you how I do them. I started making vision boards years ago and every time I make a new one the process evolves, just like yours will. Feel free to use any of the ideas below but stay true to your intuition and make the vision board that is right for you!

You can make a vision board for your life in general or a specific part of your life. I made the above vision board for New Age Hipster, but I've been meaning to update my whole life one for ages! I would highly recommend that if you do one for your business or work or whatever that you do another one for everything else. You don't want to get too focused on your work and forget all the amazing things you want for the rest of your life!

Let's get started!


You will need:

<3 Magazines

<3 Card or paper

<3 Scissors + glue

<3 Glitter!

<3 Whatever other craft bits

<3 Intention

<3 Vibe raising music

A note on magazines: I find the best ones to use are things like Psychologies, Soul and Spirit, Red and anything arty or heavy on high quality images. Try to stay away from the trashy mags, and that's not a judgement on your reading material, hey I love to grab a trashy mag every now and then, but most of the images are of celeb cellulite and they tend to be full of gossipy low vibes. Yes this could spark a debate about how most magazines contain gossipy low vibes - stick to your Psychologies and spiritual mags if you prefer, I just really like Red because they always have great travel images! :-)


Step 1: Get comfy

Find a space where you can totally spread out everything and where you aren't going to be disturbed by people who aren't going to get wtf you are doing. I have a desk right now that I can spread out on, but I also really like working on the bed! Dining tables work well too but do be careful if your table is glass as you may accidentally (I'M SO SORRY!) scratch the surface with your scissors.

Find some music that suits your vibe. You are manifesting right now so you need to be concious about the kind of music you listen to. Spotify has some cool Zen/Focus playlists which I like, but there's also this amazing song Expand into Intuitive Knowing which is CRAZY high vibe manifesting music so don't be thinking anything crap about yourself when listening! If you have a favourite band or playlist that raises your vibe, even if it's like power ballads or whatever, go for it! You know what makes you feel good!


Step 2: Cutting out pictures

So now you've got the music on, maybe you've made a cup of tea too, and you are ready to start. You may want to say a little prayer or whatever but I usually find that the intention you come to this activity with - to create your life is usually enough. All you want to do is start flipping through the magazines and clipping out anything that resonates with you.

At this point I wouldn't worry too much about finding a picture of a dream house, finding specific words or holiday destinations, just clip anything that catches your eye. Don't worry about cutting anything out too neatly either. If you end up with loads of stuff left over you can keep it somewhere safe for next time, or another project. If you stay open you may find that things are popping out at you that you didn't even know you wanted or needed in your life. You might start noticing pictures of cats and thinking - oh yeah, I do really want a cat in my life. Or a holiday destination you've never even heard of may catch your eye and you may end up going there and meeting the love of your life! Ooooh!

Check out the image below that I stuck on when I was manifesting for a cat - my cat looks a lot like that white one being squished! :-)

Step 3: Organising pictures

First get your backing ready. I usually just tape a bunch of paper together for my backing, but you can use a nice card or whatever. One vision board I used I just stuck stuff onto brown paper roll. Make it as big as you want, but you may find you want to make it bigger as you go, which taping paper together allows for.

Then start going through your pictures. Put down the ones you definitely want, arranging and rearranging until you're happy! You can always go back to your magazines if you want more pictures.


Step 4: Glue & Glitter!

Then all you have to do is glue all your pictures on! When I'm done I like to put some glitter on somewhere, either around the edges, or on specific pictures or wherever the hell I want! Glitter is totally optional, but I think it adds a touch of magic!


Step 5: Stick it up

When it's dry find somewhere to hang it. The idea is to put it somewhere you are going to see it all the time. I get that not everyone has a place like this, but try to put it somewhere as prominent as possible! 

This one hangs in my bedroom because my bf is cool like that, but in previous living situations I've had to be a little sneakier about where I put it!

Vision boards - New Age Hipster

Tips and tricks:

<3 Take a photo of a section of your board and make it your phone or laptop wallpaper - esp great if you can't put it up somewhere really obvious

<3 Don't be afraid to include pictures of people who resonate with you, I was afraid to do this on my first few in case I somehow manifested that person - LOL! But now I have an image of a chic working from home on my biz board, Wonder Woman and Dolly Parton!

<3 Stick anything you want on there. It doesn't have to be all dream houses and yoga poses, a glittery pair of earrings or a perfume bottle may symbolise things you want out of your life, so stick 'em on!

<3 Light a candle of intention while you work

<3 Make a new vision board whenever you feel like you need to, on the new moon is especially great, so is new year and your birthday!

<3 Have a vision board party! Get all your friends to come round and sit around and share your dreams

<3 There is no right or wrong, and as you create different boards for different things at different times in your life you will discover your own best way for you to make a vision board that makes your dreams come true...


Share your own awesome ideas for creating your vision board (or a picture of your board!) either in the comments below or come on over and chat to other visionaries on FacebookAnd you just have to let us know when things start manifesting - because you know they will! ;-)

<3 Love, light and new vision vibes! <3




How to get over your ex for good!

Taylor Swift and Harry Styles
Taylor Swift and Harry Styles

OMG my ex is such a loser! I'm such an idiot for going out with him/her! Urgh, I effing hate my ex! What did I see in that person, seriously?

Does the mere thought of your ex make you cringe, feel sick or just really, really annoyed? Most of us at one point or another have been through a break-up, and they are freaking tough. Weeks, months or even years later the hurt can stay with us. Late night stalking of your ex, or their new partner leads to even more feelings of resentment or anger, or any of the multitude of feelings you can feel after 2 am while thinking about the person that used to be your person.

Does any of this sound just a little bit familiar? Well, with the Full Moon upon us I thought I'd let you in on a little releasing-the-ex ritual that I've done (many times!) with great success! Huzzah! We're going to swap out that negative stuff you've been saying about your ex for something positive, in the process healing, clearing and making way for the new. Because let's face it, the best reason to get over your ex for good is because you want something better in your life right? Well let me tell you, one more "my ex boyfriend is such a dick" speech in front of a group of new cute guys down at the local pub isn't going to make that happen.

<3 What you will need: A pen, some paper, a box of matches/lighter, somewhere safe to burn stuff, a desire to move on with your life.

<3 Step 1: Choose an ex that's been bugging you. Someone you've been thinking about, someone you have unresolved issues with, or even a crush you can't quit.

<3 Step 2: Write this person a letter. But here's the catch - everything you write has to be positive. Tell them why you fell for them, talk about their good traits, thank them for teaching you about [whatever!], tell them you'll always remember that crazy trip to [that place!].

<3 Step 3: Finish your letter with a "Thanks for the lessons and the blessings". You can list all the lessons and blessings if you really want to. Now sometimes all you want to say is something like "thanks for making me realise how much of a dick you were", or "I've learned that men are total morons and I'm better off without them". That's no good! Try something like "thank you for helping me see this strength within myself", "thank you for showing me what I really want in a relationship". Keep it positive!

<3 Step 4: Sign it off with love and wish them luck, and try to mean it. Imagine you will actually never see or hear from this person again and they are deleting all their social media accounts. This is the last thing you will get to say to them. I like this way to end it:

"I wish you love, I wish you luck and I let you go".

Oh yeah, and put your name too!

<3 Step 5: Burn it! Let the Universe carry your letter off on the wind. Or bury it in the ground, shred and recycle, whatever you do, just make sure to get rid of it somehow.

<3 Step 6: Repeat for all the loves, lost loves, crushes and exes that have even just a little hold on you.

They will always be a part of your past, but your present and your future is yours. Make it amazing.

<3 Sending you loads of love, light and beautiful releasing vibes! <3



<3 Step 7: Have a sing-a-long!

PS - if you don't think you could ever be ready to do something like this with an ex that's OK, but you need to talk to someone about that. Get some therapy, have a full confidential tarot or angel reading to look deeply at what's really going on for you, or find another way to start working through it, but you gotta work through it. x