
The week ahead - Baba AKA God cakes

photo (21) Last week I had a question that was basically along the lines of who is the week ahead card for? So let me answer that before I go on with this week's card. Whenever I pull a card for my blog, whether it's for the week ahead or #Caturday cat cards I always ask my team (God, Angels, Guides and whoever else is with me from the light!) for a card that is for anyone who happens upon this blog and this page, so the answer is - this card is for you. Whoever is reading this right now! :-) However, if the card just doesn't resonate with you then that's totally fine too! Only you can know if this card is really for you or not. ;-)

Now onto the reading! I finally got my so awesome Morgan's Tarot deck this week. I wanted it ever since I started researching Tarot cards of the 1980's. I thought it was such an odd ball deck and it really spoke to me when I saw pictures from it online. However, when I unwrapped the plastic and went through the cards I was like 'OMG wtf is this deck?' I thought maybe it was just a little too far out for me. But then I started shuffling and as I shuffled I really felt like actually this deck was definitely going to be able to speak to me. Yay!

OK, now really onto the reading! This week I pulled 'Baba'. The word 'Baba' has so many meanings in different languages and cultures; 'father', 'God', 'cake', 'Holy man', but how does that relate to our week ahead? I feel like this is a reminder to connect with God, whatever that means to you. Hang out with God this week, chat to God in the car, in your head, in the shower, before you fall asleep. Get it all off your chest this week. Whatever is bothering you, whatever is making you happy in your life, whatever you want fixing or changing talk to God about it all.

And may I suggest it could also be a good week to bake or buy a cake. ;-)


Love, light and God cakes,





#Caturday cat cards - Three of Cups

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The Three of Cups is a super fun Saturday Caturday card! Three lady cats are having the best time ever drinking and dancing; you don't need to have read all the books on Tarot (although you should read Dusty White's The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot Ever if I may recommend!) to work out what this card is saying to us today.

Good company, fun times. And if you don't have any money you can drink plain old water with your friends. And if you don't have any friends you can have a glass of your drink of choice on your own and maybe find some fun people online to connect with. I always respond to comments too! :-)

Love, light and Saturday fun!


Nick Miller - King of Cups


Hands up who struggles sometimes with the court cards? (*Hand goes up*) I mean, what even are they? They are just, like, people sitting or standing around. There's nothing really happening and so it's kind of hard to always make sense of them, especially when you are first starting out with the Tarot. The other cards are easy - 3 of Swords - ah! My heart! 2 of Coins? Sort it out man. 10 of Cups? Wheeeeee! But these court card guys are a little harder to suss out.

I was watching the new episode of New Girl after doing some Tarot practice this week and I was like - OMG Nick Miller is the King of Cups! I totally get the King of Cups card now!

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The King of Cups has that look in his eye like he's thinking about something else, something happening in the past, or the future, where is he?! He's super emotional, artistic (Nick wrote half a book about Zombies!), loyal, friendly and creative. And also, don't forget he's a water element!


Reversed he's an emotional wreck who drinks too much, is totally unstable and doesn't fulfill his potential at all. but upright he's the hard working king of hearts, a warm, loyal guy who just wants to make Jess the happiest girl in the world! And she just loves him so much for that exact reason. She sees his full King of Cups potential even when he's grumpy and reversed. Naaaw!

So here's to Nick Miller, King of Cups sorting his shit out and staying upright!

And if you needed a little more inspiration get out your King of Cups and watch the video below, I'd love to hear what you think!

Love, light and watering cans,


*Disclaimer - I totally think that whatever definitions you have for the King of Cups are right for you,

and I'm just sharing my own personal ideas about the tarot here. :-)

The week ahead - money on mind

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Urgh, don't you just hate these money cards? I want fluffy bunny love cards, not MONEY cards! I don't even want to think about money! Unless it's coming to me in unexpected ways of course...

But hey, guess what? We live in the world, and so money is a huge part of our lives, and the Four of Ariel reminds us this week to stop and think about how we are spending. Are you spending way too much? Or are you hoarding all your money away for a 'rainy day' and being kind of a Scrooge?

A good question to ask yourself is this; Are you spending your money on the things that you value? Or are you just buying crap? Think about it next time you're standing in line at the counter, or about to click 'purchase', ask yourself - 'How much do I value this?'

And it works both ways. You might find yourself putting a bunch of stuff you don't really need or want back on the hangers, but you also might find yourself spending more money on things you wouldn't usually. I rarely spend a lot of money on crystals. I always pick up the £1 tumble stones, when really, because I love them so much, I should be looking at the £5 ones instead.

Love, light and expensive crystals,



Welcome to the new age, hipster! x

I've wanted to start this blog for AGES! Like any new creative venture I'm not totally sure what direction it's going to go in, but it's here and It's happening. Start before you're ready and all that. Something Kyle Gray said at his AMAZING workshop last week at the London Wellbeing Festival really hit me. He said whatever we learned during the day, that we should share it. He was like - the more people that know about this stuff, the better.

I've been reading self help books and dabbling in all kinds of religious and spiritual stuff for years now, and even though I am so very far from figuring it all out, I have learned a lot on my journey so far and what's it all for if I'm just keeping it to my super cute Paperchase journals?

I have about a gazillion ideas for things to blog about from tarot cards to fashion, awesome crystal finds on Etsy and ethical household cleaners. I was a little unsure on how to go about writing this first post, but I was very drawn to the idea of pulling a card for anyone who stumbles across this page.

This is the Nine of Michael from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot and it reminds us to free ourselves of the worst case scenarios playing out in our minds. Focus on the positive, stop thinking about what you don't want and start thinking about what you do want.


Love and Light,
